The big man is on the run

Chapter 35 I Don't Want to See You Again

Chapter 35 I Don't Want to See You Again
"His Majesty?"


Zhong Yao reined in his horse and said in awe, "You have to make a decision."

Liu Yi's expression was a little dazed, and he frowned slightly.

"Wang Can, Yang Xiu, and this eldest lady of the Cai family, stay here together, leave a few soldiers for them, and the rest will go back with me."

Hearing these words, even Fazheng couldn't hold back anymore. When he came out of Laojun Temple, Liu Yi's gaffe was so obvious that he lost his basic logical judgment ability.

"His Majesty!"


Fazheng took a deep breath, and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, the army returning from the east is marching along both sides of the Weishui River at the same time, Guo Bang's more than 1 people are in the north. It is absolutely impossible for the whole army to attack across the river!"

"It can only be a small group of fine cavalry capable of fighting at night." Zhong Yao added: "At most, there will be a thousand people. Taking advantage of the dark night and rainy weather to harass, the Hussar General is here, so there is no serious problem."

Seeing that both Fazheng and Zhong Yao had spoken, Yang Xiu shrank his neck and suggested.

"Your Majesty, let's stay here."

Looking at the clever Yang Xiu who almost wrote "I'm afraid of death" on his face, and the little bean sprout Wang Can who dared not say a word, Liu Yi nodded dumbly.

Seeing that the Son of Heaven adopted a local garrison and waited for Zhu Jun, who had taken over as Hussar General, to stabilize the situation before returning to the camp, everyone felt safe, so they planned to camp on the spot.

Besides, Zhu Jun was General Hussars last year.

It's a pity that there was a solar eclipse last year. According to this era, it was not auspicious. Someone needed to take the blame. Zhu Jun's Hussar General was dismissed, and he was transferred to Da Sinong, one of the nine ministers.

Now that the army is going to fight, Zhu Jun has naturally become the nominal commander of more than 1 troops on the south bank of the Weishui River.

The four troops of Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, Yang Feng, and Dong Cheng have such complicated troops and people's hearts, and only Zhu Jun, who has been famous all over the world for a long time, can hold the field, otherwise no one else will accept whoever goes up.

In the army, seniority, faction, military exploits, and origin are the most important.

Yang Ding's qualifications and family background are high, he was born in Liangzhou, and he was a general of Zhonglang in Dong Zhuo's time.

What about the rest?

In Dong Zhuo's era, Zhang Ji was a school captain, Yang Feng was a rebel recruiter, and Dong Cheng was not even a school captain.

It stands to reason that Yang Ding is the most qualified to be the coach of the South Route of the Xiliang Army System, but Yang Ding is arrogant and selfish, letting his allies take the lead to claim credit for himself, or letting his allies run away on his back, this kind of beggar-thy-neighbor thing has been done too many times , no one trusts him anymore.

Therefore, only Zhu Jun can command these four small army leaders in name.

Guo Bang's elite light cavalry attacked and harassed, and Zhu Jun would certainly be able to stop it.

But after thinking about it, Liu Yi always felt that his heart was hard to calm down.

It's really embarrassing.

I endured humiliation, used various means and scheming, and rolled in the dirty political vortex to complete the plan of Dongchu.

And Dongchu, in addition to taking the opportunity to deal with the dissatisfied army leaders on the road, to control the Xiliang army and then control the court's selfish selfishness.

If there is a little public heart, of course there is!
After returning from Dong Chengying that day and seeing the difficult living conditions of the people in Chang'an with his own eyes, Liu Yi was determined to use all his abilities to lighten the burden on the people who were already suffering too much and not to let so many people in Xiliang The army was stationed near Chang'an to harm the people.

But what happened to what I saw and heard today?

Because of lack of food, the common people had to ruthlessly exchange their sons for food; where the army passed by, the livelihood of the people was poor, and the refugees were forced to become bandits; the scholars who were suffering from hunger and cold had to exchange their most cherished books for a knife to kill their wives!
Even if he, Liu Yi, hadn't caused all of this, could it really have nothing to do with him?
Guo Si can be at ease, and he can harm the people of Sanfu day after day, so can Liu Yi?

You must know that as long as tens of thousands of troops stay on the road for one more day, countless people along the way will be destroyed!
A grain of ashes from the times falls on a person's head, that is a mountain!

The most rational choice is of course the simplest, discarding all emotional factors and just treating the lives of the common people and soldiers as numbers.

