Li Shimin

Chapter 110 The Supreme Emperor, the Golden Hammer Appears!

Chapter 110 The Supreme Emperor, the Golden Hammer Appears!

"Your Majesty and this king were very excited when they saw this one before. However, this one didn't know me and His Majesty at that time, and this person's age didn't match!"

Clenching his fist tightly, Li Xiaogong sighed heavily.


Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie stared at Li Xiaogong with wide eyes, and said, "Old Cheng is not blind again, is he the one, and still can't recognize him?"

"Look at that man's eyes, it's exactly the same as when I was beaten with these big hammers!"


A flash of excitement flashed in Li Xiaogong's eyes, and he quickly stared at Cheng Zhijie.

"Bullshit, when did my old Cheng miss it!"

Cheng Zhijie was anxious.

"Is it really..." Li Xiaogong muttered to himself.

"But the age doesn't match!"

Although I still can't believe it, Li Xiaogong's heart has been shaken a little!

"I didn't expect this person to be so young after so many years!"

Now, Cheng Zhijie was not in a hurry, and got off the horse directly, and sat on a big rock beside him.

"Old man Cheng, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Cheng Zhijie was blatantly sabotaging his work, Yin Hongzhi couldn't help but glared.

"Your Majesty ordered you to lead the troops to rescue King Yan, but you are so negligent? Could it be that you sincerely want to see King Yan be humiliated?"


Cheng Zhijie glanced at Yin Hongzhi disdainfully, "I, old Cheng, can't control this matter!"

"If Yin Zhongcheng is eager, go up there by himself!"


Seeing Cheng Zhijie's reckless appearance, Yin Hongzhi was also taken aback, and then quickly looked at Li Xiaogong who was at the side.

Although he also learned martial arts since he was a child, compared to Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong, there is a world of difference.

And asking him to deal with the traitor above, Yin Hongzhi swallowed subconsciously, and he was powerless to fight back only with the big hammer in front of him.

"May I ask Prince Hejian, what is so terrifying about this big hammer that the two of you are so timid that you dare not go forward?"

"This time it has nothing to do with Yin Zhongcheng, so don't make any trouble."

Li Xiaogong glanced at Yin Hongzhi who was full of anxiety, "As for Lu Wang and Yan Wang, they only listened to the sound, they were beaten for such a long time, and they were still so angry, it proves that there is nothing serious!"

"Please take good care of the matter here, Mr. Su. I want to enter the palace and report to His Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogong slapped his flattery hard, and under the pain, the war horse under his crotch galloped towards Chang'an City.


Inside the Legislative Hall.

Looking at the crying Concubine Yinde in front of him, Li Shimin also had a headache.

"Your Majesty, who is the thief who is so vicious? You'er is so young, yet he suffered such a severe humiliation?"

"Okay, okay, the person who beat You'er is not a thief, but the hermit who improved Qu Yuanli and invented the enlightenment alphabet and number arithmetic!"

Li Shimin's face was full of irritability.

"I don't know how Yu'er provoked that strange person!"


"Your Majesty, You'er is only nine years old, although there is something wrong, that one can't use such a cruel method to humiliate You'er?" Concubine Yin De cried.

"Do you know when You'er left the palace? And how did you get involved with King Lu?"

Suddenly, thinking of something, Li Shimin's expression froze, and he asked in a deep voice.


Hearing this, Concubine Yin De was also startled.

"Also, do you know that the surrounding area of ​​Lijiazhuang is closely guarded by my forbidden army, no one can enter without my order!"

Li Shimin said again, "Why did Youer sneak in?"

"Your Majesty forgive me, my concubine didn't notice for a while..."

Concubine Yin De's expression changed slightly, and she quickly explained.

On the side, Empress Changsun couldn't help but say, "Don't blame Erlang, what happened before was to save You'er and King Lu from that strange man first!"


The more he thought about it, the more headache Li Shimin felt.

"Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor has summoned you!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside.

Hearing this, Li Shimin frowned even more.

"Father summoned him, presumably because of King Lu and You'er's affairs, Erlang, hurry up, don't keep father waiting for too long!"

