Li Shimin

Chapter 102 We are waiting to discuss studies with His Majesty

Chapter 102 We are waiting to discuss studies with His Majesty
"Talking about school?"

Hearing this, there was silence in Liangyi Hall.

Not only generals such as Qin Qiong and Li Jing, but also Li Shimin and Changsun Wuji were shocked by Cheng Zhijie's words!
Among the crowd, you are the most vulgar, illiterate, and even talk about your studies?

As he spoke, as if he knew that his words were not very convincing, Cheng Zhijie directly raised the clairvoyance in his hand and showed off to Qin Qiong and the others.

"Second brother Qin, fellow colleagues, this is the strange thing created by that ineffective son of mine following that strange man!"

"A strange thing?"

Everyone looked disdainful.

Even Qin Qiong and Li Jing were speechless.

That bastard of yours, a bastard who is exactly like you, besides running amok and causing trouble all day long, can actually create strange things?

"May I ask Mr. Su, what's so magical about this thing? How about opening my eyes?" Hou Junji asked.

"Hey, this object is called a clairvoyance, and people can see scenes thousands of miles away with the help of this object!"

Cheng Zhijie narrowed his eyes and said triumphantly.

"Just this little pen holder?"

"Cheng Laohuo, how arrogant are you? Do you know how far a thousand miles is? Is it possible that you are a magic weapon of the fairy family?"

"Old man Cheng, I don't ask for thousands of miles away, I just need to be able to see people one mile away clearly!"

"Is that what you said?"

Cheng Zhijie narrowed his eyes and said with a strange smile.

"So what if it's what Ben said!"

General Duan Zhixuan of Zuo Xiaowei did not give in at all, and said at the top of his voice.

"Old duan, do you dare to bet with Lao Cheng in front of His Majesty?" Cheng Zhijie said.

We have worked together for more than ten years, who doesn't know who?Seeing Cheng Zhijie's expression, Duan Zhixuan felt something was wrong.

"How can you set up a bet in front of His Majesty?"

Cheng Zhijie sneered.

"Bah, it's obvious that you, an eggless old bastard, are the ones who are cowardly!"

Those present were all a group of veteran killers who wished the world would be in chaos.Now knowing that His Majesty and Cheng Laomo were not plotting something alone without leaving aside their group of generals, they are all relieved.

Now, see that there is something exciting to watch.

Naturally, I can't wait to play in person, and keep firing from the sidelines.

"Obviously you are an old bastard who is restless and kind, so I won't fall for your evil tricks!" Duan Zhixuan didn't pay any attention to it.

"Thousands of steps away, old thief Duan, do you dare to take a gamble?"

Cheng Zhijie rolled his eyes and said loudly again.

"A thousand steps?"

Now, everyone was taken aback.

As if looking at a monster, he looked at Cheng Zhijie.

Thousands of steps away, let alone a person, even a mountain, can make people unable to see clearly.

"Old man Cheng, what do you want to bet on?" Duan Zhixuan asked directly.

Cheng Zhijie quickly said: "Hey, I heard that you have a horse forged from refined iron in your house?"

Hearing this, Yu Chigong, Qin Qiong and other generals immediately looked at Duan Zhixuan.


Duan Zhixuan was stunned, and then he couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Well, you old devil Cheng, you are really shameless!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Cheng Zhijie to speak, he squinted and asked, "Old man Cheng, what do you use for gambling?"

"As long as there are things in my old Cheng's house, you can take them!"

Cheng Zhijie's face was full of boldness.

Seeing this, Duan Zhixuan was not polite, "Ten horses!"


Without even thinking about it, Cheng Zhijie answered straight away.

At this time, Duan Zhixuan's eyes flashed, and he felt something was wrong for no reason.

Similarly, Qin Qiong, Li Jing and the others around were also well aware of Cheng Laomo's disposition, so they couldn't help but look at Li Xiaogong and Yu Chigong.

However, he saw the confident faces of Li Xiaogong and others.

Suddenly, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and he quickly looked at the wooden box in Cheng Zhijie's hand.

"Hey, Duan Duan, looking out of the palace from here, how many steps is that palace from here?"

Cheng Zhijie pointed to a vague temple outside the hall with only a corner exposed, and smiled all over his face.

After listening, Duan Zhixuan, Qin Qiong and others hurriedly looked in the direction Cheng Zhijie pointed.

They are all veterans on the battlefield. Everyone just glanced at them and had a rough estimate of the distance in their hearts.

"A thousand steps is enough!"

Duan Zhixuan nodded slightly.

"Old man Duan, you can see it clearly. Put one end of this clairvoyance in front of your eyes, and then the other end towards that palace..."

Cheng Zhijie demonstrated to Duan Zhixuan, then handed the clairvoyance to Duan Zhixuan.

Seeing this, Duan Zhixuan directly picked up the clairvoyant, imitating Cheng Zhijie's movements, and looked towards the palace.


Duan Zhixuan was shocked at a glance.

The unremarkable wooden tube in his hand could actually clearly see the gaps in the black terracotta tiles on the temple in the distance.

Immediately, he slowly moved the clairvoyance in his hand, and the more he looked, the more shocked he looked.

"Fan Guogong, can this object really see objects thousands of steps away?"

Li Jing and Qin Qiong on the side were all staring at Duan Zhixuan with anticipation.

"Of course, when did my old Cheng lie to you?" Cheng Zhijie raised his head with pride.

"This thing was made by my kid following his master!"

At this time, Duan Zhixuan also slowly put down the clairvoyance in his hand, his face full of excitement.

As General Zuo Xiaowei, since the Li family raised troops in Taiyuan, his Duan family has followed the Li family to conquer the world, so he can understand the importance of clairvoyance in his hands.

As for the horse lance made of refined iron in the mansion, it has long been forgotten.

Such a small clairvoyance is better than ten horses!

"Your Majesty, this thing..."

Duan Zhixuan ignored Cheng Zhijie, but looked directly at Li Shimin

"This thing was made by a hermit and a strange person in one of Brother Hejian's villages!"

Li Shimin nodded slowly, and said: "As Cheng Zhijie said, this object is called clairvoyance, and I have seen it before, and it can see people at a distance of [-] paces!"

"One thousand two hundred steps!"

Duan Zhixuan and the others were even more shocked.

However, soon, Duan Zhixuan looked at the identical clairvoyance that Li Shimin took out, and couldn't help but be astonished.

"Your Majesty also?"

"This clairvoyance was dedicated to me by the crown prince!"

Li Shimin said.


Duan Zhixuan was taken aback again.

"This is made by the master with the prince and others, and the prince and his disciples naturally have them!"

As Li Shimin said, he couldn't help but look down at Li Xiaogong, Changsun Wuji and others.

Duan Zhixuan looked over quickly, and saw a scene that broke his heart.

Li Xiaogong, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others each took out an identical clairvoyance.

"This?...Your Majesty, you all have this thing, King Hejian? Are you really talking about the studies of the prince and the Cheng family just now?"

"My old Cheng didn't lie to you!"

Cheng Zhijie said with a proud face.

"Don't worry, the horse will be sent to your house tomorrow!"

Duan Zhixuan said with a depressed face.

"Hey, old Duan is still generous!"

Cheng Zhijie grinned with joy on his face.

"Xuanling, please let me take a look at this clairvoyance!"

"Yuchi Heitan, there is such a thing as clairvoyance, yet you still hide it..."

"King Hejian, this clairvoyant..."

At the same time, Qin Qiong, Li Jing and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and stared at the clairvoyance in the hands of Li Xiaogong, Fang Xuanling and the others, and began to watch.


(End of this chapter)

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