Li Shimin

Chapter 132 The Difficulty of Forging Iron!

Chapter 132 The Difficulty of Forging Iron!

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Next, for the more than 200 glass greenhouses, Li Xuan's inspection speed was much faster.

There will be a veteran in charge of every two greenhouses.

And these veterans all have decades of farming experience.

Therefore, he only needs to take a few glances, mainly to see if the vegetables will freeze to death, or if there is any major problem.

Of course, if you visit these glass greenhouses every day and take a look at these green vegetables, you will feel much more comfortable.

"I've seen the Supreme Emperor, I've seen Saburo, I've seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, I've seen a few young gentlemen!"

Cheng Lao Si is also in charge of two glass greenhouses.

All day long, except for sleeping and eating, they basically stay with the glass greenhouse.

"How is the temperature in the greenhouse today compared to yesterday?"

Li Xuan asked casually while watching.

"Hui Sanlang, the sun is out today, and the greenhouse is obviously warmer than yesterday!"

Cheng Laosi in a sheepskin padded jacket, with a shiny purple-black face, looked like an old shepherd.

"What do you think if a large iron furnace is put in every greenhouse?" Li Xuan asked.

"Put the big iron furnace in the shed?"

Cheng Lao Si was taken aback, and thought for a moment slowly, his eyes widened and his face was full of joy.

"Sanlang, but that big stove in your house?"

"Exactly!" Li Xuan nodded slightly.

"A big stove can warm a large shed a lot. If you can really put one in, that would be great!"

Cheng Laosi said repeatedly, his face full of anticipation.

"Then, starting tomorrow, you will have to continue in the forge and start forging the iron furnace!"

Li Xuan said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the big iron furnace can be forged, the villain and others can open the furnace at night!" Cheng Laosi said with a firm face.

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, and said, "You can't see when it's dark, and you can make iron normally during the daytime!"

"But Saburo, this requires 230 large iron furnaces, and we only rely on forging during the day, so by next year, we old people may not even be able to forge fifty iron furnaces."

Cheng Lao Si looked anxious.

"Then ask the Supreme Emperor or Your Majesty to help forge it!" Li Xuan said.


On the side, before Li Yuan could react, Li Xuan gave him a big job.

After being stunned for a moment, he quickly said, "This old man can only do his best!"

Li Xuan was startled, and stared at Li Yuan in a daze, very surprised.

"Old man, there are only [-] large iron furnaces, but they are all forged for your glass greenhouse. How dare you shirk?"

"Xuanba, it's not that I don't want to help, but that two hundred large iron furnaces need too much pig iron. Even if I come forward, I won't come with so much pig iron!"

Li Yuan sighed softly, and continued to explain: "more than 200 large iron stoves, plus so many iron cylinders, if used to forge armor, at least 1000 people can be equipped with armored troops. Now, the Turks around the Tang Dynasty, Goguryeo Barbarian countries such as Tibet, Tubo, etc. are staring at each other, and the Ministry of War is urging for soldiers every day, and it is really impossible to squeeze out such pig iron."

"The Tang Dynasty is so big that it still lacks pig iron?"

Li Xuan was taken aback again.


On the side, Cheng Lao Si, Li Chengqian, and even Cheng Chusi all nodded firmly.

"However, how can there be a shortage of pig iron for such a simple matter of making iron?"

Li Xuan was full of doubts.

"Smelting iron is easy?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Li Yuan and Cheng Laosi were all shocked.

Immediately, the gaze towards Li Xuan was full of strangeness.

"Xuan Ba, do you know how much pig iron the imperial court can smelt in a year?"

"How many?"

It was only then that Li Xuan realized that this was the Tang Dynasty, not the later generations. An iron smelting factory can smelt tens of thousands of catties of pig iron in a day.

"10 million catties!" Li Yuan said slowly.

"10 million?"

Li Xuan's eyes widened involuntarily, his face full of disbelief.

Then, after thinking for a moment secretly, a hint of understanding flashed across his face.

"I didn't expect to be able to forge such a little pig iron. No wonder you are so stingy in this matter!"

Don't listen to the fact that 10 million catties of pig iron is a lot, but if you calculate carefully, you will find that 10 million catties of pig iron is really not enough for Datang.

For example, if Li Xuan wants to forge 230 large iron furnaces, each large iron furnace is estimated at one hundred catties, plus the iron cylinders that are equipped, a large iron furnace must also be equipped with twenty kilograms of iron cylinders.

This time, nearly [-] catties of pig iron will be consumed.

"That's right, if my Great Tang has enough iron armor, not to mention mere Turks, even Goguryeo, Silla and other small barbarian countries, my Great Tang can directly crush them!"

Li Yuan was full of emotion.

Fourth Cheng also sighed all over his face.

"I didn't expect that Tang Tang could refine 10 million catties of pig iron a year. It's really..."

After speaking, Li Xuan didn't know how to go on.

Li Yuan looked at Li Xuan with curiosity on his face.

"Those craftsmen and officials who make iron are all incompetent people!"

Li Xuan pursed his lips and said.


Li Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then disapproved all over his face.

"Xuanba, do you know how much 10 million catties of pig iron are piled up?"

"How much is 10 million catties?"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, "How many soldiers are there in the Tang Dynasty? Ten 10 million catties of pig iron are not enough. In addition, the 10 million pig iron for common people's farming equipment and iron utensils used in daily life, I really don't know who the Ministry of Industry and households are. How can the Ministry of War and even the Ministry of War divide such a small amount of pig iron?"

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something.

Li Xuan turned to look at Li Yuan.

"Old man, you said that if I give [-] catties of pig iron to the Ministry of Industry, the Shaofu Supervisor, or the Military Weapons Supervisor, will they help me build an iron stove?"

"How do you pay it back?"

Li Yuan asked subconsciously, then shook his head slightly.

"Don't say that the Ministry of Industry or the Military Weapons Supervisor dare not agree to this matter, even Erlang dare not agree to this matter!"

"I just borrowed their pig iron first to forge a large iron stove, so it's not like I won't return it?"

Li Xuan's face became anxious.

However, he saw Li Yuan's expression of disbelief.

How difficult it is to smelt iron, he knows it!

How could it be possible to return [-] catties of pig iron?

"I'll return [-] catties of pig iron, is that okay?"

Li Xuan continued to ask.

"One hundred thousand?..."

Hearing this, Li Yuan was even more helpless.

"Xuan Ba, do you know how difficult it is to make iron?"

"I don't know!"

Li Xuan shook his head lightly.

"Xuan Ba, the matter of pig iron is not a child's play, it is the state affairs of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Yuan looked solemn, "Ten blacksmiths can forge more than 200 catties of pig iron for one day!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was speechless.

"Old man, do you know how many catties of pig iron I could smelt in a day in that small forging workshop?"

"How many pounds?"

Li Yuan asked curiously.

"One thousand catties!"

"One thousand pounds?"

Li Yuan was shocked, with disbelief on his face, "How is this possible?"

"Why is this impossible?"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, "Gao Ming and Cheng Chusi can also testify to this matter!"

Hearing this, Li Yuan quickly looked at Li Chengqian.

"Gao Ming, is this true?"

"Grandpa Huihuang, this matter is absolutely true. When those pig irons were smelted, I also helped!"

At this moment, Li Chengqian's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly realized how important it was to Datang that Li Xuan smelted a thousand catties of pig iron a day!

(End of this chapter)

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