Chapter 64
The bright moon is bright and clean, and its brilliance sprinkles the world.

Dozens of horsemen and horses like dragons are about to leave the Huashan camp of the official army and head straight for Huayin County.

The Huashan Mountain in the distance is hazy in the moonlight, and it seems to be coated with a layer of silver, which is very beautiful.

At the front of the team, a handsome young man in official robes led, followed by a weaker young man, and after that, the cavalry pawns of the guards.

On the horse's back, the young man's face was stern, his eyes were deep, and there was a hint of arrogance hidden between his brows, as well as a touch of getting up.

That's right, Yang Xiu was dragged up from the bed by Liu Yi in the middle of the night.

"Your Majesty, how can you go to Huayin City to preach the decree at this hour?"

Yang Xiu hunched over on the horse's back, as if he wanted to lie on the horse, and asked weakly.

"It's for a big deal."

Liu Yi, who was dressed as an ordinary cavalry behind him, sat straddling his horse steadily, with a new sword hanging from his waist, holding the reins and talking.

"Your Majesty really shouldn't take risks." Yang Xiu straightened his waist and smiled helplessly, "Fa Xiaozhi is a booger, and Zhong Yao is getting more and more wanton. How can Your Majesty follow their wishes?"

"You are an envoy. Hongnong's Yang family has a Zhong surname in the world. Duan Yan has such a close relationship with your Yang family, and he will not kill you. If you are not going to kill you, what danger are we guards and followers? Right? Charming."

Wang Can nodded blankly, he didn't know what the emperor had planned, he only knew that he and Yang Xiu slept in the middle of the night and were dragged up together in the tent.

Temporary notification, Yang Xiu will be the official envoy to declare the decree, and he will be the deputy envoy.

"Your Majesty, why is this?"

Before leaving the gate, everyone reined in their horses.

Under the dim brazier at the gate, Zhu Jun's old voice came. He was wearing an old sable fur with messy fur, and stood there alone.

A bit of night wind blows, and the early autumn leaves swirl and fall around his boots.

Liu Yi dismounted from his horse and went up to meet Zhu Jun on foot. When he reached Zhu Jun, he wanted to stretch out his hand, but the old man wrapped his hands in the sable fur.

Liu Yi had no choice but to withdraw his hand embarrassingly, and pressed it on the sword habitually.

"It's for Yang Ding's business."

Zhu Jun stretched out his hand, patted the autumn leaves falling on the sable fur, and just asked.

"Yang Ding attacked Duan Yan without authorization, so that the big event was ruined. Is there no solution for the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty?"

Liu Yi simply replied: "It's either appeasement, appeasement, or mobilization, neither of which is appropriate."

"Then what is your Majesty's solution? Enter the camp alone, say to degrade Duan Yao, and then kill Yang Ding?"

Liu Yi was silent for a moment.


Contrary to Liu Yi's expectation, Zhu Jun didn't say anything more, just nodded slightly, and then talked about a seemingly irrelevant matter.

"Huangfu Li told me just now that brother Yizhen is dead."

Liu Yi was startled, and after thinking for a few seconds, he finally realized who the "Brother Yizhen" Zhu Jun was talking about.

One of the "Shuangbi at the end of the Han Dynasty", Taichang, Duxianghou, former hussar general leader Jizhou Mu-Huangfu Song, Huangfu Yizhen.

The famous general who was at the same time as Zhu Jun, Huang Fusong, who once conquered the yellow scarf and shocked the world, passed away.

This is not sudden news. At the beginning of this year, Huangfu Song's condition was already so serious that his son, servant Huangfu Jianshou resigned from office and went home to take care of his father.

To be able to survive until this time, to be honest, it is a blessing.

"Brother Yizhen died two months ago."

Zhu Jun caged his hands, his eyes fell on the old mink fur on his body, and he said slowly.

"It wasn't until Hearing His Majesty's intention to promote the eastward journey that he felt that the precarious state affairs had turned a little bit. Before leaving Chang'an, he specifically asked me that if His Majesty wants to do something, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will do it."

Liu Yi's hand loosened from the hilt of his sword. He really didn't know what to say. In fact, since he crossed over, he hadn't had much contact with Huangfusong.

"I'm not as good as Brother Yizhen."

Zhu Jun didn't hide anything. At his status, age, and achievements, he didn't need to hide anything, even to the emperor.

"It's not as good as everything, military strategy, strategy, and temperament. Except for the fact that your backbone may not be inferior to Yizheng, the rest is really not as good as it is."

Zhu Jun's eyes were a little pensive, as if he was caught in some memories that he couldn't extricate himself from. Liu Yi stood beside the gate and blocked the wind.

"Brother Yizhen is caring and prudent, dedicated to his duties, has strategy, and courage. He has made great contributions to flattening the Yellow Turban, and I just followed suit. After flattening the Yellow Turban, the heartland of Jizhou was also beaten to pieces, and the people rely on it." Living on Guanyin soil, Brother Yizhen is under pressure to ask the court to reduce Jizhou's land tax for one year.

Over the years he has been an official, he has made more than 500 submissions and remonstrances. Every time he wrote it by himself and never handed it to others.

