The big man is on the run

Chapter 63 Duan Jian's Weakness

Chapter 63 Duan Jian's Weakness

Speaking of military strategy, Fazheng was not troubled at the time.

"Since Guo Bang has been defeated, it is only natural to defeat Li Jue. Only by clearing Li Jue can His Majesty control Guanlong, and then Xu Tuxing will restore the great cause of the Han Dynasty."

"That's right, Your Majesty's so-called crusade against the Yuan family was originally a pretense, and the purpose was to settle the Xiliang generals on the way back to the east." Zhong Yao agreed.

Fazheng first set a relatively high tone, and then talked about practical military strategies.

"The so-called strategy used in military affairs, in the final analysis, is the truth, power and strength that the minister and His Majesty said in prison that day."

"As a strategist, I respect Sun Tzu and Sun Bin the most, and the way of using troops is to attack the heart. These days of hard thinking and meditation, I have prepared for Li Jue's attack."

"Xiaozhi, let's talk."

Not only Liu Yi, but also Zhong Yao were a little curious. Fazheng was inferior to Zhong Yao in planning people's hearts, but when it came to military strategy, he was more than a step ahead of Zhong Yao.

"Let's talk about power first. Power is military power. Some show the enemy to be weak, and some show the enemy to be strong. Your Majesty thinks that Li Jue is strong and our army is weak. So in terms of power, should we use it to show strength or weakness?"

"Naturally, it's a show of strength. Li Jue is a tiger and wolf. If he is a little weak, he will pounce on him and bite a piece of meat."

Zhong Yao has a different opinion: "Although my military strategy is not as filial as the law, I am not as ignorant as Yang Dezu. I think that since Li Jue sent troops, he was going to fight against the court again. He won't be scared. We should Show weakness to confuse the enemy and lower Li Jue's vigilance."

"It's all wrong!"

Both Liu Yi and Zhong Yao were a little stunned, and they couldn't speak directly.

"Show strength and weakness!"

Fazheng is not a strategist who likes to show off, he directly analyzed his reasoning.

"The purpose of showing strength is to show weakness. Li Jue has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his thoughts are meticulous and suspicious. Most of Niu Fu's victories in the past were won by him and Guo Si. It is not too much to say that he is a famous general."

No one denies this point. In terms of bravery, the Xiliang army is naturally the number one in the Xiliang army, who "Fang Tian painted a halberd and stabbed his adoptive father". But in terms of fighting, after the death of general Xu Rong, Li Jue is the number one. .

What Li Jue and Guo Si did were indeed not human affairs, but they could indeed fight without delay.

"Since Li Jue is thoughtful and suspicious, if we want to show weakness and confuse him directly, we will definitely be guessed by him. We must show strength, and we need to show strength in multiple ways, and then deliberately show trivial flaws for him to see through. .

Only in this way will he believe that we are just bluffing and lower his perception of our strength to a lower level than before. "

"It's a plan to reduce stoves!" Zhong Yao blurted out, and immediately changed his words: "No, it's a plan to increase stoves!"


Fazheng nodded, and said like a few treasures: "Wei general Pang Juan attacked Han, Qi general Tian Ji and Sun Bin led his troops to rescue Han. Sun Bin deliberately reduced the number of troops day by day, creating the illusion that soldiers were fleeing day by day in order to confuse the Wei army. Ma Lingdao fell down and died."

"Do the opposite, tailor-made for Li Jue's suspicion."

Liu Yi also understood. Li Jue, who was chasing up from behind, saw Zengzao and the corresponding details, such as the fleeing soldiers, the complaints of the people, and the discarded supplies. He would judge that the officers and soldiers were bluffing. The total amount is constantly decreasing.

Psychological warfare!

"This strategy is feasible, regardless of the follow-up, I have a few suggestions."

The two looked at Liu Yi, and Liu Yi talked eloquently.

"I don't know if you have heard of bitter tricks?"

"I've heard of it."

This stunned Liu Yi, who was about to show off, what the hell, didn't this happen when Chibi Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai?How did you hear it?

