Li Shimin

Chapter 135 Don't say a single word about today's events!

Chapter 135 Don't say a word about today's affairs! (three more, please subscribe)

They waited until the carriage left Chang'an City.

Only then did Cheng Zhijie turn his head and cast a vicious look at Cheng Chusi, who had kept his head down and was full of aggrieved face since he got in the car.

"Niezi, you are all sitting in the carriage, who are you pretending to be like this?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help frowning slightly, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

But, before he could figure it out, he was kicked on the leg again.

"Quickly talk to the old man, that iron smelting method can really smelt two hundred catties of pig iron in one hour?"

"Aye, it's less than an hour!"

Cheng Chusi pulled his eyes and said seriously: "Moreover, it's 220 catties of pig iron!"

On the side, Li Chongyi nodded again and again, for fear that he would be beaten if he reacted too slowly.


Immediately, both Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong were astonished, and then they were extremely pleasantly surprised.

"If the imperial court uses this method to smelt iron, it will not be able to smelt more than 5000 million catties of pig iron a year! At that time, the sons of the Zuo Tunwei of the old man will each put on iron armor, and they will definitely be able to tear those Turkic children!"

Thinking about it, Cheng Zhijie couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong rarely confronted him, but was full of envy.

"Nizi, please tell the old man quickly, what kind of magical method did that person use to make iron smelting so quickly?"

"Back to Aye, the master is to burn the iron ore in the iron furnace, and then I will wait aside to blow the air and light the fire..."

"Nie Zhan, so you have already started using this method to smelt iron?"


"Nie Zhan, you didn't tell me about such an important matter..."

"Aye, my son doesn't know that craftsmen like the Ministry of Industry and the general supervisor can't compare to the master in making iron..."

Soon, after a burst of excited movements, Cheng Chusi was even more aggrieved.


Half an hour later, the convoy of a group of people finally arrived outside Lijiazhuang.

However, due to the heavy snow, the carriage could not enter the village.

Therefore, Li Shimin and Li Chengqian had to get out of the carriage early and walked to Lijiazhuang.


However, just after walking a few steps, Li Shimin and Cheng Zhijie couldn't help but look dull.

As far as the eye can see, it is densely packed, but neat, and it is all glass sheds, shining under the sun.

"Li Xiaogong, isn't this a fairyland?" Cheng Zhijie stared wide-eyed and said dully.

"It's not, but it doesn't make much difference!"

Li Xiaogong replied subconsciously.

"So many glass greenhouses, how much glass does it take to be so extravagant?" Cheng Zhijie was full of emotion.

"Aye, we burned all these glasses ourselves, and it doesn't cost much!"

On the side, Cheng Chusi quickly said, "These are the glass sheds of the Supreme Emperor that I told you about before!"

"The Supreme Emperor?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Zhijie's face suddenly became serious, and he quickly shut up.

Quickly following Li Shimin, he walked towards the village.

Along the way, every time you passed two glass sheds, you could see a veteran standing in front of the shed, saluting them from a distance.

Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong were surprised again.

However, this time he was very sensible and didn't ask too many questions.

"My son has met my father!" "The humble minister has seen the Supreme Emperor!"

Along the way, several people came straight to the forge.


Li Yuan still opened his coat and looked around in front of the iron furnace, but casually nodded to Li Shimin and the others, but didn't continue to pay attention.

Regarding this, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others just smiled sarcastically, not too surprised.

Immediately, following Li Yuan's gaze, he looked towards the iron furnace in the corner.

"The villain sees Your Majesty, General Cheng, Prince of the County!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

"Huh? Fourth Cheng, is it you?"

Turning his head, Cheng Zhijie looked surprised.

"Hey, Your Majesty, General Cheng, the county prince, is the villain!"

Fourth Cheng grinned his mouth wide, revealing a row of big yellow teeth, occasionally seeing a few big black holes.

"How long will this stove be able to be turned on?"

Cheng Zhijie asked repeatedly.

"Back to General, this furnace has been smelting with raging fire for about half an hour, and the time is almost up!"

Fourth Cheng quickly replied.

"Can the furnace be turned on in half an hour?"

After hearing the meaning of Cheng Lao Si's words, Li Shimin and Cheng Zhijie were surprised again.

And this time, Zheng Ye, the supervisor of the Shaofu, had already moved to the side of the iron-smelting furnace with a face full of curiosity, and Xiang Yingqi and Wu Fu were inquiring about the various structures and functions of the iron-smelting furnace.

Although Ying Qi and Wu Fu are craftsmen who will serve as supervisors, they both know Zheng Ye, the supervisor of the young mansion supervisor next door.

Therefore, there are answers to all questions.

The more he listened, the more astonished Zheng Ye became.

After about a stick of incense, Li Xuan yelled.

"Open the furnace!"

Everyone couldn't help but stop talking, staring at the iron furnace.

A streak of fiery red iron juice flowed out from the ironmaking furnace and flowed into the container below before slowly changing color.

After waiting for the last drop of iron juice to flow out, the few people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zheng Ye, what is the quality of these iron juices?"

Li Shimin stared closely at Zheng Ye and asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, there are very few impurities, comparable to high-grade pig iron!" Zheng Ye was full of excitement.

"Okay, hahaha..."

After hearing this, Li Shimin was overjoyed.

Immediately, he quickly looked at Li Xuan!
"Xuanba, I don't know if this method of making iron can be handed over to the imperial court. The Tang Dynasty is really short of iron tools!"


Zheng Ye's heart was shocked, he felt that this name was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had heard it before!

"This method of making iron is known by both Ying Qi and Wu Fu, and even Gao Ming, Cheng Chusi and others. You can use it however you want!"

Li Xuan glanced at Li Shimin and said quietly.

"However, with this iron-making method, can His Majesty forge 230 large iron furnaces for me?"

"Xuanba don't worry, after I go back, I'll let the Military Weapons Supervisor, the Shaofu Supervisor, and the General Supervisor open the furnace together to forge a big iron furnace for you!"

Li Shimin said quickly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan's face was filled with joy.

And this time, Li Yuan began to direct Yuchi Baolin and the others to fill the iron ore into the iron furnace!
After getting the method of making iron, Li Shimin didn't stop, so he left in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, that Master Xuanba, is he the one who improved Quyuanli before?"

After leaving Lijiazhuang, Zheng Ye asked Li Shimin curiously.

Li Shimin stopped in his tracks, and glanced at Zheng Ye indifferently, Zheng Ye was startled, his back was covered in cold sweat.

Then, he replied, "It's him!"

"Zheng Ye, apart from the iron-making method, you are not allowed to say a single word about Li Family Village!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I just came to Lijiazhuang today to see this kind of iron-making furnace, and I haven't seen or heard of any other people or things!"

Zheng Ye's heart was shaken, and he hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

After listening, Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction and continued to ask.

"With this iron-smelting method, how much pig iron do you think my Tang Dynasty can smelt in a year?"

"Return to Your Majesty, ten million catties of pig iron must be possible!"

Speaking of ironmaking, Zheng Ye was full of excitement.

"Ten million catties?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help but stop, and looked at Zheng Ye in shock.

"Your Majesty, the iron-smelting furnace just now is only as tall as two people, while the iron-smelting furnaces of the Ministry of Industry are generally three feet high. The iron that can be smelted in one furnace is twice as high as that iron-smelting furnace." need more!"


(End of this chapter)

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