During the war, every time the army camped, he had to wait until the camp was built, the trenches dug deep enough, and the camp walls built high enough, before returning to his tent, and he did not eat until all the soldiers had finished eating.

Once, when a military official under his command was bribed by Dong Zhuo, brother Yizhen didn't say anything, but gave him property again, and the man committed suicide in embarrassment. "

Zhu Jun spoke aimlessly, but Liu Yi listened very seriously.

"At that time, I asked Brother Yizhen what is the secret to fighting. He told me that there is no secret. If you build a good camp, dig a good ditch, show compassion for the soldiers, don't rush into the enemy and don't underestimate the enemy, you are a first-class general."

Zhu Jun turned his head to look at Liu Yi who was shielding him from the wind, and asked, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

In the autumn wind, Liu Yi was dripping with cold sweat.

This is almost a direct remonstrance, how could Liu Yi not understand?
But at this time Zhu Jun smiled, but shook his head and said: "Brother Yizhen said at that time, it was right or wrong, it's right now and then. At that time, the Yellow Turban was powerful, but the big man was still a whole, food, grass, Civil servants, soldiers, and military supplies are ten times better than the Yellow Turbans, so you don’t need too many intrigues and adventures, just follow the steps, and it doesn’t matter if you lose the battle.”

"But now it's different. The feudal lords have divided their regimes, and there are countless people who cross states and counties. In the past, Brother Yizhen and I were under the command of Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, and Guo Si. Isn't it all like this?
Is it because they have different ambitions in the first place, or is it the current situation that they are forced by their subordinates and interests to come to this point?
So, if the center is weak, you have to use tricks and take risks to get results.Isn't it the same reason that Guangwu Thirteen rode out of Kunyang? "

Liu Yi was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "After the battle in Zheng County that day, I just wanted to say something, 'There are mourners everywhere, and the city is full of blood, and it is nothing more than one thought to save the common people'. In today's troubled times, the world is chaotic and complicated, and people's hearts are disturbed, so our generation has a long way to go. , If you can set up such a big heart and gather people to make a trip, the shining light will light up the sky, and the fire of a single star will become a prairie fire, turning the world upside down and turning the world around."

"The old minister is not here to stop His Majesty." Zhu Jun replied seriously, "Your Majesty, if you want to bring peace to the world, you must first correct people's hearts, and the foundation of people's hearts lies in following the way of heaven and practicing benevolence and righteousness, so Li Jue, Guo Siyang, and other people-killing thieves , can be killed!"

"It is precisely because it should be killed! And it must be killed! That's why I have to go by myself!"

Liu Yi said loudly: "The civil servants and military generals, in this troubled world, go through fire and water for the loyalty, filial piety, brotherhood and honesty of the family, the country, and the world. I have seen and heard a lot these days. I don't want to talk about it. It's just that I listened to Guo Huai's ah yesterday." Lord, how did Guo Yan, the former prefect of Yanmen, die in a fierce battle under the siege of the Xianbei people. If you ignore the ministers and talk about Shengmin, like my sister-in-law Tang Ji, and Jia Wenhe came to rescue, others What about ordinary people? Who will save them from the fire?"

"Only me!"

"I never wanted to be a hero." Liu Yi held Zhu Jun's hand sincerely, "But the situation and conscience have pushed me to this point. In this world, one must be capable, responsible, and ambitious. Heroes who have stood up to clean up, so many loyal ministers and good generals have followed me, just for the goal of 'reviving the Han Dynasty', going through fire and water, how can I bear not to stand up?"

"There are too many smart people in the world, like Jia Wenhe, maybe they have already decided in their hearts that the Han Dynasty cannot be revived. In other words, it is impossible to revive it in my hands. We must find another Minggong and Ying Lord, but as long as I stand up to do something, I stand tall, and people can see it naturally. If I see a lot, my mind will change. This is the case with Zhong Yao. He didn't believe that I could do it at the beginning. ah!"

"His Majesty!"

"Let me finish." Liu Yi heaved a sigh of relief, "Zhu Gong, you are the only famous general in the country who can be the commander-in-chief. You should know that people's hearts in this world are getting more and more chaotic! Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian, Cao Cao, Li Jue , Guo Si, did they come to this point from the very beginning? No, their ambitions were nourished by this chaotic world, and they were carried to this step by their civil servants and generals. So, it really looks like That sentence I often say - a man is born between heaven and earth, seize the day and night!"

Zhu Jun sighed: "As Your Majesty said, the countermeasures of ministers and ministers are too slow, and they are useless...We old men are still immersed in the glory of the strong men who are 'even if they are far away', we can't keep up with them." It's a time of change."

"Hearing His Majesty's heartfelt words, knowing that His Majesty is not throwing his family and country lightly, the old minister can rest assured that he is getting old, and he will talk too much. After talking for a long time, I don't know what to say. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me." Zhu Jun stepped aside. Then he stopped again and said, "Oh, brother Yizhen, he was relieved to go when he heard that Guo Si was defeated."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Jun took off the old sable fur on his shoulders and handed it to Liu Yi.

"It's cold, Your Majesty, please walk slowly, and the old minister will not accompany you."

(End of this chapter)

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