Li Shimin

Chapter 111 I'm You Aye!

Chapter 111 I'm You Aye!

Hearing this, Li Yuan's old face shook, and he almost couldn't sit still, staring at Li Xiaogong.

"Can you see clearly, it's really beating a drum and a golden hammer?"

"Going back to the Supreme Emperor, the golden hammer that beat the drum and urn was directly smashed in front of the humble minister's horse. The minister can see clearly, and he will definitely not be wrong!"

Recalling the scene at that time, a trace of fear flashed in Li Xiaogong's eyes.

And this time, Li Shimin also thought of something, his body trembled slightly, his eyes were ecstatic, but he couldn't believe it.

"Hejian County King, you mean, Li Xuan is Xuan Ba?"

"Return to Your Majesty, even the humble minister is not sure!"

Li Xiaogong said, but looking at his eyes, as long as he is not blind, he can tell that Li Xiaogong has actually made up his mind.

However, the matter was so important that he alone dared not draw a conclusion.

"Aye? Is Xuanba really back?"

Li Shimin quickly looked at Li Yuan.

"Prepare the horse!"

Li Yuan was startled, and then shouted loudly towards the outside of the hall.

"Come on, hurry up and prepare the horse!"

Li Shimin also roared loudly.

After a while.

Li Shimin and Li Yuan rode a horse each, followed by a group of forbidden troops, and galloped towards Lijiazhuang.

This kind of situation made passers-by frightened.

Afterwards, thinking of the rumors they heard about King Lu and King Yan, all the big and small forces in Chang'an City were thoughtful.Immediately, they were all full of curiosity. In less than half an hour, there were dozens of versions of the rumors about King Lu and King Yan in Lijiazhuang.


"I see you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Outside Lijiazhuang, Yin Hongzhi was surprised when he saw Li Shimin and Li Yuan coming in a hurry.

"Where is the drum and urn and the golden hammer?"

After getting off the horse, Li Shimin and Li Yuan didn't bother to talk to Yin Hongzhi, and looked directly at the big hammer in front of them, half of their bodies buried in the soil.


I am too familiar with beating drums, urns, and golden hammers.

With just one glance, both Li Yuan and Li Shimin were full of surprise and tears.

After touching it slowly, Li Yuan raised his head and anxiously searched around.

"What about people?"

"The Supreme Emperor, who is it?"

Yin Hongzhi quickly approached and asked.

"The Emperor, Your Majesty, over there!"

On the side, Li Xiaogong pointed to Li Xuan and the others in the distance, and said.


After listening, Li Yuan quickly looked up.

Unfortunately, from such a long distance, only a vague figure can be seen.

Pushing away Yin Hongzhi in front of him, he hurried up.

"The Supreme Emperor?"

Yin Hongzhi was taken aback for a moment, a gleam of joy flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then he said: "The emperor, the danger ahead, that thief is fierce and arrogant, you must not put yourself in danger!"

"Shut up!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help scolding.

Immediately, he quickly followed up.

"If you stay here, there is no order from His Majesty, so you must not act rashly!"

Behind him, Cheng Zhijie, who was already full of curiosity, explained to the guards, then quickly picked up the big hammer and followed.

As for Yin Hongzhi, he stood there blankly for a while.

After regaining his senses, he hurriedly followed.


"Father, why are you here?"

After a while, Li Yuanchang, who was tired of shouting, suddenly saw a group of people coming up from below.

Can't help but lift up my spirits.

After seeing the two leading figures in front of him, he was overjoyed.

Immediately, his eyes turned red, and he cried out loudly.

"Father, Your Majesty, help me, this traitor is so bold, I feel like my arm is broken..."

Li You, who was on the side, also had a miserable face.

However, both Li Shimin and Li Yuan were afraid.

Therefore, he just looked at Li Shimin and the others expectantly.

However, Yin Hongzhi, who was behind them, saw Li You's appearance, his face was distressed, and his eyes were full of anger.

"The traitor, the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty face to face, why don't you catch him quickly?"


The only response was the muffled sound of a branch whipping.

"Not being honest?"


In an instant, Li Yuanchang and Li You began to howl again.

"Thief, dare you!"

Yin Hongzhi was even more angry.

However, soon there was something wrong.

The Taishanghuang and His Majesty didn't even have the slightest anger, and their faces were full of excitement!
Thinking about it, Yin Hongzhi couldn't help looking at Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong who were beside him in doubt.


And this time, Li Yuan, who finally saw Li Xuan's face clearly, had tears in his eyes, trembling all over, murmured, and rushed up.

He directly grabbed Li Xuan's hands and stared closely at Li Xuan's face. If Li Xuan hadn't been protecting him, those hands would have already touched them.

"Heaven has eyes. After waiting for you for so many years for my father, you are finally back, third child!"


This sudden change directly shocked Li Xuan.

"Who are you, old man?"

"Let go of me, or I will delay teaching these two evil animals. I will beat you together. With my strength, you can't even take a slap!"

After finishing speaking, the air within a radius of three feet of Li Xuan suddenly became quiet.

Everyone couldn't help but stared at Li Xuan, and Li Yuan beside him who was full of excitement.

With a buzzing sound in his head, the Supreme Emperor is so close to this master?
And Li Yuanchang and Li You hanging on the tree were even more astonished.

The two of us were beaten, but the emperor father and grandfather were so close to this traitor?
"Xuan Ba, you don't know Lao Tzu anymore?"

Li Yuan was also taken aback, and looked at Li Xuan blankly, with tears in his eyes.

"I'm you, Aye!"

Then, without waiting for Li Xuan to reply, he continued: "That's right, you have been buried for more than ten years, you just came out, your brain is not very bright, and it's normal not to know me!"

"It's just, why didn't you come to look for Aye now that you're back? Could it be that you're still complaining about Aye's incompetence?"

"Aye knows, it was Aye who was incompetent and pretended to be a father. He didn't protect you at the beginning. After becoming the emperor, he didn't protect the boss and the fourth child. He watched their brothers kill each other and let the boss and the fourth The fourth brother's bones are incomplete!"

"You are Li Yuan?"

Looking at the gray-haired old man with tears on his face, Li Xuan also understood now, and his face was stunned.

Immediately, thinking of what the old man said, he trembled all over his body.

Around, Cheng Zhijie, Yin Hongzhi and others were even paler.

"Asshole, it's called Aye!"

This time, Li Yuan also calmed down. Hearing Li Xuan's words, he couldn't help frowning, and shouted at Li Xuan.

"I don't know you again!"

Li Xuan's eyes flashed.

"You are my seed, you can't escape!" Li Yuan stared, which confirmed his thoughts even more.

"How do you prove it?" Li Xuan felt an inexplicable stubbornness in his heart.

"Then tell the old man, where did you come from?"

Li Yuan chuckled, "And the golden hammer for beating the drum, how do you explain it?"

"Why does your face look exactly like Xuan Ba's?"

"Also, why are you called Li Xuan?"

After this series of questions, Li Xuan couldn't help being speechless!

Seeing this, Li Yuan chuckled, his face full of unscrupulousness.

"No, you don't know Laozi, how do you know that Laozi's name is Li Yuan?"

Suddenly, Li Yuan's expression changed again, and he stared at Li Xuan viciously.


Li Xuan opened his mouth, his face full of depression, can't he say that he guessed it based on the memory of later generations?

Seeing this, a strange color flashed in Li Yuan's eyes.

However, it soon disappeared.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, your temper is still so stubborn!"


 Everyone take it easy, take it easy~~
  Handicapped party codewords are really anxious, while watching you scolding, while typing~~crying

(End of this chapter)

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