Li Shimin

Chapter 121 You old man, where do you get your hands?

Chapter 121 You old man, where do you get your hands?
In an instant, all the veterans who were still surrounding Li Yuan quickly turned around and looked outside the courtyard.

Excited, shocked, dumbfounded, unbelievable...

After seeing Li Xuan's face clearly, the expressions on the faces of all the veterans were unpredictable, as if they had experienced all the vicissitudes of life.

Then, after calming down, some veterans looked at Li Xuan with suspicion in their eyes.

"Hey, the Supreme Emperor really took great pains to miss San Shaolang!"

"I don't believe this old man, there are people who look so similar in this world?..."

At this moment, Li Xuan also really experienced what it meant to be a turbulent crowd, and how do old guys become old thieves who are scolded by everyone?

Don't look at this group of old guys, all of them have cloudy eyes, thin bodies, and even grinning to talk, and there are a few black holes for air leakage between the row of big yellow teeth in their lips.

But his hand skills are not weak at all.It would be okay to talk about one, but a group of veterans surrounded him, making it really difficult for him to deal with.

In order to test whether he was disguised, some veterans dared to do it, and even more than one veteran even stretched out that cheap hand to his face!

As for Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and others who followed behind him, they had already seen something wrong and slipped away to nowhere!
"Stop it all!"

"You old man, where do you get your hands?"

Suddenly, Li Xuan's expression changed, he let out an angry roar, and quickly shot, saving his brother Tie from a black and hard claw.

"Hey, it really is San Shaolang!"

The old man who was regarded as a rape looked at Li Xuan with a smile on his face.

At the same time, all the veterans around will no longer have the hippie smile just now, but the solemn and shocking expression on their faces.

"Cheng Laosi, you old man is really not afraid that Xuanba will tear your hundred catties of flesh!"

Behind him, Li Yuan came up with a face full of joy, looking at the old guys around him, his face was full of complacency.

Immediately, he looked at Li Xuan again, and said hastily: "Xuan Ba, don't get angry, Cheng Lao Si, this old thief, watched you guys grow up from a young age, and he didn't have any malicious intentions!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan could only smile depressedly.

Co-authoring is not the old brother who hunts you, you don't know the pain!
"Taishanghuang, is this really the resurrection of San Shaolang?"

After confirming each other with their own methods, the veterans around took a quick look between Li Xuan and Li Yuan, still a little in disbelief.

"Hmph, you old bastards, Xuan Ba ​​is such a big man, why is he standing in front of you, and why does this old man lie to you?"

Li Yuan stared, his face full of anger.

"Hey, don't be annoyed, the overlord, it's us who treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

These, all the veterans, quickly apologized to Li Yuan with a smile.

Immediately, he cupped his fists and knelt down to salute Li Xuanba directly.

"The final general will see King Zhao!"

"The last general will see the general!"

"Qiangui sees the general!"

"Wu Tie sees King Zhao..."


Li Xuan was startled, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Xuan Ba, don't panic, these veterans have all been on duty in your army before!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan's eyes flashed a gloomy look, but he still pointed to a group of veterans and introduced him: "You have lost all your memories before, Cheng Laosi is an old bastard, but you were the school lieutenant in those days, Hou Gong, an old bastard, is Xiaoqi Captain!..."

Afterwards, he pointed out a few more people. Not surprisingly, they were all officials in the army before.

However, they still failed to save their impression in Li Xuan's heart.

"all these are?"

After listening, Li Xuan stared blankly at the front, this group of old guys who were already crying with snot and tears, really couldn't figure it out, these old guys were so unscrupulous to him just now, how could it start again? Like a good baby, some even have panicked faces.

However, he ignored his resurrection. What an impact it had on these veterans!
"More than half of them are!"

Li Yuan nodded slightly, a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Then I don't know why you summoned these people?" Li Xuan asked.

"I'm here to farm!"

Speaking of this, Li Yuan is full of energy, quite a sense of giving advice.

"There are so many fields in Lijiazhuang, and this old man alone cannot grow them. Don't look at these old people, they are old and frail, and they are all missing arms and legs.

However, farming is a skillful hand.Moreover, in this winter, it can also prevent those hungry wild beasts from running out to harm the village! "

"I see!"

After hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He still believed in the value of veterans.

Among other things, killing, setting fire, looting, digging pits, farming, first aid, cooking... and other skills, you can basically learn a few skills, and even have a lot of experience.

The key is, also bear the burden of hard work, clever, well-informed!
Its role is not comparable to that of these bastards under my command!
"I don't know if you can strike iron and forge glass?"

Thinking of what, Li Xuan asked again.

"Back to San Shaolang, my old Qian worked with the blacksmith in the village for two years!"

"San Shaolang, before I joined the army, my family owned a blacksmith's shop..."

When the words fell, more than a dozen veterans stood up.

"So good!"

Li Xuan's eyes lit up, "Today, I will let you follow Ying Qi and Wu Fu to learn how to make glass and make iron frames!"


"It's the crystal clear white glaze built on the vegetable garden!" Li Yuan explained.

"It's such a fetish, I'm so grateful to San Shaolang!"

After hearing this, Qian Gui and the others hurriedly saluted Li Xuan and swore that without Li Xuan's consent, they would never pass this secret technique to outsiders!

Immediately, after explaining again, Li Yuan took the group of veterans to make arrangements one by one.

Although Li Jiazhuang was bestowed to Li Xiaogong by Li Shimin, Li Shimin has always been in charge of it, so all the fields in Lijiazhuang are still in the hands of the farmers.

Therefore, if he wanted to plant fields, Li Yuan had to bring people to negotiate with each household in Lijiazhuang in person.

However, after the sixth uncle learned that he was going to plant the glass greenhouse that Li Xuan planted, he didn't need Li Yuan to bother, he just yelled.

All the farmers in Lijiazhuang gathered here.

He took the initiative to report all the fields of his family, whether it was dry land or fertile land, and Li Yuan was a little suspicious that everything was going well.

You know, in a village, the field is the lifeblood of farmers.Now, he wanted to plant on it, and the farmers agreed without asking.

These, Li Xuan did not know.

After just throwing Qian Gui and more than a dozen veterans to the craftsmen Ying Qi and Wu Fu, they didn't bother.

Now, he's upgrading his home.

After all, the iron stove he asked Li Shimin to forge for him before has already been sent over.

Just when Li Xuan was very busy.


Far away in the Hall of Liangyi in Chang'an City, Li Shimin's head was also buzzing, full of irritability.

First, in the early court, the censors of a number of aristocratic families and factions wrote a letter to impeach Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian County.

His biggest crime is that Li Xiaogong indulged the farmers in beating the prince and prince!
Afterwards, under the attack of nose-picking, spitting, and rogue sound waves from generals such as Cheng Zhijie, and at the cost of stunning a few censors, the biggest melee in the court ended.

Unexpectedly, after going down to court, he just returned to Liangyi Hall.

Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Li Jing, Du Ruhui, Qin Shubao, Hou Junji, Cheng Zhijie and others all stood together in the hall.


 Thanks to nothing more than the big guy with red makeup and bloody ~ big guy Manduo for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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