Li Shimin

Chapter 114

Chapter 114
"Why do you say?"

Seeing that this little bastard Li Yuanchang didn't know how to repent, Li Yuan was even more furious. He glared at Li Yuanchang with a ferocious expression.

"He is your third brother Li Xuanba, why do you ask?"

Unfortunately, when Li Yuanchang was born, Li Xuanba had already been put in a coffin for several years.At that time, no one dared to talk nonsense about Li Xuanba, so Li Yuanchang naturally couldn't understand what Li Yuan said.

He was just taken aback by Li Yuan's attitude towards him, this was the first time he saw his father being so furious.

Trying to widen his eyes, his expression was a little broken, and he still couldn't believe it.

"This is impossible!"

"He's just a bitch... a village man, how could he be my third elder brother who passed away long ago! It's impossible, impossible..."

Then, seeing Li Shimin standing beside him, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Huang, hurry up and persuade Father Huang, how could this man be the third brother King Wei at such a young age?"

"Prince Hejian, you have also met my third brother, this person must not be my third brother, is he?"

However, to Li Yuanchang's despair, both Li Shimin and Li Xiaogong nodded resolutely to his expectant words.

"You rebellious son, my own seed, how can I admit my mistake?"

Li Yuan had never seen Li Yuanchang so stupid, and in a moment of panic, he raised the elm branch in his hand and was about to swipe at Li Yuanchang.

"Father, the child is wrong!"

"Stop smoking, the boy is really wrong..."

Seeing this, a trace of fear flashed in Li Yuanchang's eyes, and then he realized that he begged for mercy in his current situation.

On the side, Li You also understood that not only the grandfather and the emperor believed that the thief in front of him was his third uncle who had passed away more than ten years ago.Even Prince Hejian, Old Devil Cheng, and even his uncle Yin Hongzhi, who was his greatest reliance, believed that this person was his third uncle King Wei!
Therefore, after Li Yuanchang begged for mercy, he also begged for mercy directly.

"Grandfather, grandson is also wrong!"

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at Li Xuan who was at the side.

"Third Uncle, You'er knows it's wrong, please spare Yu'er!"

Li Xuan was shocked.

Seeing this, Li Yuan and Li Shimin who were on the side couldn't help but startled, and then there was a flash of appreciation in their eyes.

Finally, a little evil animal has enlightened!
"Where did you go wrong?"

The corners of Li Xuan's mouth turned up slightly, and he snorted coldly, "Where did you go wrong?"


Li You was taken aback for a moment, his face full of doubts, where did the king go wrong?

"Why, His Highness King Yan doesn't know where he is wrong?"

Li Xuan smiled faintly, and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, a trace of panic flashed in Li You's eyes, and he quickly said, "Third Uncle, it's You Er who shouldn't have ruined your vegetable garden with Uncle Lu Wang!"


Li Xuan nodded lightly, "What else?"

"I shouldn't be unconvinced, let alone want to kill you!"

"anything else?"

"I shouldn't implicate the innocent, speak wild words, and want to implicate all the farmers in the entire Li Family Village!"

Li You, who had never been questioned about the death of the "unreasonable creature" of the later generations, almost couldn't catch his breath after being pressed by Li Xuan, and his heart collapsed.

After finally finishing speaking, Li You looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

He finally understood that here, Grandpa Huang and Huang Father treated this third uncle with care.

Without the understanding of the third uncle, no one would dare to let them go.

On the side, Li Yuanchang also had some reactions, so he kept nodding, echoing Li You's words.

"Xuan Ba, what do you think?"

Li Yuan looked at Li Xuan with an apologetic smile.

Seeing this, Li Shimin on the side felt sore, when did the old man treat him like this.

"Since you admit your mistake, you will be punished with another ten lashes!"

Li Xuan said.


Li You looked at Li Xuan with horror on his face, didn't he admit that he was wrong, why did he still have to be whipped?

"If you do something wrong, you will naturally be punished!"

Li Xuan said lightly, then looked at the unspoiled elm branch in Li Yuan's hand, eager to try it.

"It's the old man who didn't educate these two little bastards well, let the old man do the whip!"

Li Yuan's eyelids twitched, and he said hastily.

Immediately, without waiting for Li Xuan to reply, he pumped it hard.


Immediately, Li You's miserable howl sounded.

Beside him, Li Yuanchang's body trembled, his face full of fear.

After the ten whips were drawn, Yin Hongzhi, who couldn't wait any longer, hurried forward and put down Li You, whose face was full of tears.

Then, before Li Yuanchang could react.

The elm branch in Li Yuan's hand was pulled up directly.

This time, Li Yuanchang's howling sound was even more miserable.

Seeing this, Li Xuan was stunned.

And Li You, who was lying in Yin Hongzhi's arms, couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked up curiously. Following the whipping of the elm branches, his body also twitched.

His eyes were full of joy, if it wasn't for the bastard King Lu who sent people to confuse him to seek the third uncle's secret recipes, how could he have escaped from the palace all the way and suffered such a big crime?
After the ten 'whips' were drawn, Li Yuan wiped the sweat from his face and felt comfortable. After these twenty 'whips' were drawn, he still felt a little refreshed.

"Hurry up, Cheng Chusi, Yuchi Baolin, put this king down quickly!"

After howling, Li Yuanchang yelled hastily, ignoring the pain in his body.

However, Cheng Chusi and Yuchi Baolin didn't dare to move at all, they looked at Li Xuan who was on the side.


Li Yuanchang was startled, "Why don't you let me down?"

"Why did you let me down?"

Cheng Chusi looked at Li Yuanchang as if he was looking at a fool.

"This king has already been punished!"

Li Yuanchang shouted anxiously.


Cheng Chusi smiled helplessly and didn't want to say more.

And this time, Li Yuan also noticed something was wrong, and looked at Li Xuan with a puzzled face.

"Go up if you want to go up, come down if you want to go down, what do you think I am here?" Li Xuan looked at Li Yuanchang indifferently.

"Didn't this king admit his mistake just now?"

Li Yuanchang was also taken aback, but he still shouted hastily.

"It was Li You's mistake just now, when did you admit it?"

Li Xuan sneered, speechless.

Now, for Li Yuanchang, a spoiled and stupid prince, he has long lost his mind to care about him.

It's just that when I think of those poor vegetable seedlings in my glass greenhouse, I feel distressed again.


Li Yuanchang got angry and wanted to curse.


However, before he could curse out, the tree stick in Li Yuan's hand had already been pulled up.

"Niezi, don't you admit your mistake?"

"Yes, Father!"

Li Yuanchang responded quickly, then looked at Li Xuan.

"Third Brother, Yuan Chang was wrong!"

"Where is wrong?"

"...You shouldn't have ruined your vegetable garden!"

"anything else?"

"I shouldn't insult you!"

"It's okay, insulting me is insulting yourself! What else?"

"You shouldn't implicate the innocent and those farmers in Lijiazhuang under the loss of reason!"

"anything else?"

"and also?……"

Li Yuanchang was taken aback.


Li Xuan smiled embarrassedly, "By the way, I asked too many questions!"

"Then I don't know if Third Brother, Yuan Chang has come down?"

Li Yuanchang was taken aback, and wanted to curse, but seeing the bloodshot tree in Li Yuan's hand, he shuddered fiercely, and asked hastily.

"If you admit your mistake, you will be punished, just like Li You, ten lashes will do!"

Li Xuan said with a smile.

"Punishment again?" Li Yuanchang was startled, and quickly shouted: "I have been punished by my father just now!"

"That's not what I punished you for!" Li Xuan said.


(End of this chapter)

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