Li Shimin

Chapter 131 The 1-Day Schedule of Li Family Village

Chapter 131 A day's schedule in Lijiazhuang

(Third watch, ask for tickets, ask for month and month!)


Afterwards, Li Chengqian, who was about to leave, thought about what happened in Lijiazhuang, and continued.

"Aye, it's snowing heavily today, I wonder if you can send someone to clean the snow above the glass greenhouse?"

"You don't need to remind me about this matter. Every hour, there will be servants cleaning the snow on the glass shed. Moreover, in the shed, the Guanyin servant girl also sent people to place more than a dozen heaters, which are constantly changing, to provide continuous heating for the shed. !"

As he spoke, Li Shimin sighed softly, feeling a little regretful, "If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't consider this aspect when building the glass greenhouse, I still want to build a fire wall around the earth wall around the greenhouse!"

After hearing this, Li Chengqian was surprised.

Sure enough, in these matters, the responses of the father and mother are the most powerful.

Ten heaters!

Suddenly, Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, and he quickly looked at Li Shimin.

"Aye, after building the big iron stove tomorrow, you might as well put two big iron stoves in the glass shed!"


Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyes lit up, "That's a wonderful statement."

Afterwards, under Li Shimin's full face, Li Chengqian retired slowly.


The next day, the palace gate had just been opened for less than a quarter of an hour.

Li Yuan held a heater on time, picked up Li Chengqian at the gate of the East Palace, and walked south along Zhuque Street.

As for Cheng Chusi and the others, after being beaten several times by the old man at home, they didn't dare to sleep in anymore.

With sleepy eyelids all over his face, surrounded by his own guards, he followed Li Yuan and Li Chengqian's carriage closely.

"Xuan Ba, Xuan Ba, wake up!"

When he came to Lijiazhuang, Li Yuan shouted the shout that he had practiced countless times, which directly made Li Xuan startle from his dream.

Enduring the cold wind, he got out of the bed, and after opening the door, it was indeed the familiar smiling face of Old Man Xiong.

Behind him, there were the helpless expressions of Li Chengqian and the other bastards.

"Everyone runs five miles in the morning!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan gave Li Chengqian and the others a hard look.

"Yes, Master!"

Everyone knows that the Master who is woken up by the Supreme Emperor in the morning is terrifying.

Therefore, without further ado, he ran directly along Lijiazhuang, humming and haha.

As for Li Yuan, he put on a sheepskin padded jacket and sheepskin gloves, and stood outside the courtyard, looking triumphantly at Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others who were running around.

When they first started running in the morning, Li Chengqian and the others could run for a quarter of an hour.

Now, for a five-mile morning run, for Li Chengqian and the others, they ran down within a few breaths.

After the run, everyone felt refreshed. After taking a sip of hot tea, their eyeballs rolled around, obviously they couldn't wait any longer.

"Go, go inspect the glass greenhouse!"

Li Yuan couldn't wait a long time ago, so he yelled loudly, got up, and walked out first.

"Let's go!"

Li Xuan also spoke, got up and chased after him.

The first stop, of course, was the half-acre glass greenhouse in Li Xuan's field.

Overnight, a small layer of snow accumulated on the roof of the glass shed.

Several people cleaned up the snow first, then opened the small iron gate and walked in.

Early in the morning, the temperature inside the glass greenhouse was obviously warmer than outside.

But, just warmer.

After a round of inspection, there is nothing wrong with the glass and iron shelves.

However, Li Xuan's face was gloomy.

The temperature is getting lower and lower. Although the vegetables grown in the greenhouse are not frozen to death, they are growing more and more slowly.

"Master, what's wrong?"

On the side, Li Chengqian noticed that there was something wrong with Li Xuan's expression, and asked quickly.

"The weather is getting colder and colder. Although these vegetables in the greenhouse will not freeze to death, the speed of growth is getting slower and slower!"

Li Xuan sighed lightly, and explained slowly: "Especially these cucumbers that are as thick as a thumb, it's been three days, and they haven't grown beyond their heads yet!"

"Master, why don't you put a few heaters in the glass shed?"

After hearing this, Cheng Chusi on the side hurriedly said, "After I went back yesterday, I found that in the glass shed in the backyard of my house, at some point, my aunt had already placed several heaters.

Moreover, the effect is very good.I feel that the temperature in my glass greenhouse is warmer than the inside of this greenhouse! "


Li Xuan was slightly taken aback, as expected, it was just a luxury for a Duke's mansion.

"What Cheng Chusi said is very true, master, why not put two iron stoves in the glass shed, so that the temperature in the shed will definitely be much warmer!"

On the side, Li Chengqian also quickly suggested.

"Iron stove?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan, Cheng Chusi and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed.

"This statement is very reasonable!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded slightly.

As for whether the vegetables around the iron stove will be scorched after the iron stove is placed, I don't care.

Otherwise, if the cold weather continues, the vegetables in the entire greenhouse will be ruined by freezing.

"Hey! Whoops..."

Suddenly, Cheng Chusi beside him was full of remorse.

"What happened?"

Li Xuan and Li Yuan looked at Cheng Chusi with puzzled faces.

"Going back last night, my old Cheng actually forgot to tell Aye about the iron furnace!"

"Such an easy-to-handle iron stove, if there is an iron stove in every room in my house, wouldn't it be possible for my house to be warmed up directly?"

The more he said, the more excited Cheng Chusi's face became.

"If tens of thousands of pieces of glass can be made to directly surround my house, wouldn't my house be like spring all year round, like a fairyland on earth?"


"How many panes of glass do you need?"

Hearing Cheng Chusi's conjectures, Li Xuan found that Li Chongyi, Yuchi Baolin and the others couldn't help but shine.

Even Li Yuan and Li Chengqian were thoughtful.

"In that case, my master will send you to the Paradise of Paradise, where you can enjoy the four seasons like spring for thousands of years!"

Li Xuan struck mercilessly.

"Master, why is this?"

Cheng Chusi stared, puzzled.

"Put you next to the iron stove and bake it for a day, what will happen to you?" Li Xuan asked.

"At the end of the day, I will die of thirst!"

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Chusi said quickly.

"Then you put so many iron stoves in your house at once, what do you think will happen?"

Li Xuan said in a low voice, "Also, the entire Cheng Mansion is covered with glass, which is really spectacular. But, you, Aye, are so hated by people. If you come to a big man and break the glass, you think your entire Cheng Mansion will be destroyed. , How many people will survive? Maybe, when the time comes, your Cheng family will become a good story for a generation, and it will be passed down for thousands of years!"

"Hey, it's my imagination, thank you for reminding me, Master!"

Cheng Chusi hurriedly gave a mocking smile, and bowed his hands to Li Xuan.

On the side, Li Yuan and Li Chengqian's faces also changed slightly, thinking of the tragic situation of so many iron furnaces placed in the house.

Involuntarily shuddered slightly.

As for building glass in the whole house, they are not Cheng Chusi, they all know how fragile glass is.

Also, the bigger the glass, the weaker it is.

Cheng Chusi's conjecture was that he wanted to commit suicide.

As expected, this bastard is full of weird things in his mind.

On the other side, seeing that Cheng Chusi's bastard idea had been dispelled, Li Xuan continued to think while walking to other fields.

There are 200 acres of fertile land and more than [-] glass greenhouses. Every few days, he has to check it out himself.


(End of this chapter)

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