The big man is on the run

Chapter 175 The "Demon" in the Black Mist

Chapter 175 The "Demon" in the Black Mist

At the same time, in the northwest of Baima City, a group of men and horses landed ashore. Each of these men was holding a clay pot. Some soldiers could see that they were quite nervous. Like a hot potato, it seems that the clay pot will explode at any time.

Xu Huang, who was neatly dressed, also held a clay pot in his arms. He put down the pot, took out a ribbon, measured the wind direction, and nodded after confirming it was correct.

"Ignite the clay pot, blow the smoke into Yuan Shaojun's camp on the west side of Baima City, and then rush in with the general."

"General. There are so many enemies, what should we do if we attack them?"

Xu Huang frowned in displeasure, and reprimanded: "Why are you so timid? You're still wearing a tiger mask. If you don't wear it, take it off and exchange it with the one wearing a mouse!"

The captain next to him shrank his neck embarrassingly. These people were wearing all kinds of weird and hideous masks, just to intimidate the enemy at night and get the enemy to blow up the camp by themselves.

Xu Huang was quite confident that the enemy's soldiers who could fight at night should have been transferred to the direction of the pontoon bridge, and those who stayed in the camp should all have black eyes.

And unlike the time when Gan Ning robbed the camp, this time he not only prepared a disguise in advance, but even sent people to beat gongs and drums to create chaos. More importantly, he also had a large number of "smoke cans".

This kind of "smoke pot" is different from the throwing kerosene pot. Its main purpose is to generate a large amount of thick smoke. The smoke pots carried by these people are enough to form a large black smoke that lasts for a long time.

Imagine, in the black smoke, in the night with only a little moonlight, a large number of monsters and ghosts rushing towards you. For the left behind soldiers who are basically night blind, what a terrifying scene.


Soon, there was billowing thick smoke drifting with the wind, forming a huge smoke area, slowly drifting towards Yuan Shaojun's camp.


Xu Huang, who was wearing a horse mask, was the first to charge forward with a big ax in his hand.

In the dark night, the sentries in Yuan Shao's barracks were choking and coughing, and couldn't open their eyes at all.

After inhaling a large amount of smoke, many Yuan Shaojun soldiers were choked to death.

"Not good! Quickly, report to the general. There is thick smoke ahead, and the enemy is approaching. Hurry up!"

A lieutenant of Yuan Shaojun ran up to a Yuan Shaojun soldier, grabbed the soldier by the shoulder, and shouted eagerly.

Just as the soldier was about to speak back, he found something stuck in his throat and he couldn't make any sound.

Immediately afterwards, a feather arrow was stuck in his throat, his eyes suddenly widened, his body fell down, and he lost his breath.

At this time, the soldiers led by Xu Huang also rushed to Yuan Shaojun's camp, and Yuan Shaojun's sentry could vaguely see the enemy's figure in the thick smoke.

"Quick, light the torches!"

A school lieutenant of Yuan Shaojun ordered urgently.


Immediately, rows of torches lit up in Yuan Shao's army camp, illuminating the surroundings, and he could clearly see the situation not far ahead.

Seeing the situation of the enemy in front clearly, Yuan Shao's soldiers couldn't help being frightened. Could it be that the enemies they are going to face are all demons and ghosts?
And these "demons and ghosts" didn't make any sound at all, and rushed towards them like a tidal wave in silence.

The "demons" came out of the black mist, and slashed at them with weapons. Even though the officer yelled at them, it didn't work. These soldiers were terrified.

"No back! No back!"

However, Yuan Shaojun's soldiers kept retreating.

Of course, before they were completely frightened and collapsed, the complete order was basically maintained at this time.

A few timid people wanted to escape, but they found that they couldn't escape the camp because they were dizzy. Thick black smoke had already enveloped the camp of Yuan Shao's army. In the thick smoke, it was impossible to see the appearance of the enemy clearly.

They feel as if there are "demons" haunting in all directions.

In fact, most of them are the illusion caused by their own people in the thick smoke.

It was the first time for Yuan Shaojun's officers to encounter such a situation.


A soldier of Yuan Shao's army was so smoked that he couldn't open his eyes. Stars appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't see the surrounding scenery clearly. He swung his ring-headed knife and slashed forward, but only hit the air.


With too much force, he fell to the ground with his buttocks, and his eyes were temporarily blinded, only a scream came from his ear.

There seemed to be something more in his hand, the soldier touched it, and it was a bloody human head!
His hand was trembling unceasingly, and the wet blood stuck to his hand, making it impossible for him to hold the knife.

In the next second, there was a "shua!"

His head also flew high.

Other Yuan Shaojun soldiers panicked when they saw their companions dying in front of them. Some timid ones dared not move forward, and some older soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy.


The soldiers of Yuan Shao's army let out screams of fear and fled in all directions.

Seeing Yuan Shaojun's soldiers fleeing, Xu Huang and others did not chase after them. After all, their goal was to open the passage to Baima City.

However, in this way, they fell into the encirclement of the enemy, whether it was Yan Liangwenchou and others who came back from the floating bridge in the north, or the defenders of the South Bank camp who came to attack.

