Chapter 74 Prison Break Duo

"Brother Guo! Wake up, don't sleep!"

Li Xian staggered a few steps with the heavy shackles on his feet, stretched out his dirty hands, and pushed Guo Wei, who was sleeping with his mouth and eyes crooked.


Guo Wei opened his eyes in bewilderment, half of his arm leaning against the wall was already numb from the pressure.

The rough iron chain on his right hand made a "clang~" sound, and his right hand was handcuffed to the wall. Guo Wei's treatment seemed to be worse than that of Li Xian.

After moving his right shoulder, the bones exploded. Guo Wei looked at the empty sleeve of his left arm and sighed.

That day, Xu Huang's ax not only smashed the double layer of iron armor on his shoulders, but also shattered his bones. When he was dragged from the top of the city, Guo Wei would have half his life left.

Fortunately, the imperial doctor accompanying the army was skilled enough to shave off his rotten flesh and broken bones, and then amputated his limbs to save his life.

His life was saved, and most of his martial arts skills were basically ruined.

Li Xian and Guo Wei, one is Li Jue's nephew and the other is Guo Si's nephew, they have known each other for a long time, and now they are companions in prison, it can be said that they are both fallen in the world.

Unlike the captured Guo Wei, Li Xian traveled eastward as a hostage, and he was not in Liu Yi's hands at the beginning.

It was bad luck, after Guo Si was defeated by Liu Yi, the guards who guarded Li Xian threw him away and ran away by himself, but Li Xian was arrested by the officers and soldiers within a few steps.

At the beginning, Li Xian's treatment was okay.

But after the officers and soldiers confirmed that his uncle Li Jue had sent troops, he was immediately thrown into prison to accompany the captured Guo Wei.

There is no way, this is what happens to hostages.

From another point of view, Zhang Xiu, who was held hostage in Li Jue's hands, should not be in a better situation now.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

Guo Wei, who was awakened, did not lose his temper for this old friend who depended on each other.

Li Xian looked around nervously, and after confirming that the guards were far away, he leaned against Guo Wei's ear and bit his ear.

"Brother, when I just went to the toilet, I heard a secret."


Guo Wei's reaction was very cold, so what if they heard the secret, they couldn't escape.

His one arm was tied to the wall, and his feet were wearing heavy shackles. He was so hungry and exhausted after eating one meal a day, could he break open the door and run out?Even if he ran out, how far could he run with the handcuffs and shackles on his body?
Knowing the so-called "secret" is nothing but increasing troubles.

Seeing Guo Wei's expression like this, how could Li Xian not know what he was thinking.

This young talent of the Xiliang Army, nicknamed "The Butcher", had long since lost the demeanor of being aggressive with Liu Yi in Nanwu that day. He whispered in Guo Wei's ear like a mosquito.

"I came early, hid in the innermost place, and listened to the two soldiers talking at the other end"


Li Xian moved his mouth away from Guo Wei awkwardly, and continued.

"It is said that after the war in Zheng County, meritorious officials will be rewarded, and Yang will definitely be named a township marquis."

"So what?" Guo Wei frowned slightly, "What kind of secret is this?"

"Yang Ding is now besieging Duan Yao in Huayin. He is doing it on his own, and now he has come to accept the reward."

"Yang Ding is so stupid?"

Guo Wei was a little stunned. These days, he had heard a lot about the cruelty of today. For this kind of head sent to the door, wouldn't it be Yang's decision?

"He brought thousands of riders here, and it's an open area, with no way to stop him in a radius of ten miles. He must not be able to surprise him. Moreover, he will camp tonight and leave when he receives his reward at dawn tomorrow."

"What does it have to do with us? What kind of secret is this?"

Guo Wei became more and more impatient. He only thought that Li Xian's brain was broken, and he was talking such useless nonsense here.

Guo Wei was about to turn his head and go back to sleep, however, Li Xian's next words completely revived Guo Wei.

"They also said that they should go to bed early today, and the government and army will raid tonight!"

The amount of information is a bit large, and Guo Wei's mind is a little dazed for a while.

Except when fighting, the brain is not very good at other times, and the old Guo family seems to be in the same line.

After thinking about it, Guo Wei was a little depressed.

"That has nothing to do with us. If the officers and soldiers want to fight at night, they can only select the elite. It is impossible for the whole army to attack. There must be a lot of soldiers left to guard us."

Li Xian gritted his teeth and revealed his trump card: "As long as there is chaos, I can escape from prison!"

"What did you say?!"

Guo Wei looked at the swearing Li Xian, even though his mind was not working, he was a little suspicious at this moment.

"How could you escape from prison, and how did it happen that you heard the secrets of the officers and soldiers?"

"I was almost smoked to death in the innermost place! Besides, if the secret is true, you only need to ask to know."

"Who are you asking?" Guo Wei thought it was absurd and unbelievable.

"My uncle is a secret stake in the army."

Li Xian's complexion was a little complacent, he swayed a bit, looked at Guo Wei's eyes eager for the answer, and told him anyway.

"Hu Ben Zhonglang (not Zhonglang general) Wang Chang, this is a villain who is greedy for money and profit, and his uncle has already fed him."

"Then he knows you? Willing to take the risk of beheading to help you escape from prison?" Guo Wei's brain became more and more active.

"I know. That's why there must be chaos. It must not be possible in the daytime."

Just when Guo Wei was still suspicious, a group of soldiers suddenly walked by outside the broken room where they were held, and the two quickly fell silent.

Guo Weiqiang propped up his weak body, and pulled at the door that was locked with iron chains. Looking through the crack of the door, it was a group of Baibo soldiers in ragged clothes.

"Hey, the sword hung by the emperor is really majestic!"

"What do you know? It's called the Seven Stars Sword. It used to belong to Grand Master Dong."

"Then why is it in the hands of the emperor?"

"I heard that the emperor went out of the camp to meet Yang Ding and said something."

The voices of Bai Bo's soldiers gradually faded away. In the dusty cell, Guo Wei and Li Jue looked at each other. Seven-star sword?

The Seven Star Treasure Saber is more than one foot long, and the back of the sword is inlaid with seven extremely precious gemstones.

This knife was originally owned by Situ Wang Yun. When Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo, he borrowed the knife from Wang Yun to assassinate him. After the assassination failed, Cao Cao dedicated the knife to Dong Zhuo.

After Dong Zhuo was killed by Wang Yun's design, the sword returned to Wang Yun's hands. Soon, Li Jue and Guo Si invaded Chang'an, Wang Yun was killed, and the sword fell into Guo Bang's hands. When Guo Si drew Yang Ding to fight against Li Jue, It was given to Yang Ding again.

That is Yang Ding's favorite thing, and it is to be carried on his body to show off in front of others all the time, how can he be willing to give it to the emperor?
The two thought of the reason in unison.

There is one and only one possibility, the emperor promised to give Yang Ding something more precious, the highest dream of a great Han general, the ultimate pursuit of life.


Only in this way can it be explained.

Li Jue rolled his eyeballs, and then looked at the silly Guo Wei, thinking about it.

"Brother, don't worry, as long as there is a mess tonight, I will definitely take you out!"

(End of this chapter)

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