The big man is on the run

Chapter 36 Actually I'm on the 3th Floor

Chapter 36 I'm actually on the third floor

"Your Majesty"

Liu Yi looked at Yang Xiu and interrupted directly: "Guo Si is shameless, so what if I cut off his outstretched hand? If he can go, I can go too!"

Liu Yi supported the sword, a rough plan had already taken shape, some details were still needed to be perfected, but the most important thing was already in place.

"Do you want revenge?"

As soon as this remark came out, the refugees who were already resentful were excited.

Anyone who is cut down on the road will have hatred and want to take revenge, but they just swallow their anger because they are incapable.

With the ability to reciprocate love and hatred, who would persuade himself to "forget it"?
But when they calmed down a little, many people flinched.

It's easy to be hot-blooded, they are unarmed, how can they take revenge?

Facing the armored cavalry, didn't they lose their lives in vain?

At this moment, the belly-broken man struggled and shouted, "Follow this general, go!"

This man seemed to have a lot of prestige among the refugees, and the refugees were slightly taken aback, then obeyed the order.

"Wang Can, Yang Xiu, you and Mrs. Cai will bring a few soldiers to stay, and the rest will follow me, General."

To everyone's surprise, Liu Yi did not take them directly to the valley of the Bashui tributary on the official road, but first went to the former site of Hongmen Banquet not far away, which is now a lime kiln.

"Put it in a sack, just put it there! As much as you have!"

In the depths of the lime kiln, abandoned sacks, cobwebs and excavating tools have been neglected for a long time.

The refugees were a little puzzled. It can be seen that the soldiers were faithfully carrying out the order of the young general, so they had nothing to say and followed suit.

Didn't you see that the young general was digging lime together?
The two scribes, Fa Zheng and Zhong Yao, also helped pass the sacks and tools together.

Fazheng is naturally the kind of person who is willing to take risks, and has no opinion at all about the Son of Heaven taking the initiative to participate in the war.

And if Zhong Yao had been two months ago, he would definitely have spoken out to stop the emperor's nonsense.

If the son of a daughter does not sit in the court, the emperor of the Han Dynasty will not understand this truth, right?

Furthermore, based on Zhong Yao's considerations, Guo Bang might just be acting out of temper and wanting to show off his force, and it's not the time for the two sides to turn their faces, so maybe it's a good idea to endure for a while.

But after going through so many things, Zhong Yao witnessed all kinds of amazing deeds of the emperor with his own eyes, such as riding out in Nanwu alone, dissuading Li Jue with a silk letter, and fighting with civil and military officials with a big banquet. Today, he doesn't even bother to dissuade him.

what's the function?I won’t listen to persuasion, so let’s do it together.

As for the so-called good policy and compromise, I am afraid that the current emperor has already planned to change the plan.

Anyway, Donggui is for himself to take power!

Turning faces is inevitable!

Guo Bang was so domineering, the rest of the generals decided that they were united in the same hatred, and even thought deeply that without Guo Bang, the strongest force on the way back to the east, other people would be able to compete fairly and gain political capital that is very important to them.

Since Guo Si was shameless and now released the most elite Ye Bu Shou, don't blame him for being eaten by someone and can't go back!
The Habayashi Guards and Huben Guards that Liu Yi led on patrol all had war horses, and many even had two horses, just to ensure the safety of the emperor.

——At least at a certain moment, you have to run fast.

"Gongming, you set off first with your cavalry. The valley is only a dozen miles away from here. When you arrive, you can directly stop the water on the abandoned dam at the bend of this tributary, and build a simple dam."

Xu Huang nodded clearly. The south side of that valley is a stream with a width of more than ten steps, the north side is an official road that can only accommodate three horses in parallel, and the north and south are steep hills. It is an excellent place to set up an ambush.

Moreover, the stream turned a corner before entering the valley. There was originally an abandoned dam. There were dozens of them, and the amount of work to be added to it was not large. Quality is responsible.

Besides, the former site of Hongmen Banquet is on the west side of Xinfeng Daying.

And Wu Xi's troops came in a sneak attack around a "U" shape on the side. If they want to return to the north bank of the Weishui River, they must first go west, then turn north to cross the Weishui River, and then go east to return to Guo Si's camp.

