Li Shimin

Chapter 129 There is a long way to go!

Chapter 129 There is a long way to go!

"If you want to take a look, you can put on a sheepskin padded jacket and a sheepskin glove!"

Li Xuan quickly suggested.

After hearing this, Li Yuan's eyes moved even more, but he couldn't let go of his face due to the reserved title of the Supreme Emperor.

"Gao Ming, hurry up and take out the old man's sheepskin cotton jacket and sheepskin gloves!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan directly made a decision for Li Yuan.

And Li Chengqian was obviously used to this kind of situation, he went straight into the back room, took out a white and clean sheepskin cotton jacket and gloves, and put them on for Li Yuan.

Li Yuan didn't object at all to this, and obediently let Li Chengqian do what he wanted.

On the side, thinking of something, Li Xuan said again: "After you go down, let those veterans check those glass and iron frames. After such a long time, there should be some loose glass and iron frames that need to be tightened! "

"The old man will check one by one!"

After listening, Li Yuan nodded seriously.

After putting it on, an eunuch came out from nowhere, also wearing a wool padded jacket, followed closely behind Li Yuan, and walked down.

Watching Li Yuan go away, Li Xuan turned around and looked at Li Chengqian and Changsun Chong who were behind him.

"Lost again?"

"Hey, don't worry, master, I didn't lose all this time, and I still have the usual money!"

Chang Sun Chong said with a laugh.

"It means how many more games can you play?"

Li Xuan glanced at Chang Sun Chong speechlessly.

"Since the Supreme Emperor is not playing, the disciple dare not disturb the rest of the master!" The eldest grandson shrank his neck and said hastily.


Li Xuan glared at Changsun Chong fiercely, and then said to Li Chengqian: "The old man has been staying in the palace all these years, and his body has already been disabled. When he is free, let him move a little longer, even if he is tired. It's okay, you can't sit and lie down for a long time!"

"Master, I have tried my best, but Cheng Chusi and Fang Yizhi have too much money on them, and they can't win all at once!"

Li Chengqian was full of grievances, and he also tried his best on this matter.

"It's because you want to curry favor with the old man for a while, and get closer to the old man?"

Li Xuancai would not believe Li Chengqian's nonsense, he glanced at his mouth slightly and sneered.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but smile embarrassingly.

"Master, playing mahjong is really difficult..."

However, Li Xuancai was not in the mood to listen to Li Chengqian's nonsense, so he went straight in.

Sitting directly in the bedroom, took out a stack of papers, began to write slowly, and began to draw.

Now, with his identity exposed, more and more people will come here in the future.

Even Li Yuan, Cheng Chusi and the others were crowded in his small courtyard, and he couldn't let more people fit in.

And the other courtyard that Li Shimin sent people to build has already been occupied by Old Man Xiong.

Now, in the spring of next year, after the other courtyard has been repaired, Old Man Xiong can live in it.

However, Li Xuan would not believe that this old man Xiong would live in that other courtyard obediently.

I don't see, this old man Xiong can be thrown directly into his palace, so many young and beautiful concubines are widows alone, running so far every day, and sneaking into his small courtyard early in the morning.

Therefore, he had to make Old Man Xiong's other courtyard beautifully renovated and modernized, making Old Man Xiong reluctant to come out.

Then, expand his small courtyard. The indoor toilet and bathroom must be built. The most important thing is to exaggerate it to ensure that he will not be disturbed during his lunch break.

Of course, the most important thing is that there must be a gate.

When he didn't wake up in the morning, no one would rush in and disturb his dream!

However, building such a house will inevitably cost a lot of materials and money.


Another step-by-step experiment!

A long way to go!

Thinking about it, Li Xuan didn't have to sigh heavily.

Listening to Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian outside the house, they looked at each other in dismay, not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Li Xuan.


It lasted for two hours, and Cheng Chusi and others went in and out several times. After Li Yuan came back, Li Xuan slowly put down the pen and paper in his hand, and walked out.

"Fortunately, you reminded me, Xuanba, that a disaster was avoided!"

Li Yuan, who was sitting around the stove and warming the fire, was full of excitement when he saw Li Xuan coming out, and his words were full of emotion.

"Is the iron frame with the glass shed unstable?"

Li Xuan asked.

"Is it not safe?"

Li Yuan stared, a little angry and a little helpless.

"Those old things are usually played by the old man's cowhide, but when the old man checked it, he was really shocked!"

"There are several iron frames in the glass shed that are already crumbling, and they can be pulled out easily! Even the glass blocks on the iron frames are also shaking. If the snow is thicker or there is a strong wind , Maybe that piece of glass just fell off!"

On the other side, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi listened with horror on their faces.

"However, it was still checked out by you!"

For these situations, Li Xuan had expected.

After all, the glass and iron frame craftsmen are all half-way apprentices, and they are all veterans.

After firing so many pieces of glass and iron frames, only a few defective products came out, which is already perfect.

"That is, who is the old man? Wait until tomorrow, the old man will go to check again. Although I have checked each of them twice today, I have not found any other problems, so I am afraid that there may be omissions!"

Li Yuan was full of pride.

"As it should be!"

Li Xuan nodded quickly and said, he wished that the old man Xiong would check it every day.

"Huh, it's still warm in your room!"

On the side, Li Yuan shivered for a long time, only then did he feel his body warm up a lot.

Immediately, he took off the sheepskin padded jacket on his body, revealing a comfortable state.

Looking at the fiery red iron stove in front of him, he was filled with emotion. "I didn't expect that such an iron stove would have such a great effect, and you don't have to worry about carbon poisoning!"

"Don't you have a wall of fire and a charcoal stove for heating in your palace?"

Li Xuan glanced at Li Yuan strangely, and he could hear the strong envy in Li Yuan's tone.

Could it be that in the Tang Dynasty, these nobles still lacked a way to keep warm?

He even heard from Cheng Chusi that he was most envious of a heating method.

A certain nobleman directly bought a group of official prostitutes and asked them to surround him. If his hands were cold, he would directly find one to put his hands in, which was called warm hands!
It is much stronger than the warm baby in the later generations!
At night, many dignitaries and officials have maids who warm up the quilts in advance and let the masters lie down again.

As for the old man Li Yuan, Li Xuan didn't believe that when he was sleeping in his palace at night, there were no maids and concubines to warm his bed.

"It's so far away!"

Li Yuan slowly shook his head, "When the old man wakes up at night, it's very cold. Even if he hugs a stove, he's still shivering from the cold. If this goes on for a long time, I'm afraid he will freeze to death sooner or later!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi on the side were terrified.

This kind of secret matter is simply not something they can listen to, for fear of being silenced by His Majesty.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, looked helpless.

"This kind of iron stove was built by His Majesty. If you want it, just ask His Majesty for some!"

Li Yuan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that these artifacts for warming the house were actually made by Li Shimin for Li Xuan.

"Did Erlang send someone to build it, but it was a craftsman from the Shaofu Supervisor?"


(End of this chapter)

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