Li Shimin

Chapter 134 My son has something urgent to report!

Chapter 134 My son has something urgent to report!
Then, the two passed Li Chengqian and ran directly towards Chang'an City.

It just snowed heavily yesterday, and the snow on the avenue was crushed by the passing carriages. The two of them ran on the road, running wildly for a certain distance, and then stopped to slide forward.

In this way, when they were tired from running, the two stood by the roadside, waited slowly for Li Chengqian's carriage to come, and sat on it.


Inside Chang'an City.

After hearing Li Wei's order, Shaofu Supervisor Zheng Ye ordered the craftsmen to start forging the large iron furnace, while running into the palace with a look of anxiety on his face.

Twenty large iron stoves must be matched with sixty-foot iron tubes, requiring at least two thousand four hundred catties of pig iron.

However, although the Shaofu Supervisor is in charge of all kinds of crafts and skills, there is only two thousand catties of pig iron left in the treasury, which is not enough to forge so many iron stoves.

"Not enough pig iron?"

In Liangyi Hall, after hearing Zheng Ye's report, Li Shimin was surprised.

"There are only twenty large iron stoves, and a majestic young mansion supervisor, but there is not so much pig iron?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I dare not lie, there are indeed only two thousand catties of pig iron in the Shaofu Prison!"

Zheng Ye quickly replied.

"Isn't two thousand catties of pig iron enough?"

Li Shimin's eyes widened, and then he couldn't help but think of something, and asked quickly: "Zheng Ye, how much pig iron is needed to forge a large iron furnace?"

"Return to Your Majesty, one hundred catties of pig iron!"

Hearing Li Shimin's question about the reason, Zheng Ye felt relieved, and continued, "Your Majesty, each large iron stove needs twenty catties of pig iron to equip a three-foot iron cylinder!"


Hearing this, Li Shimin looked startled, took a sharp breath, his eyes were full of distress.

"Such [-] iron stoves require [-] catties of pig iron!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zheng Ye cupped his hands and replied.

In my heart, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, His Majesty should not consume so much pig iron to forge those twenty useless iron stoves!
"However, the Supreme Emperor asked me to forge ten large iron stoves for him yesterday!"

But he didn't want to, Li Shimin frowned again, and said softly.

Hearing this, Zheng Ye's heart trembled subconsciously.

It turned out to be the Supreme Emperor!

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness, please see me!"

Just when Zheng Ye and Li Shimin were both embarrassed, an inner servant walked in from outside the hall and reported.

"Gao Ming is back?"

Li Shimin was taken aback for a moment, then quickly said, "Let him in quickly!"

After a while, Li Chengqian hurried in.

"My son has seen his father!"

"Gao Ming, shouldn't you be in Lijiazhuang at this time? Why did you come back in such a hurry?" Li Shimin asked directly.

"Go back to the emperor, my son has something urgent to report!"

Li Chengqian glanced curiously at Zheng Ye, the supervisor of the Shaofu with a bitter face beside him, and said to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I will take my leave first!"

During this period of time, the crown prince Li Chengqian and the Supreme Emperor ran to Lijiazhuang in the south every day, and the ministers and dignitaries in Chang'an City basically knew about it.

Therefore, seeing Li Chengqian looking so anxious, Zheng Ye subconsciously wanted to slip away.

Still, not a few steps away.

I heard Li Chengqian say: "Father, this matter is about the method of making iron!"

Immediately, Zheng Ye seemed to have taken root under his feet, and could no longer walk.

Coincidentally, Li Shimin also opened his mouth and said: "Since it is about the method of making iron, the Shaofu supervisor might as well listen to it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, Zheng Ye walked back quickly.

"Father, Master and Grandpa, I want to ask Father to forge 230 large iron stoves and put them in the glass shed in Lijiazhuang!"

Li Chengqian smiled at Zheng Ye and said loudly.

"230 Iron Stoves!"

Zheng Ye only felt his eyes go dark, his head was buzzing, and he wanted to faint directly.

