Li Shimin

Chapter 113 The Collapsed Li Yuanchang

Chapter 113 The Collapsed Li Yuanchang (fourth update)
After hearing what Li Xuan said about him crawling out of the coffin, Li Yuan, Li Shimin, and Li Chengqian were all filled with emotion over the past two years.

Thinking of something, Li Yuan said solemnly: "The householders in Li Family Manor have a simple temperament, and they have done favors to my Li Family, so we must repay them!"

"Aye, don't worry, my son will go out and reward Li Xiaogong with a Zhuangzi again, and give this Lijiazhuang to Xuanba. Moreover, all the children of Lijiazhuang can serve in the army!"

Li Shimin nodded quickly and said.


Hearing this, Li Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

As for how to reward the people of Li Family Village to repay this kindness, it is more appropriate for Xuanba himself to decide.

"By the way, Xuanba, after you wake up, did your master come to look for you?"

Li Yuan asked again.

"My master?"

Li Xuan was taken aback.

"Your master, Master Ziyang, you must have forgotten it too, right?"

Seeing Li Xuan's confused face, Li Yuan and Li Shimin were stunned, and then explained: "After the battle in Yuwen Chengdu, you were exhausted and fell asleep on the way back to the teacher. Master Ziyang found me and wanted to give you to me. Take it away, saying that your life should not die, and when the opportunity comes, you still have a glimmer of life."

"So, I asked Master Ziyang to secretly take you away."

"I didn't expect that after ten years, you actually woke up!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian looked at Li Xuan, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of admiration.

Since he was a child, he grew up listening to the deeds of the third uncle of the God of War.Unexpectedly, under the arrangement of the immortal master, this third uncle could come back from the dead.

"Then where is my master?"

And this time, Li Xuan was also full of regret, and even had some doubts about the reason why he was able to cross over.

However, thinking of a bold guess again, I couldn't help but shudder slightly.

"I do not know either!"

Li Yuan shook his head slowly, "After the world is settled down, I will also send people to look for you Ziyang Master, but after so many years, there is no news at all, Ziyang Master seems to have disappeared out of thin air!"

Afterwards, seeing Li Xuan's expression, he thought Li Xuan was worried about Master Ziyang.

Li Yuan comforted again: "Xuanba, you don't have to worry too much, that Ziyang real person must be a godlike figure, and nothing will happen to him. Maybe, he will be wandering around somewhere in the world! "

Li Xuan was startled, he was not worried about the safety of the living god, but also worried about his own safety.

I'm afraid that when that living fairy will appear in front of me and find that his apprentice is possessed by me, and the bird has taken over the nest, there is no guarantee that I will not be stunned!
"However, what memories do you have of what happened when you were a child?"

Afterwards, Li Yuan was still a little unwilling to give up, and continued to ask.

"I don't remember at all!"

After thinking seriously for a long time, Li Xuan slowly shook his head.

"It's okay!"

After listening, a trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of Li Yuan and Li Shimin.

Soon it disappeared.

"However, some other memories seem to appear in my mind, such as the transformation of Quyuanli, the firing of glass, and the number arithmetic and enlightenment letters..."

Li Xuan frowned slightly and continued.

"Is there such a thing?"

After hearing this, Li Yuan, Li Shimin, and Li Chengqian all looked dumbfounded.

"Is it true that Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?"

Li Yuan muttered something to himself, and then smiled freely.

"These are not important, as long as my son wakes up!"

Hearing this, a stone fell to Li Xuan's heart.

Li Shimin, on the other hand, was slightly taken aback, looking at the happy Li Yuan, he sighed softly in his heart.

He knew how important those objects in Li Xuan's mind were to Datang!

However, Li Xuan turned out to be the resurrection of his third brother.

All of Li Shimin's worries before have all disappeared.

"Master, King Lu and Li You outside..."

On the side, Li Chengqian thought of something, and said.


And this time, following Li Xuan, Li Yuan and others, they went in for such a long time, but there was no movement.

Li Yuanchang and Li You, who were hung on the tree outside, were already sore and unbearable, and at the same time their minds became active.

"Cheng Chusi, why don't you turn your back and let Yin Zhongcheng put me down secretly?"

After such a long time, Li Yuanchang also knew how stupid what he just said was.

"His Royal Highness, please don't embarrass me. You don't know how terrifying the master is? I don't want to be hanged and beaten by the master like the prince!"

Cheng Chu said softly.

"Cheng Chusi, you!"

Hearing this, Li Yuanchang couldn't help feeling anxious.

Just as soon as I exerted force, I couldn't help but feel a tingling pain all over my body, and it was so painful that I shivered.

"Hehe, it's better for the lord to stay in peace. My temper is very gentle on weekdays. If the two lords hadn't ruined my vegetable garden today, and threatened to cut me into pieces, wipe out my nine clans, and even If the entire Li Family Manor is involved, Master won't be so angry!"

Cheng Chusi laughed.

Hearing this, both Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong couldn't help looking at Li Yuanchang with strange expressions, what a wicked person!

How dare the great devil's favorite thing be ruined?
Cheng Chusi continued to say solemnly: "Actually, as long as the prince admits his mistake to the master just now, or if he is soft, the master will not do such a heavy hand!"

"Impossible, don't even think about asking this king to submit to that lowly slave!"

Hearing this, Li Yuanchang was furious in his eyes.

And Cheng Zhijie, Li Xiaogong, and even Yin Hongzhi couldn't help looking at Li Yuanchang who hadn't understood it strangely, with pitiful faces.

That identity is much nobler than yours.

Even, in front of the Supreme Emperor, he is more favored than you.

"evil creature!"

Suddenly, with a roar.

Everyone outside the courtyard was shocked.

Turning his head quickly to see, Cheng Zhijie, Li Xiaogong and others even saluted quickly.

"I have seen the Supreme Emperor, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Father, brother, you have finally come out!"

And Li Yuanchang also had a happy expression on his face.

"Nie Zhan, what did you just say?"

Li Yuan walked straight to Li Yuanchang and asked angrily.

Seeing this, Li Yuanchang was stunned for a while, his face full of grievances.

"Father, the child just wants Father to save the child, and the child can hardly hold on anymore!"

"Nie Zhan, you are not honest!"

Li Yuan was full of anger. When he saw the blood-stained elm branch on the ground, he picked it up and slammed it at Li Yuanchang.

"What did you call Xuan Ba ​​just now?"


Li Yuanchang howled sadly, and then looked at Li Yuan in disbelief.

"Father, why do you smoke children too?"

"What did you call him?"

Li Yuan asked again.

Saying that, the elm branch in his hand couldn't help but swipe at Li Yuanchang again.

Then, Li Yuanchang wailed again, but this time, Li Yuanchang really understood.

The father who loves him the most beat him because of the traitor beside him!

Can't help but can't believe it!

"He is your third brother Li Xuanba!"

Li Yuan stared at Li Yuanchang closely and said.


"how can that be?"

Li Yuanchang stared wide-eyed with disbelief on his face.

"Father, my third brother, King Wei, died long ago. This rebel looks so young, how could he be the third brother?"

As he said that, Li Yuanchang felt that he thought of the truth, his eyes lit up, and he glared at Li Xuan who was smiling lightly at the side.

"Father, this thief must have deceived you with some sweet words, let me down quickly, and let me help you expose this thief..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuanchang only felt a sharp pain in his body, and opened his mouth to cry again.

After recovering, seeing that it was Li Yuan who beat him, he couldn't help but collapse.

"Father, why is this?"


(End of this chapter)

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