"The middle one makes the enemy suspicious; the opposite one, because of the enemy's suspicion, turns out to be doubtful. The bitter planner is to pretend to be a middleman. Anyone who has a gap between himself and himself to lure the enemy is about Response, or those who work together, are all bitter tricks. For example, when Zheng Wugong defeated Hu, he first used Hu Jun as his wife, and killed his thoughts."

"Ahem, that's what it means." Liu Yi was a little embarrassed.

Zhong Yao asked curiously, "How does Your Majesty plan to do this?"

"It's better to do the opposite. It's a supplementary method to increase the number of cases. The investigation also requires personal evidence and material evidence to convict. I'm afraid Li Jue can't believe it all because of physical evidence. It's better to add personal evidence."

"Your Majesty means to let the spies give Li Jue a loophole?"

"Yes, just to let Li Jue see it, just to make him not believe it."

"I think it's feasible. In addition, if the golden knife can get rid of Yang Ding, maybe you can go against Duan Yan."

Both Liu Yi and Zhong Yao were stunned. Isn't Fazheng too bold?

Only by taking the initiative to push Duan Yan to Li Jue's side, and then betting that Duan Yan, a man who sees the wind, will really turn against him, can this strategy be used. If Duan Yan hangs out with Li Jue, it will really be self-defeating , Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.

"To offer a price that Duan Yao can't refuse, and His Majesty must personally promise to him, otherwise this plan will not work."

What Zhong Yao said was straightforward, and the fact is true. Only in this way can Duan Yan be moved.

"Duan Yan. What do you want most? Is there anything he can't refuse?"

Liu Yi ruled them out one by one: "Duan Yan has no shortage of gold and silver beauties; he has soldiers in his hand, and we have been operating in Huayin for a long time, but we don't have enough power to convince him; Don’t you really care? Before Dong Zhuo was here, he was like this, he didn’t fight for fame and fortune. Apart from these, what else can I offer that Li Jue can’t, and why can’t Duan Yan refuse?”

Fazheng interrupted suddenly: "I heard from Yang Dezu yesterday that Duan Yan built a mandala and a ancestral hall in Mount Hua."

It is not surprising that Fazheng listened to Yang Xiu's news. Yang Xiu was a gossiper, and his mouth was not idle every day.

Moreover, Hongnong Yang's old house is in Huayin. If you say that Duan Yan has no relationship with Yang, Liu Yi will be the first to not believe it.

With no contacts, how did the Yang family's land and property spread all over Huayin safe and sound?If there is no relationship, how can Taiwei Yang Biao speak out for Duan Yan over and over again, even using his wealth and life to guarantee that Duan Yan will not rebel?
"What kind of mandala did he build, and what kind of ancestral hall did he build?"

Liu Yi seemed to have vaguely grasped the crux of the problem.

"Duan's ancestral hall, the mandala is dedicated to Duan Jiong."

In the blink of an eye, Liu Yi figured out what Fazheng meant, and also understood why Fazheng proposed such a seemingly completely unreliable plan of defection.

Liu Yi pointed at Fazheng and laughed, he understood!He understands!

All the strategies are based on the person's order!
Just like the normal strategy of reducing the stove to show weakness, when it comes to Li Jue, who is suspicious by nature, it becomes a show of weakness by increasing the stove.

Duan Yan, who seems to have no desires, is impeccable, does not need money or officials, and is not afraid of military threats, also has a weakness that can be manipulated.

——He has a good name, not only his own name, but also Guzang Duan's name.

Because of his good name, he worked hard to farm and treat the people well for his own reputation; therefore, for the sake of his family's reputation, even if he had no entanglement with Yang Ding, the son of the feuding Yang family, he still had to fight to the death; Knowing how to make friends with Hongnong Yang, the surname of Zhong Zhong, built a mandala for Duan Jiong, a famous general of the same family, in the hope that he would enter the Duan Temple in Huashan after his death, and be praised by the local people in Huayin for generations.

This is Duan Simmer's weakness!

(End of this chapter)

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