Li Shimin

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

After speaking, Li Yuanchang could not help but understand, and looked at Li Yuan with aggrieved face.


Seeing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed in Li Yuan's eyes.

However, thinking that this bastard thing would not be able to provoke anyone, and even dared to come to provoke the third child, he felt anxious, directly raised the tree stick, and pulled it down.


Soon, Li Yuanchang's mouth came out with a cadenced howl.

It sounds miserable!

Those who hear it are sad, those who see it laugh miserably!

After the ten whips were drawn, Li Yuan, who hadn't exercised so much for a long time, couldn't help panting for a few times, and there were dense rows of tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.

"It's really comfortable!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Li Chongyi and others on the side were shocked for a while.

As for Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and the others, they looked at Aye with strange expressions, wondering if the reason why they were beaten twice every three days was because their old man wanted to relax!
"Father...Royal Father, have you run out of draws?"

At this time, Li Yuanchang, who was also exhausted from shouting, could not help feeling short of breath when he heard Li Yuan's words after he had recovered his breath.

However, when a person hangs from a tree, he can only bow his head first.

"Then can you put me down!"

This time, without Li Xuan nodding, Cheng Chusi and Yuchi Baolin stepped forward directly, like catching a chicken, and put Li Yuanchang down.


After getting down, Li Yuanchang quickly shook off Cheng Chusi and Yuchi Baolin, who were both hands and feet, and sat down on the ground with a face full of comfort like an angry little daughter-in-law.

After staying in the tree for an afternoon, I suddenly sat on the ground, and I couldn't help but feel like I was dying.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Li Xuan couldn't help thinking of something, and stared at Li Yuanchang closely again, which startled Li Yuanchang.

"I don't know what else is the third brother?"

"The surroundings of Lijiazhuang are heavily guarded, how did you two get in?"

After Li Xuan finished speaking, everyone around looked at Li Yuanchang and Li You with solemn expressions.

"This king and Li You got in from a small road on the other side of the mountain!"

Li Yuanchang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that he wanted to make trouble for himself, and then he quickly pointed in the direction of the path they came in and shouted.

"The alley?"

Li Shimin's face became angry.

Beside him, Li Wei's face was pale, and in his heart he secretly scolded the soldiers below who were exploring the access roads around Li's village, one by one.

"It's just a small path, but the path is covered with jujube trees, so most people can't find it. Moreover, because the jujube trees are dense, it's only suitable for children like us to walk!"

Li Yuanchang explained.

"Your Majesty, I will go investigate later!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin's expression got better.

Li Wei hurriedly asked for instructions.


Immediately, Li Wei hurriedly sent over in the direction Li Yuanchang pointed out.

Soon, he ran back again.

He bowed his hands to Li Shimin, "Returning to Your Majesty, there is indeed such a path as His Royal Highness King Lu said!"

"However, there are jujube trees around the path, which is only suitable for people of the age of King Lu to walk. If the body is a little stronger, it will be scratched by the needles on the jujube trees on both sides, and it will not move forward!"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty. We were negligent and didn't discover this path!"

"It should be the road made by the children in the village when they were young. It's just that they haven't had time to play in the past few years, so you didn't find it!"

On the side, Li Xuan rescued Li Wei.

Immediately, he looked at Li Yuanchang curiously again.

"This kind of hidden path, Li Wei and others have not found it, how did you find it?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Li Yuan and others all stared closely at Li Yuanchang.

When Li Yuanchang heard this, he couldn't help but think of the suffering he had suffered that day, his eyes were red and his face was full of ferociousness.

"This matter is still the fault of the Wang family, Wang Shen..."

Immediately, Li Yuanchang narrated the ins and outs of the incident.

Li Yuan's face was full of anger, looking at Li Yuanchang, his face was filled with hatred, "Idiot, you actually got involved with the aristocratic family. Even, that kid from the Wang family just moved his tongue, you idiot followed the trap he set up." , jump down!"

"Father, my son knows that these aristocratic families are not good people, but the Wang family..."

Li Yuanchang was full of grievances.

"So what about the Wang family, is the Wang family related to you, or is it related by blood?" Li Yuan was full of anger.

"Then do you know that I account for [-]% of the two glass shops in the east and west cities?"

On the side, Li Shimin also gritted his teeth with a dark face and said.

I am an idiot, and I want to take my child to dig my corner from afar. Li Shimin can't wait to continue to kill this bastard.


Hearing this, Li Yuanchang was shocked again.

"Do you think that with the influence of those aristocratic families, it is impossible to find out who the real master behind this glass shop is?" Li Shimin looked at Li Yuanchang, who was full of disappointment, and cursed coldly.


Now, both Li Yuanchang and Li You were dumbfounded.

In his heart, he was even more resentful towards the Wang family.

Even if Li Xuan didn't beat them up, they wouldn't be able to run away if they were beaten severely after they returned.

"Since you are asked to come to me, why do you want to ruin my vegetable garden?"

After knowing the cause and effect, Li Xuan was also full of depression.


Li Yuanchang was startled, and quickly said: "We were going to go directly to you, but we saw Cheng Chusi and the crown prince were in your house. We didn't dare to go in because we were afraid of being seen by them. Just in time, we saw that there are glass buildings in the field. I thought there was some treasure hidden in the house, so I walked in out of curiosity.

It's just that I didn't expect it to be full of vegetables.And we hadn't eaten lunch yet, so we couldn't bear the hunger, so we couldn't help eating a few vegetables! "

"How many are there?"

Li Xuan stared, and Li Yuanchang's face turned pale in fright.

"You are hungry, just ask Cheng Chusi to cook you a meal, or any other family in the village. Why are you ruining my vegetables and trampling on them!"

As he said that, Li Xuan's face was full of heartache again.

Seeing this, Li Yuanchang and Li You couldn't help shrinking their necks subconsciously.

For Li Xuan, the two of them were completely afraid.

To have received such favor from Li Yuan and Li Shimin, and he has a tendency to be violent, no matter how hard he beats them, no one will stop him.

"A vegetable garden made of glass?"

Hearing this, Li Yuan and Li Shimin's eyes lit up and their faces were full of curiosity.

"Now, where are the edible vegetables growing?"

As they said that, Li Shimin and Li Yuan looked at Li Chengqian and other little ones beside them.

Regarding the matter of Nongsang, perhaps no one cared more than the two of them.

Therefore, Li Shimin and Li Yuan were full of curiosity when they heard that vegetables could be grown in this season.

"In the farmland over there!"

Seeing the look in Li Chengqian's eyes that wanted to say, but didn't dare to say, a smile flashed in Li Xuan's eyes, and he pointed to the field not far away and said.

"I must take a look at this old man. I didn't expect to grow vegetables in the fields in such cold weather. What a miracle!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan said something to Li Xuan, and then walked over there.

Behind him, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others quickly followed.

At this time of year, the climate in the entire Guanzhong is already close to zero. Except for the mountains and forests, there is not a trace of green in the entire Guanzhong.


(End of this chapter)

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