Li Shimin

Chapter 136 1 Art Imperial Movement

Chapter 136 One technique court action (four more, ask for a monthly ticket)
"It is so!"

"So, my Tang soldiers, can everyone be armored?"

After listening, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others couldn't help being excited.

Even, several people looked at the north with ferocious expressions and red eyes.

"Hurry back to the palace!"



"Call the military supervisor and general supervisor!"


In the main hall of Shaofu Supervisor, Li Shiminju sat on the main seat, Cheng Zhijie and Li Xiaogong sat on both sides.

Below, General Supervisor Sun Nian and General Qi Hui stared angrily at Zheng Ye beside him.

In the morning, His Majesty ordered the Shaofu Supervisor to forge a useless large iron stove, and they all heard about it.

However, Zheng Ye called them over before they had time to see the Shaofu Prison's joke, and the most important His Majesty and Cheng Laomo were still sitting on top.

A cheater, a shameless one, a presumptuous son of man, a scum...

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui are angry and hateful!
"Gongsun Nian, Qu Hui, how many catties of pig iron do you have in the Military Weapons Supervisor and General Zuo Prison?"

Li Shimin asked with a smile on his face.

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui couldn't help trembling, looked at each other, and then quickly cupped their hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have more than 2000 Quyuanli's shafts to be built in the Military Weapons Supervision Department. He is urging the forging of ordnance, and the military inspector is currently asking the Ministry of Industry for pig iron!"

"Your Majesty, the general in charge also has a thousand iron shafts for Qu Yuanli to be forged, and..."

However, the story is not over yet.

Cheng Zhijie stared, "You two don't fart here!"

"Su Guogong?"

In a word, Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui had to think hard for a long time before coming up with an excuse, and they held back.

"Your Majesty asked the two of you to report how many catties of pig iron you have left in the yamen. It's so smeared with ink, it doesn't look like a man at all!"

"Your Majesty's forgiveness!"

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui were shocked.

Hastily saluted, with a crying voice in his words.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I'm reluctant, but that there really isn't a catty of extra pig iron to spare in the armory prison!"

"Your Majesty, I only have [-] catties of pig iron for a year as a prisoner. This year, I have already used up the pig iron. The pig iron is allotted by the Ministry of Industry for the purpose of forging the iron shafts of Quyuanli!"

After listening, Li Shimin frowned slightly and sighed softly.But he didn't blame the two, but said directly.

"Then let's suspend making Quyuanli's iron shaft head and build the big iron stove first!"

"His Majesty!"

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui couldn't believe it.


Li Shimin looked cold.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Seeing this, Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui hurriedly saluted.

"Each person is in charge of sixty large iron furnaces first!"

Li Shimin continued, "As for the drawings, go to Zheng Ye for them. The day after tomorrow, you will forge at least [-] pieces!"

"This?...Your Majesty, there is not enough pig iron!"

Now, everyone including Zheng Ye was shocked.

"There will be a subordinate from the labor department to allocate it to you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shimin stood up and walked out.

"Tie Zheng, how dare you treat me so miserably?"

Unwilling, Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui turned their heads to look at Zheng Ye, the culprit beside him.

"More than 200 large iron stoves, do you know how many catties of pig iron will be consumed? This time, you, Zheng Ye, are the sinner of Datang!"

"Tomorrow, this old man must impeach you!"

The more they talked, the angrier they became.

"Hey, don't worry, both of you!"

On the contrary, it was Zheng Ye with a faint smile on his face.

"This makes me wait in a hurry. There are two hundred iron stoves, and at least more than 20,000 catties of pig iron are needed!"

"I'm afraid the two of you forgot the iron cylinder that the iron stove needs to be equipped with!" Zheng Ye added with a smile on his face.

"Iron tube?"

Hearing this, Qu Hui's face became even more angry, he stared at Zheng Ye closely, and gritted his teeth.

"In this way, at least [-] catties of pig iron are needed?"

"more or less!"

Zheng Ye nodded lightly.

