Li Shimin

Chapter 127

Chapter 127
Beside the three-foot-square mahjong table, there are money bags hanging one after another.

And on the table, in front of everyone, was a small pile of copper coins.

From time to time, there was the sound of mahjong being thrown out, followed by a burst of noise and moaning, and of course the loudest was Li Yuan's old and disturbing laughter.

"Hahaha, you son of a bitch from the Cheng family, this old man is fooling around again! Take the money, take the money..."

With a bang, Li Yuan put down a row of mahjong in his hand on the table, his face beaming with joy.

Stretching out his hand, he grabbed a handful of copper coins from Li Chengqian, Changsun Chong, and Cheng Chusi.

The worst thing was that there were only two lonely copper coins left in front of Cheng Chusi.


"Emperor, why are you fooling around again?"

Cheng Chusi had a bitter face, frowned tightly, looked at the two copper coins that were taken away by Li Yuan distressedly, and then stretched out his hand, ready to take two copper coins from the money bag again.


Suddenly, Cheng Chusi touched it a few times with his hands, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, you bastard from the Cheng family, didn't you lose everything again?"

Seeing this, Li Yuan laughed unscrupulously.

Fang Yizhi and Du Gou, who were standing behind them, immediately walked to Cheng Chusi's side.

"Cheng Chusi, hurry up if you don't have money, it's my turn to play!"

"Elder Sun Chong, why is it your kid? According to the order, it's my turn!"

"It's time for you to feed the chickens and hogs!"


However, as the object of competition, Cheng Chusi still remained motionless, sitting on the chair with a face full of unwillingness.

"Who said my old Cheng has no money?"

He hurriedly looked at Yuchi Baolin at the side, his face full of anticipation: "Baolin, lend me another hundred dollars, and when I win next time, I will definitely pay you back double!"

"If you don't borrow it, you will already owe me all the money!"

"I will work for you next time!"

"You have said this no less than ten times!"

"Baolin, do you still remember the last two times you borrowed money from me!"

"But you didn't borrow it!"

No matter what Cheng Chusi said, Yuchi Baolin was determined.

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi's eyes were full of helplessness, and then he turned his eyes to look at Changsun Chong, Fang Yizhi and others beside him.

"Wang Xiang, you owe me and everyone else money!"

However, Changsun Chong and others even avoided Cheng Chusi like tigers.

"Master, can you lend me some more money?"

Seeing that he was hopeless again today, Cheng Chusi hurriedly shouted at Li Xuan who was resting in the house.

"When will the one hundred guan money owed to me be paid back?"


Cheng Chusi was taken aback!
"If you don't pay back the money, be careful, my master will go and find Cheng Zhijie in person!"

Now, Cheng Chusi's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

He could see clearly that his old man was afraid of this master from the bottom of his heart.Although I don't know why, but if the master really sends a message to the old man, I will definitely be beaten up again!
"If you don't have any money, hurry up and drive, and let you see how lucky my eldest Sun Chong is today!"

Seeing this, Chang Sun Chong quickly pushed Cheng Chusi away and sat on it himself.

"Come on……"

Seeing another money giver coming, Li Yuan was not polite.

Urging Chang Sun Chong and Li Chengqian to start drawing cards.


Behind him, Cheng Chusi sighed all over his face, he was just one card away from being able to win.

"Baolin, is it because you, the boy, have never played mahjong and taken away my luck?"

"Don't talk nonsense, kid, it's your own food, don't blame me..."

Yuchi Baolin twitched the corner of his mouth, and glanced at Cheng Chusi speechlessly.

In the past few days, he has figured it out. Playing mahjong is not all about luck, but also skill.

However, he couldn't figure out why everyone learned mahjong together, and why Taishanghuang won the most every time he played mahjong.

Then, both Gao Ming and Li Chongyi could win a little bit.

And every time they lose money, it's a few of them.

As for Cheng Chusi, he was staring at the cards in Chang Sun Chong's hands with wide eyes, and he clenched his hands tightly, looking even more nervous than Chang Sun Chong.

It's just that, after a while, with regrets and regrets, Chang Sun Chong looked annoyed and unwilling, but he could only watch Li Yuan, proudly snatching a large handful of copper coins from his pile of money.

"Grandpa Huang is really lucky today!"

On the side, Li Chengqian was all smiles.

"Haha, that's right, today I'm going to win all of you bastards!" Li Yuan was full of complacency.

And inside the house.

Li Xuan, who couldn't take a rest, pushed open the door and sighed helplessly when he saw a group of Li Yuan, Cheng Chusi and others who were about to get into the mahjong.

How does it feel, I seem to have dug a hole for myself again.

Even if he made mahjong and stuck this old man on the mahjong table, he would still be unclean!

A group of idiots who are good at playing and love to play, have been being played by three people surnamed Li in turns to win money.

Still scrambling all the time to send money to others!


"Cheng Chusi, hurry up and clean up the snow outside!"

For some reason, the more he watched, the more irritable Li Xuan became.

"Yes, Master!"

Looking up and seeing the unhappy expression on Li Xuan's face, Cheng Chusi's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried out.

On the side, Yuchi Baolin, Du Gou, Fang Yizhi and the others also hurriedly followed silently.

When the master is in a bad mood, he must be honest, otherwise, although he will not be beaten, he will definitely be punished!

"Hey, Xuanba, the old man's luck is very prosperous in this direction today, do you want to come and touch it?"

Li Yuan invited Li Xuan.

"I don't have any money, you can play on your own!"

As he spoke, Li Xuan gave Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi a hard look.

Win slowly, if you win all of Chang Sun Chong, there will be only three of you left, let's see how you play!
Afterwards, he put on his homemade sheepskin padded jacket and sheepskin gloves before walking out of the house.

Even though he was wearing thick sheepskin gloves, Li Xuan subconsciously crossed his hands into his bosom.

The whole person looks like those old guys in the village!
The first snow in the second year of Zhenguan was heavy.

In just half a day, the snow on the ground has covered the soles of the shoes.

For farmers, it is a good sign.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan couldn't help feeling better.

In particular, standing outside the courtyard, looking at the vast expanse of whiteness in the distance, except for the sound of Cheng Chusi and those bastards sweeping the snow, there was no sound, and everything was completely silent, which made Li Xuan feel refreshed.

However, Li Xuan's yard was very small, before Li Xuan could see the snow scene far enough away, Cheng Chusi and the others had already swept all the snow out of the yard.

Outside the courtyard, they also expanded a little to the outside.

Continue until the chicken pen and pig pen.

Now, the chicks in the entire chicken pen and the pig next door have grown up too.Perhaps it was Cheng Chusi and the others who were feeding more attentively, each of them was plump and looked very gluttonous.

Every time they feed, Cheng Chusi will stare at these fat chickens and pigs with red eyes for a long while.

As for the glass greenhouse, just sweep a small path.

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

These bastards are sometimes stupid, but they are still good at their jobs.

Suddenly, Li Xuan seemed to sense something was wrong.

He looked up quickly and looked around.

To the eye, it is all white.

Even the hundreds of glass sheds in the distance are all white.

Obviously, it has been covered by heavy snow.

Involuntarily, with a dignified expression, he quickly walked to the glass shed.

"Master, what happened?"

At the side, Cheng Chusi and the others were all taken aback.

They had never seen Li Xuan look like this before.


(End of this chapter)

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