Li Shimin was also surprised, and hurriedly asked Li Chengqian: "Why do you need so many iron stoves all of a sudden?"

"Father, the weather is too cold. Only by putting an iron stove in each greenhouse can the greenhouses be kept warm!"

Li Chengqian replied slowly.

Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyelids twitched and he took a deep breath.

"Gao Ming, do you know how many catties of pig iron are needed to forge so many iron stoves?"

"Going back to Emperor Father, you need thirty thousand catties!"

Li Chengqian replied.

"Thirty thousand catties of pig iron!"

After listening, Li Shimin couldn't help staring at Li Chengqian closely, "Then you are the prince, do you know how many soldiers can be equipped with these pig irons if they are used to forge armor?"

"Return to father, I will naturally know about this matter!"

Li Chengqian smiled lightly, and continued: "It's just the father, the master said that after the iron furnace is forged, he will give you back [-] catties of pig iron!"

"One hundred thousand catties?"

In an instant, Li Shimin and Zheng Ye couldn't help staring at Li Chengqian with wide eyes.

"Prince, do you know that you are not joking, one hundred thousand catties of pig iron is not a joke!"

"Father, Master has the method of smelting iron. In less than an hour, two hundred catties of pig iron can be smelted. Because of this, the emperor allowed the son to come and report this matter to the father!"

Li Chengqian was still smiling.

"An hour?"

Li Shimin stood up directly, startling Li Chengqian.

On the other hand, Zheng Ye also trembled, and then his face was full of excitement.

"Your Highness, is what you said true?"

"Young Mansion Supervisor, the two hundred catties of pig iron was smelted by me and my master, and this matter was also witnessed by the emperor's own eyes!"

Li Chengqian raised his head and replied.

"Didn't expect such a magical iron-making method?"

As the supervisor of the Shaofu, Zheng Ye naturally understood how long it would take and how much manpower and material resources would be needed to smelt [-] jin of pig iron according to the iron smelting method currently mastered by the imperial court.

Therefore, after listening to Li Chengqian's words, his face was even more shocked.

"Your Majesty, the imperial court must obtain this kind of iron-making technique!" Zheng Ye hurriedly said to Li Shimin.

And this time, Li Shimin had already gone to the back of the palace.

"Li Wei, follow me to Lijiazhuang!"


A moment later, Li Shimin led Li Wei, followed by Li Chengqian and Zheng Ye, and hurried out of the palace gate.

However, before he walked a few steps, he heard familiar screams.

Before Li Shimin could speak, the carriage had already stopped.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Guogong and Hejian County King are waiting ahead!" Li Wei reported.

"Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong?"

Inside the car, Li Shimin looked surprised.

"It's Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi!"

At the same time, Li Chengqian's expression changed slightly, and he finally remembered Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi who came back with him.

Immediately, he quickly followed Li Shimin and got out of the car.

Looking forward, his face suddenly became strange.

Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi, their bodies were densely covered with footprints, their faces were shrugged and depressed.

"Your Majesty... Hey, His Royal Highness is back too?"

Seeing Li Shimin, Li Chengqian, Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong coming, their expressions changed slightly.

However, it soon returned to normal.

"Zhijie, Xiaogong, what are you two doing?" Li Shimin asked curiously.

"Returning to Your Majesty, my old Cheng was about to go drink with King Hejian, but I didn't expect to see these two bastards outside the palace gate. They were sneaky, and I thought they had sneaked back..."

Cheng Zhijie cupped his hands at Li Shimin and Li Chengqian, and said.

After listening, Li Shimin looked strange.

"Your Majesty, are you going to Lijiazhuang with the crown prince?" Cheng Zhijie asked.


Li Shimin nodded lightly, "Xuan Ba ​​has a miraculous method of iron smelting, which can produce two hundred catties of pig iron in an hour, you come with me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing this, Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong's expressions changed drastically, and they nodded quickly.


(End of this chapter)

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