It also means that as long as Wu Xi has a normal mind and is willing to go to Jingqiao in the east, he will definitely take this road.

The Jing Bridge is far away and dangerous. If the Dragon King of Jinghe turned over in this kind of heavy rain, the bridge might collapse. The official road in Weinan must be more reliable.

It didn't take much time to collect enough lime, except that the cavalry brought some along the way, and the rest were carried by them on foot.

It takes forty miles from Xinfeng Camp to the valley (1 Chinese mile = 350 meters), and only twelve or thirteen miles from the old site of Hongmen Banquet to the valley. Counting the time when Wu Xi left the battle, the time must be more than enough.

Look at Hu Che'er, a strong man who looks like a purple sweet potato essence, walking like flying with two big bags of lime under his ribs.

Liu Yi suddenly had doubts about his physical fitness.
Why do I feel backache and shoulder pain after resisting the lime in the ordinary bag for a long time?

Could it be that the newlywed Yan Er has exported too much to Sister Fu Yu recently?

Fortunately, the rain gradually subsided, and those who could not take part in the action stayed in the Laojun Temple. The soldiers and refugees of the Imperial Army carried tightly wrapped bags of lime and marched for twelve or three miles without spending too much time.

The intensity of exercise is about the same as carrying a five-kilometer cross-country. It is not a great amount of exercise for strong soldiers and refugees who have worn out their iron feet.

Except for a certain fool.

"Huh~Gongming, is the dam built yet?"

Looking at the panting emperor, Xu Huang hid his skinned hands, and nodded.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

"The rain has stopped." Huangfu Li, who also hadn't spoken for a long time, asked in a muffled voice, "Maybe Wu Xi will return soon, what should we do next?"

"Go up the mountain."

Fazheng suddenly said: "Your Majesty, there is a plan that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Liu Yi signaled him to speak quickly, Fazheng put down the small bag in his hand, cleared his throat and said.

"You can let the few cavalry who still have enough strength to cast doubts, and the horsetails drag the branches to gallop in the mouth of the valley."

Old man Wang, who was silent all the way, couldn't help interjecting: "Just after it rained, how could there be dust that could be raised up to pretend to be an ambush? And if Wu Xi knew that there was an ambush in the valley, wouldn't he come?"

After Liu Yi thought about it for a while, he understood what Fazheng meant.

Old lasagna!
"Old Wang, if you were Wu Xi, and you saw a few cavalry pawns clumsily disguising a large group of troops at the entrance of the valley, would you think there was an ambush in the valley?"

"Do you think that there is no ambush in the valley, only a few rangers are delaying my troops on their own initiative, trying to buy time for the pursuers to catch up."

Wang Yue was stunned when he heard the words, as if it was true.

You thought I was on the first floor, but I was actually on the third floor.

I really don't have many ambushes, but I have water attacks!

"Wu Xi has no choice. If he doesn't dare to come in, he has to turn around and go east. If he goes east, he will run into the pursuing troops. Wu Xi's sneak attack is nothing more than a time lag. If he creates some casualties and chaos, he has to sneak back."

Zhong Yao also made up his mind: "So he will rush through here regardless of whether there are pursuers in the valley! And Wu Xi is an experienced general. If there is no ambush at the entrance of the valley, he will advance carefully and even send scouts up the steep valley. Qiu came to search, and then it might be possible for him to escape completely!"

"The several ambush soldiers at Taniguchi let him relax his vigilance and stop sending scouts to the dam and steep hills ahead."

Fa Zhengduo explained: "And someone is hanging in front, so he won't feel that there is a big water that is set up, and the official road in the valley is about to be flooded."

Xu Huang looked at this group of playful old Yinbi, and couldn't help being silently timid.

He asked in a low voice: "What about the cavalry who are used as bait? When the water pours into the valley, they will bear the brunt of it."

"Throw Teng Suo and climb up, rub it firmly."

Liu Yi added: "It has just rained, and the bowstrings and arrow feathers of Wu Xi's department will definitely be wet after the sneak attack. Even if the brothers who use the bait abandon their horses and climb up, they won't be caught by the cavalry below. Shoot at the target, run fast and there is no danger."

(End of this chapter)

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