Chapter 73

"What about the Southern Huns? What's going on?"

"This minister is not very clear. General Yang Feng only told the minister that if necessary, the Southern Xiongnu Shan Yuting in Xihe County can send thousands of horses to support."

Dong Cheng added: "Besides, the Baibo army has to be persuaded, and if it can be done, the Southern Huns will naturally be able to talk about it, and they can call it if they give some money. If the Baibo army cannot be said, and the Baibo army is stuck in the Fenshui River Valley, the Southern Huns will Definitely not coming."

Even if there is no Baibo army, which is worrying about its combat strength without the mixed fish and dragons, the few thousand cavalry of the Southern Huns alone is not a small number.

In many cases, these thousands of horses may determine the victory or defeat of the battle.

But the current situation in Bingzhou is a mess. The known forces include Baibo Army, Heishan Army, Southern Huns, Xianbei, Hedong Wangyi, and Hanoi Zhangyang. Liu Yi urgently needs someone who really understands the situation in Hedong to explain to him. .

Otherwise, just listening to Dong Cheng's one-sided words, Liu Yi still felt a little uneasy.

It's not that Liu Yi thinks that Dong Cheng and Yang Feng will team up to trick him, and they've come to this point all the way. These two people won't do this. Liu Yi is just afraid that they don't understand the information comprehensively, which will cause them to do bad things with good intentions.

Not long after, Wang Yue came with Guo Huai.

Guo Huai is only about ten years old this year, and beside Liu Yi, he just does some work of serving water and delivering letters.

At this time, he looked at the emperor, nobles, and generals in the tent. Even though he came from a noble family and was young and old, he still felt a little timid after all.

"The things I want to ask you are probably like this. Let's talk one by one. Let's talk about the current situation in Bingzhou first, then talk about the Southern Huns, and finally talk about the six counties."

"Yes, I'm going to report back to Your Majesty. When my grandpa was the prefect of Yanmen, I told you about the situation in Bingzhou in detail. Let me tell you slowly."

As Guo Huai talked, his nervous heart gradually relaxed, and he stopped stuttering.

"Bingzhou has a total of nine counties. The most densely populated areas are Yanmen, Taiyuan, and Shangdang counties in the west of Taihang Mountain, from north to south."

Dong Cheng couldn't help interjecting: "What about Hedong and Hanoi? The population and arable land are not inferior to Yanmen Taiyuan Shangdang."

"Old man." Liu Yi coughed lightly, "The two counties of Hedong and Hanoi, in a broad sense, can be counted in the same way as Yanmen, Taiyuan, and Shangdang counties. Li, but it is under the jurisdiction of Sili Xiaowei Department."

Dong Cheng patted his head in embarrassment. This is also an error in the geographical concept of ordinary people. They subconsciously think that since it is Bingzhou, the two counties of Hedong and Hanoi that also cross the Yellow River are considered to be in Bingzhou.

Guo Huai paused for a moment, and continued to speak: "As for Shuofang, Wuyuan, Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Xihe, and Shangjun, these six counties, as your majesty said, let them go first, and then the ministers will explain in detail. Come."

"Now Yanmen County is occupied by Xianbei people, and most of Taiyuan County and Shangdang County have been occupied by the Black Mountain Army. The Black Mountain Army is different from the Baibo Army. The Baibo Army is mainly composed of the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, while the Black Mountain Army is a mixture of farmers and bandits. Zhang Yan is the commander in name, and there are more than [-] bandit commanders fighting on their own below. The main enemy is Yuan Shao, because Yuan Shao has always wanted to extend his hand to Bingzhou, other than that, he didn't have too many conflicts and contacts with the Baibo army and the Southern Huns."

"Well, I understand. That is to say, due to territory restrictions, the Black Mountain Army is far away and cannot cross the border. What about the Southern Huns?"

The problem of the Southern Huns was too complicated, and Guo Huai spent a lot of time explaining it clearly.

