Li Shimin

Chapter 120 Too Emperor, Are You Hysterical?

Chapter 120 Too Emperor, Are You Hysterical?
"There are so many fields in Lijiazhuang, you can plant as many as you want!"

Li Xuan turned a blind eye to Li Chengqian's expression and continued to speak to Li Yuan.

Anyway, he wanted to understand.

This old man Li is entangled with him.Moreover, there are legitimate reasons to pester him, and he still can't hide.

However, my family knows my own affairs.

Although this body belonged to Li Xuanba, his thoughts came from an otaku from later generations.

The last thing I want to face is old man Li's enthusiasm.

Moreover, an emperor who was in charge of the entire state affairs of the Tang Dynasty was suddenly 'forced' to abdicate by his own son and rushed to Tai'an Palace, where he became a mascot who could only eat, drink and have fun all day long.

Li Yuan can't do anything except make people.

After being so frustrated for two years, if it was placed on someone else, he would have suffered from depression long ago.

Only old man Li is strong-willed and has survived until now.

However, Li Xuan always felt that old man Li was also at the stage of holding on.

In Lijiazhuang, it would be good to find more toys for him.

The field of a village is enough for this energetic old man Li to toss about.

Moreover, it can also give the farmers in Lijiazhuang some extra money in winter, killing three birds with one stone!

"The entire field of Li Family Village?"

After hearing this, Li Yuan's eyes lit up.

After all, people who have conquered the world and been emperors have different ambitions.

"That's it, and wait for the old man to gather people!"

Thinking that in winter, all the fields in Lijiazhuang would grow lush green vegetables, Li Yuan's old eyes were suddenly excited.

Stand up and go outside.

"Master, do you really plan to let Grandpa Huang plant all the fields in Li Family Manor in glass greenhouses?"

After Li Yuan left, Li Chengqian quickly looked at Li Chengqian with worry on his face.

"How much glass and iron frames do you need? How much money do you need?"

"Are you worried about this?"

Li Xuan glanced at the sad Li Chengqian in surprise.

"How much does this cost?"

"Master, I did the math, and the half-acre of land already cost one hundred guan! In the entire Li Family Manor, [-] mu of land is planted with glass greenhouses, and it costs [-] guan!"

Li Chengqian said quickly.

After finishing speaking, he was also taken aback by the result of his calculation.

"Why do you think so?"

Li Xuan was also taken aback, "For four hundred acres of land, two thousand acres is enough!"

"Two thousand strings?"

Li Chengqian looked surprised.

"How much does a piece of glass cost? How much does an iron frame cost?"

Li Xuan sighed lightly, and began to explain: "Glass, I can fire it myself in Lijiazhuang. Iron frames can also be fired in Lijiazhuang. In this way, you only need to calculate the cost and labor costs! "

"However, the old man wants to grow vegetable fields, do you think there will be a lack of people for this matter?"

"Furthermore, although Li Family Village has [-] mu of land, [-] mu of it is dry land, and the remaining [-] mu, the old man doesn't know how much land he can cultivate before the land freezes?..."

"I see!"

After listening, Li Chengqian also understood, and looked at Li Xuan with admiration.

"Of course, the most important thing is that after the old man gathers his men and starts to plow the fields, he won't have so much time to stare at me and wait!..."

Of course, Li Xuan didn't say this.


However, Li Xuan still underestimated the connections of the Supreme Emperor who had already retired to the second line.

In less than half a day, Li Xuan's small courtyard was blocked by a dense group of people.

And Li Xuan and Li Chengqian, who were blocked outside their own courtyard after school and couldn't get in, didn't dare to say a word, even Cheng Chusi didn't dare to say a word.

Although these people in front of them are all a group of old men, the clothes on their bodies are already tattered, and none of them has a healthy body, either lacking arms or legs, or having hideous facial features.

However, no one dares to underestimate any of them.

The culprit who caused all this, Li Yuan was standing at the entrance of the main house, looking at a group of old people in the courtyard, his eyes were piercing and his face was full of radiance.

"The big guys in the vegetable garden in the glass greenhouse have also seen it, how about it? But who else is doubting what I said?"

"Hey, the emperor was joking, we old brothers have never doubted your words since the time we followed you from Taiyuan!"

"That's right, don't talk about growing vegetables in winter, even if the Supreme Emperor says that there will be thunder and rain in winter, we will believe it!"

"The Supreme Emperor will tell you how to do it. It's rare that the Supreme Emperor can still think of us crippled old bastards. Even if we are going through fire and water, as long as the Supreme Emperor gives an order, I will be considered a eggless coward!"


After Li Yuan spoke, all the veterans in the yard couldn't help being excited and laughing and making noise.

"A group of old guys, give me some seriousness!"

Li Yuan's expression was serious, full of helplessness.

"However, Taishanghuang, you said that the glass shed was planted by King Zhao?"

Suddenly, an old man at the front asked Li Yuan.

"Wang Laizi, you heard me right, that glass shed was planted by my youngest Xuanba!"

Li Yuan was all smiles.

"Taishanghuang, you must have suffered from hysteria in the palace. San Shaolang has been gone for so many years, how could he plant such a fairyland-like vegetable garden for you?"

"That's right, that's right, Supreme Emperor, I, Erlen, will never believe you in this matter!"

Immediately, a group of veterans all looked at Li Yuan nervously.

They were the group of old brothers who followed Li Yuan in the first army, and they were also the group of people Li Yuan trusted most, so they were very familiar with Li Xuanba.

Even, Li Xuanba's 'coffin' was buried by some of the veterans.

"Hmph, what do you old bastards know? The third child is really back. This small courtyard is the third child's yard! Hahaha..."

After laughing and cursing at the group of veterans in front, Li Yuan couldn't help laughing.

This surprised all the veterans, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Come on, where is the forbidden army?"

Seeing this, several veterans standing at the gate of the courtyard stared, thinking of the imperial guards who had just been rushed to that corner by themselves and others, and hurriedly shouted at the top of their voices.

"The emperor is suffering from hysteria, go and call the imperial doctor!"

"As for people, where did I die?"

After not hearing a response for a long time, the group of veterans at the door panicked and prepared to run to the vegetable garden they had just gone to.

They remembered that there was still a team of Custodians there.

However, as soon as they turned around, the veterans were shocked and stood there dumbfounded.

"San Shaolang!..."

At this time, in the courtyard, Li Yuan was furious.

"Which old man said that I had hysteria? Stand up for me?"

"Taishanghuang, if you don't suffer from hysteria, then you call out San Shaolang!"

"As long as you shout out, we believe you are not hysterical!"

Surrounded by a group of veterans, there was no sign of fear at all. Everyone crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses. At this age, they have long since lost their awe.

But they didn't notice that some of the veterans behind them all turned around and looked at a figure at the gate of the courtyard with dumbfounded faces.

"Old blind man, you can pinch me to see if the old man has also suffered from hysteria. How come you can still see San Shaolang in broad daylight?"

An old man shouted at the veteran beside him.


When the words fell, I felt a sharp pain.

Immediately, he was overjoyed.

"Are you really San Shaolang?"

Without waiting for Li Xuan to reply.

The surrounding veterans also came back to their senses, looking at Li Xuan with excitement, and even a little disbelief.

"how can that be?"

"It looks exactly the same as San Shaolang, even the scar on the ear is the same!
"And that scar on my face..."


 Today I can only do two updates~~Tomorrow, I will see if I can catch fish at work~~

(End of this chapter)

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