Empress Changsun glanced at Li Shimin worriedly, "At this time, father should be more angry, Erlang should be more patient!"


Li Shimin waved his hands helplessly, and walked towards Tai'an Palace by himself.

As the palace of the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan, the Tai'an Palace is even more resplendent, with all kinds of jewels, all the windows have been replaced with glass windows, glass utensils can be seen everywhere, it is more luxurious than the Tai Chi Palace.

However, the atmosphere in Tai'an Palace at this time was extremely depressing.

All the maidservants and guards in the entire palace had dignified faces and light footsteps, not daring to make any noise.

"Baby has seen Aye!"

At this moment, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face, and the ground in front of him was still scattered with shards of glass.

The two maidservants stood not far away with terrified faces, not daring to take a step forward.

"Your Majesty is finally willing to come see me, this old man!"

Li Yuan glanced sideways at Li Shimin and snorted coldly.

"Aye, don't blame me, the boy has been busy with state affairs these days..."

Li Shimin's eyelids trembled, and he smiled sarcastically.

"Okay, Your Majesty doesn't need to be so embarrassing and perfunctory with me. I just want to know, how is Yuanchang now? Can the thief be caught?"

Li Yuan directly interrupted Li Shimin's words.

"Back to Aye, the boy has already sent Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong to go, presumably by now, the thief has been taken down and Yuanchang and You'er have been rescued!"

Li Shimin quickly replied.

"Hmph, I hope Yuanchang isn't disgusted by you!"

Li Yuan sneered, then turned his head directly and leaned on the sofa.

"Don't worry, Aye, I've seen that thief a few times, so he's definitely not a ruthless person!"

Li Shimin quickly said, "This time, Yuanchang and Youer will return safely!"

"Have you seen that thief?"

Hearing this, Li Yuan opened his eyes and stared at Li Shimin closely.


Li Shimin was taken aback, and just about to explain, he heard hurried footsteps from outside the hall.

Immediately, a servant from Tai'an Palace walked in quickly.

"I report to the Supreme Emperor, Your Majesty, Li Xiaogong, King of Hejian County, please see me!"

"Let him in!"

Li Yuan said.


Not long after the guards left, Li Xiaogong hurried in.

"My humble minister Li Xiaogong has met the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty!"

"Li Xiaogong, how is Yuanchang?"

Li Yuan said directly.

Li Shimin also hurriedly looked at Li Xiaogong.

But it was against Li Xiaogong's weird expression.

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, King Lu and King Yan are very safe at the moment, please don't worry too much!" Li Xiaogong cupped his hands and said, "I have come back, there is a big event..."

"Where is Yuanchang?" Li Yuan asked again with anger in his eyes.

"The Supreme Emperor, the minister is incompetent, and failed to save King Lu and King Yan!"

Li Xiaogong said.


Now, Li Yuan and Li Shimin both hurriedly looked at Li Xiaogong.

"Then why did you come back?"

Li Yuan's face became angry.

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, I can't afford to offend the person who beat King Lu and King Yan, and I dare not offend him!"

Li Xiaogong glanced at Li Yuan and Li Shimin, with a strange expression on his face.


Both Li Yuan and Li Shimin were startled.

"Ha ha!"

Now, Li Yuan laughed angrily, "The old man wants to hear, who is it, who not only beat the prince openly, but also made you, the majestic king of Hejian County, dare not provoke him!"

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, it's the drum beating urn and the golden hammer appearing!"

Li Xiaogong glanced at Li Shimin at the side, and said slowly!


 Many thanks to Zi Ao, Bigu Xiaoxiu, Sui Yuan's Flying Dao, Geng Ma, Wei Shujian Mo Changheng, Dark Sky Corpse, Drought Bandit Wizard, Scorpio Blade, Foot Board, Five Kills Withering, Starry Sky Sparrow, etc. Master Li Tang Their tip!

  And the monthly tickets of all the nobles~~~
  Code word code word go!

  In addition, the first order this time is almost 600!

  Today I want four more!

  Now release two chapters first, and the remaining two chapters will be released at night, let’s post together!

  Ladies and gentlemen, the first order of this book exceeded my expectations!
(End of this chapter)

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