They are not many in number, and once the enemy finds out what is true, they will suffer. Therefore, once an enemy attacks, Xu Huang must deal with the enemy as soon as possible.


"what happened?"

Guo Tu, who had just rested on the desk for a while, was startled. He rubbed the corners of his itchy eyes, squinted his eyes and asked.

The soldier in front of him didn't speak, his figure became circle after circle of phantoms in the eyes of Guo Tu who was a little out of focus.

"What's the matter?!" Guo Tu not only aggravated his tone.


"What? Say it quickly!"

Guo Tu got angry, but the soldier in front of him fell to the ground with a thud, trembling: "There are monsters! It's too scary! A man-eating monster, it's too scary!"

Looking at the soldier in front of him who seemed to be insane, Guo Tu was very impatient and directly asked to drag him down.

However, Guo Tu soon realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

The soldier didn't seem crazy.

In other words, he is not the only crazy soldier.

A lot of news was gathered to him later, all of which showed without exception that the camp on the west side was attacked by monsters, and these monsters could also cast spells, summoning a large amount of black smoke, which was not only dense, but also durable If it disperses, you will feel burning in your chest after inhaling it, and you will die suddenly on the spot in a short while.

Staying on the south bank, Guo Tu, who had the highest command, was in shock. He wanted to send someone to have a look.

If you send too many, you are afraid of being eaten alive by the demons, and it will be his responsibility if you lose too much. If you send less, it seems that it is not very useful.

After thinking about it, he invited Xin Ping to discuss it.

"What do you think we should do?"

"I think it's better to send someone to continue to investigate to see if there are any monsters in the smoke. No one can say for sure about this kind of thing. If the people sent can't come back, then there is no need to send a second wave, monsters. They should all be afraid of the sun, just wait until daytime." Xin Ping said in a deep voice.

"Well! Well, just do as you want!"

Guo Tu nodded when he heard the words, this method is very in line with his wishes.

Of course, it's not that Guo Tu couldn't think of such a solution. As long as he was a little smarter, he could come up with this kind of solution.

But why did he still pull Xin Ping to let Xin Ping say this?
Naturally, I don't want to take responsibility for myself.

The ethos in Yuan Shao's army is such that it has become the instinct of these civil servants to fight against differences and shirk responsibility.

"It's a pity that most of the elite who can fight at night have been taken to the pontoon bridge by the lord. I'm afraid there are not many soldiers who can go to investigate now."

What Guo Tu thought in his heart was that no fault is a merit, as long as he defends the camp, it is a great achievement. To be honest, he is not willing to go out.

"I'll let Mayan lead 5 people to investigate!"

Xin Ping said in a deep voice.

Ma Yan is also a brave general who is good at fighting. With him, such small tasks as detecting the enemy's situation should not be a big problem under normal circumstances.

Of course, in the face of the unknown, it is not known whether Ma Yan will come back alive.

"Well, I can only do this, but I always feel a little uneasy." Guo Tu said with a frown.

"Don't worry, there are not many people to send, so there is absolutely no problem." Xin Ping comforted with a smile.

Mayan led two hundred soldiers and quietly approached the smoky west side of the camp in the dark. The smoke was obviously gathered irregularly, and Ma Yan did not find anything unusual.

But out of caution, he still sent a team of people there first, and observed not far behind himself.

However, just as the team sent by Mayan approached the range of the smoke, there was suddenly the sound of dense arrows coming from the smoke.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Concentrated arrows flew towards Mayan and the others from the front, and Mayan immediately reacted, and quickly turned his horse's head to retreat. At the same time, while retreating, Mayan drew his sword and swept towards the front. The arrows slashed past.

"Ding ding ding~!"

There was a clanging sound of metal impact, and some arrows were cut off by Mayan. However, because the distance was too far, even Mayan could not completely block the arrows, and several arrows pierced the armor .

Fortunately, it didn't penetrate. In this way, the arrow could no longer harm Mayan's life.

But the team of soldiers he sent to investigate had already been tied up like hedgehogs.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Arrows poured down on the soldiers behind Ma Yan like a rainstorm. A Yuan Shaojun soldier was caught off guard and was shot and fell to the ground dead.

Seeing this situation, Ma Yan's face changed, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart, fortunately he didn't trespass into this smoking area recklessly, otherwise, there might be no bones left now.

However, Ma Yan still has some doubts in his heart, what exactly is this smoking area?How could there be such a weird scene?

"General, I think there seems to be a problem with this place, let's retreat first!"

A personal guard came to Ma Yan's side and reminded him.


Hearing the suggestion from the guard, Ma Yan rolled his eyes, and then told the guard: "Pass my order, all retreat!"


Hearing Mayan's order, the personal guard clasped his fists in agreement, and immediately conveyed the order to the army formation.


Hearing the order of the guards, the soldiers also knew that there must be something wrong with the smoking area, so they followed the order to retreat.

However, before going far, Ma Yan suddenly led the team around a corner and plunged into the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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