Putting aside the past policy of partitioning and ruling the southern Huns as the defense line of the northern border by the Han Dynasty, and regardless of the huge conflicts between the new Huns and the Southern Xiongnu after the Fenghou Rebellion, let alone the fact that the Han Dynasty's envoy Zhonglang will abolish the establishment and kill the Southern Xiongnu Shan Yu's terror power.

Those histories have stretched for 200 years from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the present, and they only talk about the current situation of the Southern Huns.

The southern Huns were mainly in Xihe County, and the Chanyu Court was in Lishi in Xihe County, but there was no Shanyu in Lishi's Chanyu Court.
During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Shanyu Qiangqu, the Southern Huns appointed by the Han Dynasty, was killed. The various tribes of the Southern Xiongnu in Xihe County supported two Shanyus, one was Xubuguduhou, and the other was Qiangqu’s son Yufu. Ro.

But now Xubugudu Hou has died of illness, but has no successor, and Yu Fuluo has joined forces with the Baibo army.

Therefore, Liu Yi also figured out the result of Yang Feng's discussion with Dong Cheng. The Southern Xiongnu in it was not Shan Yuting from Xihe County, but Yu Fuluo who had been mixed up with the Baibo army!
Dong Cheng smiled embarrassingly, but he didn't understand the way inside, apparently he was wrong.

"My father-in-law will go back and ask Yang Feng for me. If he can really recruit the Baibo army and the Yufuluo tribe of the Southern Huns to serve as reinforcements, that would be great."

Dong Cheng nodded, and asked again: "Where should they go to meet the officers and soldiers? Fenglingdu?"

Liu Yi pondered slightly, the battle plan for going north to Weiqu has not been finalized yet, the most important thing right now is the matter of Yang Ding, the only way to settle Yang Ding, eliminate hidden dangers in the ranks of the officers and soldiers, and use this as an opportunity to win Duan Yan's support , to determine the next course of action.

"Fenglingdu or Pubandu, let's talk about it tomorrow."

This is because the matter of Yang Ding only needs to have results tomorrow.

The golden knife plan has also reached the final step.

Liu Yi got up and explained to Wang Yue again, Wang Yue also took the seven-star sword and left, seeing people walking away gradually, Guo Huai also wanted to leave, but was held back by Liu Yi.

"Tell me about the six counties again. I have a friend. His dying wish is to ask me to destroy Xianbei."

Liu Yi's voice was a little dry, but his tone was extremely solemn.

"In the past few years before and after the Yellow Turban Incident, I heard from Grandpa that the six counties have gradually withdrawn their villages and moved inward, and now there are almost no people from big men."

"Is that occupied by the Southern Huns and the New Jianghu?"

"No." Guo Huai shook his head, "They are all occupied by the Xianbei people. Now the Xianbei people have unified the grassland, just like the Xiongnu in the past, spanning thousands of miles from east to west. From the Changshi Mansion of the Western Regions in the west to Liaodong County in the east, always bordering."

After getting the exact answer, Liu Yi finally let Guo Huai go.

Only Dong Wan and him were left in the tent.

"Your Majesty, your palms are sweating a lot."

"I know."

Liu Yi turned over his hands, the palms were already full of sweat.

This was the first time Dong Wan saw "fear" in Liu Yi's expression.

Liu Yi suddenly asked: "Do you think that one day our descendants will become slaves to the barbarians, or even food? If I have the opportunity but don't do something, will I regret it for the rest of my life?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know what will happen in the future."

Dong Wan looked at Liu Yi seriously, and said softly, "Your Majesty is a great hero who stands up to heaven and earth, and a great hero will never regret what he has done in his life."

"I understand."

Liu Yi was also gentle, and he suddenly understood his meaning and responsibility.

It is his historical mission to wipe out the princes of the world and prevent the barbarians from going south, but it is also his glory!

In this life, he must do a remarkable feat of a man!
(End of this chapter)

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