According to his own plan, he and Guo Bangxu and Wei Snake manipulated power on the way back to the east, tearing the Xiliang army apart.

But this most sensible choice made Liu Yi's chest so congested that he could hardly breathe.

Liu Yi thought over and over again, but felt that he had to do something, at least to teach Guo Bang a lesson and weaken his strength.

After all, the fact that he proposed to promote Dongchu in the name of crusade against the national traitor Yuan Shao was not for Dongchu in essence, but to take the opportunity to turn things around on the way to Dongchu!

Guo Bang's trouble this time, is it not a "machine"?
Now that Li Jue is staying in Chang'an, if there is a conflict between Guo Si's North Route Army and the South Route Army, he will definitely stand on the sidelines.

The truth couldn't be simpler, Guo Si and the rest of Xiliang's generals had spent all their money, so wouldn't he, Li Jue, be the boss?

As for Guo Bang, the root cause of the disturbance this time was also that the generals of Xiliang joined hands, and their forces even overwhelmed Guo Bang!

This made Guo Bang, who originally regarded himself as the leader and leader of Donggui, feel uncomfortable!

The reverse is also the same, for the Xiliang generals, no one is better than the other now, and it is not impossible to work together to overthrow Guo Si and annex his troops.

Beating up my teammates, this kind of thing has been too common in the Xiliang Army in recent years.

Niu Fu, Li Meng, Fan Chou, Hu Zhen, the graves of these former military leaders are all three feet high.

While Liu Yi was deep in thought, a group of refugees rushed back despite the rain. Seeing the soldiers in armor and holding knives, they dared not move.

Among them, quite a few of them had wounds on their bodies and were supported by their companions.

"Who were you hurt by?"

Liu Yi led the people forward and looked at the person who was carried in the middle by several men.

This man's stomach was torn, and his intestines flowed out, and he was tightly clutched with his hands. He looked like a tough guy.

The refugees were anxious, no one dared to speak, and finally the person being carried gritted his teeth and answered.

"Back to the general, we accidentally bumped into a group of cavalry running eastward on the way across the river. It's our own carelessness and it's none of the military's business."

Obviously, this gutted man was afraid that these people were with the people he met just now!

In the sound of the summer rain, Liu Yi almost doubted his ears.

"You were cut like this. All of you were injured by knives condescendingly. How could you be careless? Whose banner was it playing?"

Before Liu Yi could find out why, he heard the mournful wailing in Laojun's temple.


The chubby woman lost her composure just now, wearing an ill-fitting skirt that she picked up/looted from nowhere, hugging the man and crying.

Seeing this scene, the expression in Cai Wenji's eyes was slightly moved. At this moment, she seemed to be relieved.

"Let me ask again, who is the banner of the killing team?" Liu Yi's voice was full of uncontrollable anger.

The refugees looked at each other in blank dismay, a young man boldly shouted despite his companions' obstruction, "I only see the surname Wu!"

"It's Guo Si's powerful general Wu Xi." Zhong Yao reminded.

"How many rides?"

Now that he said it, the boy let go of his courage: "About. Five or six hundred?"

"It should be the most elite Yebushou under Guo Si's command."

Liu Yi was silent for a moment.

He didn't want to bear it any longer, and he didn't want to see the miserable things of the suffering people in this world anymore.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!
The map of Sansuke, which he had memorized countless times, appeared in Liu Yi's mind. He pondered for a moment, then turned and asked.

"Guo Bang's army rode more than [-] paces between Yangling and Gaoling on the north bank of the Weishui River. There is no pontoon bridge on this section of the Weishui River, is there?"

"Exactly." Fazheng replied affirmatively, "There is a Wei Bridge dozens of miles west of Yangling, and a Jing Bridge a hundred miles east of Gaoling. There is no pontoon bridge in this section of nearly 150 miles."

Liu Yi said quickly: "Wu Xi's troops have five or six hundred riders, and they will not look far away. They must have followed the route we came here."

"That is the road of Weiqiao-Zhidao Pavilion-Baling-Quyou-Hongmen Pavilion, and it must be this road to return."

"As for the official road on the road from Quyou to Hongmenting, a section of it passes through the valley of the tributary of Bashui River."

Fazheng's eyes lit up more and more. He rubbed his fingers and almost blurted out.

"Water attack! Cut off the way back!"

"More than that!"

(End of this chapter)

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