Li Shimin

Chapter 128 Snow Removal

Chapter 128 Snow Removal
"Obviously the roof has been sloped, how can the snow accumulate so thick?"

Li Xuan frowned tightly, as if meeting a formidable enemy, staring closely at the glass shed, it was obvious that a layer of snow as thick as Kuai's palm had accumulated.

"Master, is there something wrong with the snow?"

Fang Yizhi on the side is always a very studious and curious baby.

"Come in and see for yourself!"

With that said, Li Xuan has already opened the small door of the glass shed and walked in.

Inside the shed, it was pitch black.

Several people looked up, and at this moment the layer of white snow had turned into black, obviously it was the white snow that blocked the light.

However, Fang Yizhi and Cheng Chusi still looked indifferent.

"Master, it turns out that the snow can block the sun!"

"Hmph, if it was just that, I wouldn't be so worried!"

Li Xuan replied in a low voice, and after walking around in the entire greenhouse, he breathed out lightly after finding nothing wrong.


After listening, Fang Yizhi and the others stared closely at Li Xuan again.

"You will know why the snow can block the light?" Li Xuan asked helplessly.

"It's because the snow is so thick!"

Fang Yizhi hurriedly replied.

"What does that mean?"


Now, Fang Yizhi and the others scratched their heads and thought hard.


Li Xuan said heavily.


Fang Yi and the others looked puzzled.

"Incurably stupid!"

Li Xuan cursed with a look of contempt, "Could it be that you think these seemingly light snowflakes have no weight?"

"Of course there are!"

Before thinking about it, they heard what Aye said at home, those things that caused a snow disaster that collapsed the huts of the people and caused a snow disaster!

Fang Yizhi couldn't help but stare blankly at the snow on the glass greenhouse, his face full of horror.

"Master, is this snow?..."

"Naturally, I have to get rid of it quickly, or I really don't know if I can hold it with those iron frames! Moreover, the glass is just ordinary glass, so I don't know if it will be cracked by freezing!"

Li Xuan sighed softly, "Hurry up and get a wooden shovel!"

"Yes, Master!"

After listening, Cheng Chusi on the side didn't dare to delay, and soon handed a wooden shovel to Li Xuan.

Taking it casually, Li Xuan raised the wooden shovel, and lightly moved it a few times on the glass roof of the glass shed.

There was only a crash, and a small piece of snow fell.

Seeing this, the corners of Li Xuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Obviously some people can poke off the entire snow layer on the roof with a light movement, why he can only remove such a small piece.

"Master, I'm going to get the broom!"

Behind him, Cheng Chusi hurriedly took a broom from the side.

In Guanzhong, many families plant a round, puffy plant that can grow as tall as a person.After it grows up, use a rope to strangle the end with the most branches, put it under a big rock and press it for a month, and a flat broom will appear!
This is what Cheng Chusi brought over.


Seeing that Cheng Chusi actually handed the broom in front of him, Li Xuan couldn't help but stare.


Cheng Chusi looked puzzled.

"Could it be that I want my master to sweep the snow off by himself?" Li Xuan said coldly.



Dazed for a moment, Cheng Chusi hurriedly smiled, raised the broom, jumped directly on the dirt wall outside the glass shed, stood up, and just reached the top.

Sweeping with a broom, a large piece of snow fell down.

"Go and call the veterans Cheng Laosi and Hou Gong!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan spoke directly to Fang Yi at the side.

"Yes, Master!"

Fang Yizhi hastily responded, and then ran downstairs.

Because of the construction of the glass shed, veterans like Cheng Laosi and Hou Gong also stayed in Lijiazhuang.

The only advantage of Lijiazhuang is that it is remote, there are no villages around, and the place is big enough.

Just find a place and build a row of houses, which is enough for people like them to live in.

Because of the existence of these old thieves, the mountains around Lijiazhuang were directly wiped out, and not a single mouse could be seen.

Therefore, if the villagers in Lijiazhuang wanted to go hunting in the mountains, they had to go deeper into the mountains for at least half an hour longer than before before they could see their prey.

After a while, looking at the cleaned glass greenhouse, Li Xuan looked comfortable.


And Fang Yizhi also brought a group of white-haired old thieves who were dressed like Li Xuan, each of them was wrapped in a woolen jacket, and his hands were tightly kicked inside the clothes.

"I've seen Saburo!"

Fourth Cheng and Hou Gong hurriedly saluted Li Xuan.

"I don't know if Saburo called the villain here, but what's the hurry?"

"I don't know how many people, but do you feel that the snow is a bit heavy today?" Li Xuan said.

"Sanlang, isn't Xueda a good thing?"

Fourth Cheng said to Hou Gong.

"But if it's too big, it's not a good thing!"

"Sanlang don't worry, with so much snow, it won't cause a snow disaster!"

"I'm talking about the glass greenhouse!"

Li Xuan said directly.

"Glass shed?"

After listening, Cheng Laosi and Hou Gong noticed that the snow on the glass shed in front of them had been swept away.

Moreover, the cleared snow was being thrown far away by Cheng Chusi and the others.

"Such a heavy snow, the house can bear it, but the glass greenhouse may not be able to support it!"

Li Xuan said slowly.

Cheng Lao Si and Hou Gong's faces changed drastically.

As early as a few days ago, the vegetables they planted in the glass greenhouses they built had already grown.

Even, some cucumbers have started to bloom and are ready to bear fruit.

Now, all glass greenhouses are their lifeblood!
"Sanlang, but do we all need to clean up the snow on the roof of those sheds?"


Li Xuan nodded lightly, and said: "Finally, we need to throw all the snow away, the glass greenhouse is most afraid of being frozen!"

"Please don't worry Sanlang about this matter. I can't do anything else with the old man. It's the most neat way to say such vulgar words!"

Fourth Cheng said quickly.


Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction. He was most at ease with the things these old guys did, especially the farm work.

Afterwards, after thinking for a while, Li Xuan said again: "Also, if you have nothing to do, come and play with old man Li more often, don't stay in the house all the time, it's not good for your health, especially you old people! "

"Hey, Saburo is filial, we will naturally obey!"

Cheng Laosi bared his big black teeth and smiled.

Afterwards, he walked down quickly with Hou Gong and the others.

In less than a moment, the whole Lijiazhuang began to be bustling again.

More than 100 old people, holding brooms and iron catalpas, surrounded the glass greenhouses, vigorously removing snow.

"How is this going?"

When there are too many people, it is easy to make noise, and such a big movement also shocked Li Yuan.

"The snow is too heavy, I'm afraid the glass on the glass greenhouse will be cracked!"

Li Xuan explained.

"So, we must hurry up and clean up the snow on the glass greenhouse!"

After listening, Li Yuan nodded again and again, looking at the group of veterans who were clearing the snow below, his eyes were eager to try!

 I'm sorry, I'm not in the right mind today, and I'm very sleepy!
  Confused, procrastinating, and the plot is not going well, I will tidy it up tomorrow...

  Let's start with 2 updates~~
(End of this chapter)

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