Li Shimin

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 The Drum and Urn Appears with the Golden Hammer (Addition [-])

"His Majesty!"

Another guard ran in with his face covered in sweat.

"He Laizi, I remember you were in Lijiazhuang, why did you come back?"

In the Tang Dynasty, hereditary father-son soldiers were prevalent, and usually the children in the army inherited their father's positions.

The imperial army is also the Yulin Tunbing, also known as the Beimen Tunning Army, many of which were soldiers who followed Li Yuan when he raised troops in Taiyuan.

Therefore, Li Shimin also knew many forbidden soldiers.

And He Laizi is a member of the pro-army. His father retired from the army and was stationed in Huangzhuang, and He Laizi inherited his father's position.

It's just that Li Shimin sent him to Lijiazhuang because his calf was injured a few years ago and he was always lame.

"Your Majesty, something has happened!"

Li Shimin frowned as soon as He Liezi opened his mouth.

However, He Laizi was not like Li Chongyi, and without waiting for Li Shimin's reaction, he continued to report: "Your Majesty, the master in Lijiazhuang is brave and mighty, and he has the courage that is undeserved. I was incapable and failed to take down that master. This time, then The Master is tying King Lu and King Yan to a tree and beating them with branches!"



Now, the faces of Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others changed drastically.

I couldn't help but realize that this matter has become a big mess!

"Your Majesty, Yin Zhongcheng begs to see you!"

At this time, another hurried voice came from outside the hall.


Li Shimin sighed lightly and rubbed the center of his eyebrows vigorously.

There is really no one to worry about!

Soon, a middle-aged man rushed in from outside the hall. He was Li You's own uncle, Yushi Zhongchengyin Hongzhi, younger brother of Concubine Yinde.

"Your Majesty, I received a report from my subordinates that there were slaves in the Li Family Manor of Hejian County King. They tied King Lu and King Yan with ropes and beat them in public. This rampant behavior does not put Tian Family in their eyes. It is so big. Disrespectful! I beg Your Majesty, let me lead the troops to take down that daring slave, and cut him into pieces!"

Yin Hongzhi's eyes were fierce.

"Don't bother Yin Zhongcheng, since this matter happened in this king's village, it is natural that this king will lead troops to suppress it!"

On the side, Li Xiaogong said softly.

"Since the king wants to suppress, why is the king still here?" Yin Hongzhi asked coldly.

"This is because..." Li Xiaogong opened his mouth to explain.

Outside the hall, another servant hurriedly walked in!
"Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor was furious when he heard that King Lu was beaten, and asked His Majesty to send someone to rescue King Lu quickly, and take down that madman and cut him into pieces!"

"I already know about this!"

Li Shimin nodded slightly at the servant, and the servant quickly bowed and retreated.

"Your Majesty, I don't trust the Prince of Hejian, so I want to lead my troops there myself!"

Yin Hongzhi continued to report.

Li Xiaogong, on the other hand, had a calm face and said nothing.

"Yin Zhongcheng doesn't know, that lunatic has the bravery of a man, so Yin Zhongcheng should stay calm and don't be impatient. It is safer to go there with Su Guogong and Hejian County King leading a team of imperial troops! "

Li Shimin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will live up to my holy orders!"

A trace of curiosity flashed across Cheng Zhijie's eyes, and he quickly saluted and accepted the order.

"Your Majesty, the King of Yan is the nephew of the minister, and the minister is very worried. Please allow the minister to go with you!"

Yin Zhongcheng still did not give up, with a firm expression on his face.


Seeing this, Li Shimin nodded slightly.

Immediately, Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong led a team of imperial guards and rushed towards Li's Village.

Meanwhile, in the harem.

Concubine Yinde, who learned that her son had been beaten, also sent a palace maid to run outside the palace with an angry face.

Then, he went to the Lizheng Palace with a sad face!



After Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong arrived with the forbidden army.

From a distance, Li Yuanchang and Li You could hear the miserable and powerless screams.

Afterwards, when he saw his group of little bastards standing obediently aside, as if they hadn't suffered any injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief.


However, Yin Hongzhi on the side was full of anger when he saw the miserable appearance of Li Yuanchang and Li You, and his eyes were tearing apart.

"What are you waiting for, Su Guogong, hurry up and take down that beast and rescue King Yan!"

"Hmph, I don't need you to command me as an old minister!"

Cheng Zhijie snorted coldly, and rode his horse, ready to charge in.

"General Cheng, wait a minute!"

Suddenly, a figure sprang out from the front.

"What lame?"

Seeing this person, both Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong were stunned with doubts on their faces.

"Who are you? How dare you stop me!"

Yin Hongzhi glared.

However, lame He didn't have time to pay attention to Yin Hongzhi at this time, but hurriedly reported: "General, lord, I heard from that master again that he wants to teach King Lu and King Yan a lesson. Whoever dares Frighten him, maybe he will miss, miss..."

He Liezi didn't dare to say the following words.

However, Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong could understand what it meant.

Can't help but dignified, if this master is really like this, then this matter is really troublesome!
"Bastards, are you just watching, King Yan is so humiliated?"

On the side, Yin Hongzhi was furious.

"Yin Zhongcheng, forgive me, I and the others have also attacked by force, but they are not the enemy of that master, and it is not that we are afraid of death. If we really hurt the two princes, it will be impossible to die. Sorry!"

He lame said in a low voice.

At this time, Cheng Zhijie who was on the side lightly rode his horse and took two steps forward.

"The master above, is he tired? Do you want to rest for a while, and I will discuss it later?"

"Is this you Aye?"

Hearing Cheng Zhijie's shout, Li Xuan turned his head, looked at Cheng Chusi and asked curiously.

"Master, it's me, Aye!" Cheng Chusi replied hastily.

"Hmph, bastard, Cheng Laomo came to save me by the order of my father, why don't you put me down quickly?"

Both Li You and Li Yuanchang didn't look shocked, and shouted with joy on their faces: "I also ask Su Guogong to quickly take down this bureaucrat and save this king!"

"Not honest!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan snorted lightly, and then again.


"It hurts the Shaben King!"

Li Yuanchang and Li You screamed again.

"Evil barrier, how dare you be so rampant!"

Below, Yin Hongzhi stared and cursed directly.


Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help stretching out his hand, picked up a big hammer, and threw it out.

With a loud noise, dust flew in front of Yin Hongzhi, and he fell off the horse and sat on the ground.

Looking at the big hammer in front of him, his face was pale.

If it was any closer, the hammer would hit him...

On the other hand, Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong looked at the huge hammer in front of them, and they froze there, their eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

Especially Li Xiaogong, trembling all over, his eyes are red!

"This is?"

"This is the drum and urn golden hammer. Didn't it already accompany that person to be buried? How is this possible?"

Muttering to himself, Cheng Zhijie quickly took out the dress from his chest, held it in front of his eyes, and looked towards Li Xuan.

Li Xuan seemed to have expected this, and turned his head towards Cheng Zhijie and grinned.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, Cheng Zhijie's face turned pale, and he almost fell off his horse.

If he, Cheng Zhijie, the demon king of the world, is most afraid of whom, it must be this one.Because back then, Cheng Zhijie was somewhat dissatisfied and curious, so he went to tease the red-eyed Li Xuanba recklessly. If Cheng Laomo hadn't always been lucky, he would have been hammered into meatloaf by this man.

I didn't expect to see this man again after so many years!

"Li Xiaogong, did you already know?"

Immediately, thinking of that His Majesty, the favor he had shown him before, Cheng Zhijie stared closely at Li Xiaogong!

 Ask for the first booking, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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