Chapter 37
With a few words and a few words, the plan was completely perfected.

Seeing that the explanation is clear, the brothers of Habayashi Wei will not die in vain, Xu Huang has nothing to say.

In fact, even if the emperor issued an order that someone must be sent to death, someone would still go.

What Xu Huang meant was that it's okay to die, don't hide it from others, just make it clear.

Everyone climbed up the steep hill and hid more than 300 bags of lime, and Xu Huang arranged for cavalry to act as bait.

Everyone was also resting against the wet tree trunk, trying to recover some energy before the ambush.

At first, he was a little nervous, but the guard post was far away and no one came, so Liu Yi gradually relaxed.

He turned his head and saw that those experienced veterans were all stretching out their legs and taking a nap, and some even snored!

Only those refugees, like him before, were extremely nervous, the kind visible to the naked eye.

"I still want to go back to my hometown and get married."

Liu Yi eavesdropped on the conversation among the exiles, and he casually asked, "Little brother, where is your home?"

This person was not someone else, it was the boy who was holding the "Wu" flag who said that the person who cut people was the one.

The boy was a little shy, but instead of having the courage he had just now, he just replied in a low voice.

"Going back to General Bi, I'm from Ji County, Hanyang County, Liangzhou."

Liu Yi has black lines all over his head. What is the name of "General Bi"?
Oh, remembered.

Before Xu Huang said "General Majesty", they probably misunderstood his surname Bi.

"Hanyang County, it used to be called Tianshui County, right? It's a great place, do you know Jiang Wei?"

The young man was stunned and shook his head again and again.

"I don't know, who is Jiang Wei? In our Ji County, Jiang is the common surname, and my surname is Jiang. If there is someone named Jiang Wei, I should know the Jiang Wei the general mentioned. Maybe he is not from Ji County. "

No, I forgot, Jiang Wei is a generation younger than Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang, himself and this young man should be regarded as the same generation.

It stands to reason that Jiang Wei had not yet been born at this time.

"What's your name?"

"Jiang Jiong."

"Oh, good name."

Liu Yi said casually, the word "囧" is really funny.

Of course, in this era, except for him, no one thinks "囧" is funny.

"Why did you come here from Liangzhou? How is life in Liangzhou?"

"Ma Teng and Han Sui fought fiercely, and the Qiang people followed suit. If they couldn't make it through, they turned over Longkou and came to Guanzhong to beg for food."

After chatting for a while, the boy and Liu Yi gradually relaxed, and finally, under the gesture of his companion, the boy reluctantly moved a place away from Liu Yi.

Liu Yi didn't stop him, he asked Huangfu Li beside him to hand over a small piece of steamed bun to the young man Jiang Jiong, the young man broke it into small pieces, shared it with his companions, and ate it with great relish.

"Old King."

"Ah? I'm here."

Since he couldn't keep his nerves tensed, Liu Yi just remembered a problem he just encountered.

He turned around under the tree and asked Wang Yue mysteriously.

"Ahem, do you have that kind of exercise that strengthens your body?"

"I've carried it for more than ten miles, and my back hurts a little. Look at your old man, it's okay to have gray hair."

"I think I need to practice, not just practice the swordsmanship and sword drawing skills you teach, do you have any secret methods for body training or health preservation?"

Liu Yi is really envious of old man Wang, you look at the white-haired old man, who can easily wield a two-handed epee all day long.

It stands to reason that martial arts training for the purpose of fighting should overdraw the potential of life to some extent, which is different from training for the purpose of health preservation.

Moreover, as the saying goes, old people don't rely on their muscles and bones, but old man Wang is quite energetic!

Anyway, Liu Yi didn't believe that he was five or sixty years old and could still slash people with a sword, with the agility of a rabbit.

You know, the average life expectancy is terribly low these days, and 60 years old is considered a long lifespan.

Gou Wang Sima Yi was able to usurp Wei because he lived a long time, wait a minute, that middle-aged scholar just now seems to be called Sima Zhi, from Hanoi County, I don't know if it has anything to do with Sima Yi.

