Li Shimin

Chapter 103 Let me go hunting

Chapter 103 Let me go hunting

Immediately, the entire Hall of Liangyi was amazed again and again.

After a while, the guards outside the Hall of Liangyi were surprised to find that the generals of the Twelve Guards, who were all solemn just now, were full of excitement now, as if they had wiped out a small country .

At the same time, holding a small wooden tube in his hand, with a strange and obscene look on his face, he looked around the entire Liangyi Hall from inside the hall, and almost climbed to the top of the palace .

Finally, under His Majesty's scolding, these generals calmed down slowly.

Back in the hall, there was another fierce quarrel.



"Master, there is no more meat in the cellar!"

After lunch, Cheng Chusi hurriedly reported to Li Xuan while Chang Sun Chong and the others were washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

Li Xuan was stunned, and asked Cheng Chusi: "Didn't you just buy a [-]-jin pig back a few days ago? Can't you eat it sparingly?"

"Master, when you bought that pig back, you distributed four catties of meat to each of Zhuangzi's farmers. The one left for you here is not even eighty catties!"

Cheng Chusi was full of grievances.

So some meat is because they are saving.Otherwise, it would have been eaten long ago.

"Half a child, eat a poor teacher!"

Li Xuan glared at Cheng Chusi, "Sinister, since I have eaten all the meat in my master's house, today you can go hunting for my master!"


Hearing this, Cheng Chusi was taken aback.

"Master, are you going hunting in the mountains?"

"Why, are you afraid?"

Li Xuan squinted at Cheng Chusi, "Don't worry, I don't plan to let you wait to hunt. When the time comes, follow me and be responsible for carrying the prey!"

"Master, don't underestimate us. As the children of military commanders, we also hunted in Mount Li with His Majesty today!"

Cheng Chusi puffed out his chest, thinking of the situation at that time, a flush appeared on his face, and the blood in his body was boiling.

"Did you hunt the prey yourself?"

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but look disdainful, "A group of children from aristocratic families are still a group of brats, even if they participate in it, there will be a group of songs behind them, and wherever they pass, all beasts will be afraid, this can still be called hunting. ?”


Although he has grown to be as strong as an adult, Cheng Chusi is still a child, and he has nothing to say about being bullied by Li Xuan.

"Master, this disciple has already cleaned the entire kitchen!"

"Master, the chicken pens and pig pens outside have been cleaned!"

At this time, Chang Sun Chong, Li Chongyi and others also completed their respective tasks and ran in excitedly.

However, as soon as he entered, he noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

Thinking that Cheng Chusi had made Li Xuan angry again, he couldn't help but give Cheng Chusi a hard look.

Immediately, he asked cautiously, "Master, when shall I go to the forge?"

"Not going today!" Li Xuan said.


Li Chongyi and the others all looked shocked.

Yesterday's clairvoyance was taken away by them Aye, and they are planning to make another one for themselves today.

"Today, my master will take you into the mountains to hunt!" Li Xuan said.


The expressions of Li Chongyi and the others were exactly the same as Cheng Chusi's expression just now.

"May I ask Master, why did you think of hunting today?"

Considering Li Chengqian's special status, Li Chongyi asked hastily.

After all, as a crown prince, heir to a country, every move, even a scar on his body has a great influence.Therefore, even if they, the legitimate sons of the duke's mansion, play with him, they have to think carefully, for fear of any accidents.

Now, Master wants to bring them and others into the mountains to hunt?
"At such a young age, you are such a scumbag, you eat all the meat in my master's cellar, and you don't want to be responsible?"

Li Xuan asked with a look of contempt.

"I don't know what kind of meat Master wants to eat, I will buy some for Master tomorrow!"

At this moment, Chang Sun Chong also figured it out, and said quickly.

"As a person from a mountain village, why do you need to buy meat from the city? How can you think of such a shameful thing?"

Li Xuan had a gloomy expression on his face. He never expected that this kind of thing that every teenager likes to do would be avoided in every possible way when they came to Li Chongyi and the others.

"Hey, master, I just think that the meat in the city is rich and varied, and you can buy whatever you want!"

Li Chengqian understood the concerns of Li Chongyi and the others, but he really liked hunting.

"However, after comparing the past few days, the wild game in the mountains is still the most delicious. May I ask Master, when shall I leave?"


Li Chongyi was startled, and his expression became anxious.

However, Li Chengqian also has his own considerations.

Although he is very elegant on weekdays, no one knows that Li Chengqian is also a man, and he is full of passion in his bones. He wants to be like Li Chongyi, setting fires in the outside world, beating people, and domineering to his heart's content, even going to the battlefield to kill enemies.

It's a pity that he is the crown prince of a country, and when he is the crown prince, even if he is standing up, there are people who are always monitoring him.If there is a slight violation of etiquette, the censor will be impeached again, and the father will be scolded.

And this time, it was getting late, even if Master took them into the mountain, they would not be able to go very far.Moreover, there will definitely be guards around to follow, and there will be no accidents at all.

It just so happened that he could use this plan to let off steam and have a good time.

"The Great Tang established the country with martial arts. You and I, Aye, are veteran killers killed on the battlefield. I didn't expect you, as the heir of a general, to be so timid even to go hunting in the mountains. How will you fight the enemy or defend your home and country in the future?"

For the actions of Li Chongyi and the others, Li Xuan did not expect at all.

However, what he hated most was the cowardice of men.

In particular, these people are all his nephews or disciples.

"Today, no matter what, everyone will find a weapon and follow my master into the mountains to hunt!"

Li Xuan had a serious face.

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing this, a trace of helplessness flashed in Li Chongyi's eyes.

The husband's life is the father's life!
Since the identity of the prince cannot be revealed, he can only obey.

As for the rest of Cheng Chusi, Yuchi Baolin and other heartless bastards, they have already rushed out and grabbed a few guards, that is, grabbing swords and arrows.

Soon, everyone was armed with knives and arrows, and the only thing missing was armor!

Seeing Li Xuan's mouth twitching.

This outfit is enough for fighting.

However, since these little bastards were all the second generation of the Duke's Palace, Li Xuan allowed them to carry enough weapons and equipment.

And Li Xuan, still the same as before, with a small medicine basket on his back and a sickle in his hand, led Li Chongyi and the others towards the mountain.

Passing by the village, those farmers looked at Li Chongyi and the others with strange faces.

However, I just glanced at it a few times, but didn't say anything to remind these little nobles.

Moreover, with the Master here, it is not their turn to remind them.


(End of this chapter)

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