"With so much pig iron, how many pieces of Quyuanli's iron shaft heads and how many pieces of armored weapons can be forged?"

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui lamented.

“But worth it!”

Zheng Ye explained with a smile: "Your Majesty only used more than 200 large iron stoves in exchange for a method that can quickly smelt iron!"

"The art of iron smelting?"

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui's eyes lit up, and they quickly looked at Zheng Ye.

"Exactly, I saw with my own eyes that a two-person-high iron-smelting furnace can smelt two hundred catties of high-quality pig iron in less than an hour!"


"Zheng Ye, you witnessed this matter with your own eyes. Is there really such a miraculous way to make iron?"

In an instant, Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui looked at Zheng Ye excitedly.

Excited, the address for Zheng Ye also began to change.

"When did I, Zheng Ye, deceive the two of you about such an important matter?"

Zheng Ye was not angry, but explained seriously.


"Happy event, what a great happy event!"

"In this way, we will never lack pig iron again!"

"Your Majesty is wise, these [-] large iron furnaces are really worth it!..."

Gongsun Nian and Qu Hui were overjoyed.

If Li Shimin told about this matter, the two of them might still have doubts.

However, when Zheng Ye, the supervisor of the Shaofu, said it, the two of them believed it completely.

"Do you know which expert provided the iron making technique?"

"You two don't ask too much..."

Thinking of Li Shimin's explanation, Zheng Ye smiled and said nothing!

"Chen Duan Lun sees His Majesty!"

Inside the Liangyi Hall, Duan Lun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, hurried in.

"Duan Lun, how much pig iron does the Ministry of Industry still have?"

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry still has [-] catties of pig iron. I wonder what His Majesty will use it for?"

Duan Lun was taken aback, and asked quickly.

"Allow [-] catties to the Shaofu Supervisor, General Supervisor, and Armament Supervisor!"

Li Shimin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Duan Lun directly agreed.

Afterwards, he asked with a happy face, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, do you want to send troops in the coming year?"

Although Duan Lun is now a civil servant, he has been fond of practicing martial arts since he was a child. After Li Yuan raised troops in Taiyuan, Duan Lun gathered more than 10,000 troops in Lantian to meet Li Yuan and follow the Li family to conquer the Tang Dynasty.

Upon hearing Li Shimin's words, Duan Lun's face was full of excitement, thinking that he was going to fight the Turkic barbarians.

"No, the Supreme Emperor wants more than 200 large iron stoves!" Li Shimin replied.

"Two hundred big iron stoves?"

Upon hearing this, Duan Lun couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of regret.

"Your Majesty, isn't it a pity that so much pig iron is used to forge a large iron stove? Why don't you persuade the Supreme Emperor?"

"Why don't you persuade yourself to go?"

Li Shimin gave Duan Lun a blank look, the Supreme Emperor is Zhen Aye, and also your father-in-law.


When Duan Lun heard this, he thought for a moment, his eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "Princess Gaomi hasn't been to see the Supreme Emperor for a long time, please ask Gao Mi to visit the Supreme Emperor tomorrow?"

Princess Gaomi is Duan Lun's wife and Li Shimin's fourth sister. She has a very close relationship with Li Yuan, but after Li Yuan moved into Tai'an Palace, his temperament changed drastically, and he rarely saw Princess Gaomi's children.

"Need not!"

Li Shimin said quickly.

"Your Majesty, is the Supreme Emperor still following Gao Ming to Li's Village every day?"

Duan Lun's expression became anxious.

"You don't need to worry about this matter!"

Li Shimin glanced at Duan Lun lightly.

"Your Majesty, that's [-] catties of pig iron!"

"Ten days later, I will return you one hundred thousand catties of pig iron!"

"His Majesty?"

"An iron-smelting method that can smelt two hundred catties of iron in one hour!"


 Four changes are normal today.

  I have something to do at night, so I can only do two updates tomorrow.

  Then, from Monday to Friday, there are usually two shifts!
  Closed on Saturday and Sunday, four more updates will be added!

(End of this chapter)

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