Probably not brothers, the Sima family usurped the Cao Wei regime as a representative of the gentry, referring to the gentry in Chang'an, Sima Yi's brothers would definitely not be in such a miserable situation.


At this time, Wang Yue made an expression of "you understand".

"Middle! Let me tell you, the real masters of health preservation are wise, indifferent, and understand life."

Liu Yi's spirit lifted, he really has the secret of physical training and health preservation.

He refrained from asking, why didn't you tell me, Pharaoh.

Liu Yi felt that as long as he asked this question, Pharaoh would definitely answer him—"You didn't ask that either."

Wang Yue is equally mysterious: "I have personally tested the secret of health preservation, and I think it is very good!"

"I see it."

Liu Yi nodded in agreement. Wang Yue's physical fitness, he felt, was much better than the old man with the horizontal bar in the park in his previous life.

The typical existence of a person who looks thin when dressed, has flesh when undressed, and a devil with muscular muscles.

"Right, look, I'm almost 40 years old, and I'm still in good spirits."

"and many more?"


"Old Wang, you haven't turned [-] this year?"

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and said, "Yes!"

In his cognition, this seems to be something that everyone knows well.

No, no, no?
No one thinks that a 60-year-old man is still in his prime, right?
The secret method of physical training and traveling all over the world will certainly make you look old.

Liu Yizai looked carefully from head to toe.

Although there are not many wrinkles on the face, the person is also very energetic.

But no matter how he looked, he couldn't tell that this gray-haired "Master of the Late Han Dynasty" was less than 40 years old this year.

He suddenly remembered a piece of news that he had read before - the health master passed away at the age of 35.

"Forget it, keep your health-preserving secret and practice it yourself."

"Happy! Hahaha!"

"We, General Wu, have made a great contribution this time, and we may be able to get a higher rank when we go back!"


Listening to the flattery of his cavalry pawns, Wu Xi could not help but put on a black face full of flesh.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not because Guo Cheqi gave us the opportunity to show our face this time."

The cavalry smiled knowingly and continued to gallop west along the official road.

As long as they cross Bashui, they can burn the bridge to ensure that the frantic pursuers behind cannot catch up.

Today's mission was well done. According to the news of the traitors hiding in the army on the South Road, they passed through the camps of Yang Ding and Zhang Ji's two armies as planned, and the defenders didn't notice.

Then they slashed and killed Zhang Ji's camp, with almost no loss, and easily completed the task.

By the time that group of idiot pursuers tried to catch up with them, they would have burned the bridge and disappeared without a trace.

As for how the people on both sides of the Bashui River will live after the bridge is burned, who cares?

Guo Cheqi made it clear: the sky of the Han Dynasty cannot be turned over.

Without Li Jue, Guo Si has the final say!
If the imperial court wants to act on its own, if they don't listen to Guo Si and don't give him Guo Si face, then no one will feel better!

Wu Xi thought silently, after making such a contribution, Guo Cheqi will have to give him ten or eight beautiful ladies when he returns, right?
When he was in Chang'an, he persuaded Guo Bang to slaughter the bird city directly, just like slaughtering the Qiang before. Don't all the beauties in gold and silver belong to them?

But at that time, Guo Si wanted to take Chang'an as his own, so he disagreed.

Now that they were out of Chang'an, Wu Xi and a few generals tried to slaughter several villages in Weibei. Seeing that Guo Si didn't respond, they became more and more presumptuous.

"Cross the Bashui River and burn the bridge, and slaughter a few more villages for the brothers to enjoy!"

Hearing this, these jackal-like Xiliang cavalry raised their weapons and howled like wolves, startling countless night crows.

After the Xiliang Army was no longer bound by military discipline, in just two or three years, it has completely deteriorated. The ruthless master of wolves.

In fact, this is also one of the important considerations for Liu Yi's plan to truly grasp the military power on the way out east and achieve the goal of turning the tables.

After the Xiliang army had seen the prosperous world, their desires began to grow infinitely, which also gave Liu Yi, who had no soldiers, room to manipulate.

Only those who have desires and desires can take advantage of them.

(End of this chapter)

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