Li Shimin

Chapter 137 Xuanba, what are you doing with the drum, urn and golden hammer?

Chapter 137 Xuanba, what are you doing with the drum, urn and golden hammer?
His Majesty personally decreed, and the Ministry of Industry actively cooperated, and the craftsmen in the three yamen, the Zuojian, the Shaofu Supervisor, and the Military Weapons Supervisor, started working with all their strength.

In less than five days, 250 large iron furnaces and 750 feet long iron cylinders were forged.

Among them, 230 large iron stoves belonged to Lijiazhuang.

As for the remaining [-] pieces, they were sent directly to Tai Chi Palace and Tai An Palace.

For the next ten days, every day, teams of horse-drawn carriages, pulling iron furnaces, came to Lijiazhuang.

Every time a car was pulled, veterans of the fourth class, under the leadership of Li Yuan, installed it directly in the glass shed.

Not to mention, an iron stove was placed in the glass shed and slowly burned on a small fire, and the glass shed was immediately warmed up.

The cucumber, which was still growing very slowly, suddenly jumped a section in a few days.

When it was ripe, Li Xuan directly picked one off, put it in his mouth, and began to gnaw it.

The water is sweet and the water is sweet!
At the same time, after eating a cucumber, Li Yuan and Li Chengqian are more interested in the more than 200 glass greenhouses.

Every day, I have to walk around in each glass greenhouse.

Especially in those glass greenhouses that have begun to draw silk and grow small tender melons, Li Yuan has to go around several times a day.

Regarding this situation, Li Xuan was full of joy.

Every day, he would take Li Yuan in the shed to pick a cucumber.

The purpose is to let Li Yuan remember the cucumbers in his glass greenhouses.


"Master, something happened!"

On this day, Li Xuanzheng was in the house, concentrating on drawing, Fang Yizhi ran in with a panicked face.

"So flustered, what happened?"

Li Xuan blinked, looked up at Xia Fang Yizhi, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Return to Master, someone has stolen our iron stove!"


Li Xuan was startled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in surprise: "Someone took our iron stove?"

"what happened?"

"Go back to Master, it's the Wang family..."

Fang Yi took a deep breath and quickly explained the matter.

There was more than half of the nonsense in the middle, Li Xuan ignored it directly.

Anyway, the general ins and outs are because Li Shimin directly ordered the general supervisor, the Shaofu supervisor, and the military supervisor to forge iron furnaces.

Afterwards, the Shaofu Supervisor got the news of a way to quickly smelt iron, which attracted the attention of some aristocratic families.

Moreover, following Li Shimin's massive purchase of iron mines and coal mines.

Therefore, these aristocratic families looked at it, and their hearts were itchy and curious.

However, the surrounding area of ​​Lijiazhuang is the restricted area of ​​those aristocratic families, guarded by the imperial army, and Li Yuan is still in charge inside, so no one can touch it.

Therefore, those aristocratic families can only be anxious.

Coincidentally, these days, there has been a convoy transporting iron furnaces and iron tubes from Chang'an City to Lijiazhuang.

Therefore, some restless and impulsive aristocratic family members directly sent someone to find an excuse on the way, and still used the method of touching porcelain to directly buckle an iron stove.

"Master, now Cheng Chusi and the others are summoning guards, and they are going to look for those aristocratic sons!"


Li Xuan was not surprised by this situation.

"In the past, if they confronted you, what would you do?"

"Master, if it's those big families like the Wang family and the Cui family, we usually block them from the outside and beat them up directly. If it's some small families, we directly bring the guards and beat them up!"

Fang Yi said with a full face of hatred, "However, the bigger the family, the stricter the discipline of the children, and it is rare for them to be able to do things like stealing things!"


After listening, Li Xuan nodded slightly.

Then, he got up, put on a sheepskin padded jacket, and under Fang Yizhi's frightened gaze, took out the pair of big hammers from the bedroom, and walked out slowly.

"Master, what are you doing with the drum, urn, and golden hammer?"

"Call the door!"

Li Xuan smiled lightly, and replied, "Those bastards dare to buckle the old man's iron stove, don't they want to rebel?"

Hearing this, Fang Yizhi's eyes subconsciously enlarged.

Immediately, his face flushed.

"Master, wait for me!"

With an excited yell, he hurriedly followed.

Back then, when he was fooling around with Cheng Chusi and others in Chang'an City, he was also a well-known tyrant.

Now, after only a few months, those bastards dare to bully them?

"Grandfather, don't worry, after Fang Yizhi obtains the consent of the master, we will take the guards and go to the Wang family!"

Inside the glass greenhouse, Li Chengqian looked annoyed.

"That's right, the Supreme Emperor, those bastards dare to keep things from the Li Family Manor, I'm so impatient!"

"You don't need to take action, I will definitely let those little brats of the Wang family bring the iron furnace back in person!"

On the side, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others also found a big wooden stick from nowhere, and held it in their hands, with hideous faces.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Wang family is one of the five surnames and seven clans, and a thousand-year-old clan. How can you act wild?"

Li Yuan glared fiercely at Cheng Chusi and the others.

When they hit the door, they would tear off the face of the Wang family and stomp on the ground in public.

Especially, it's Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi these little bastards.

If this is the case, what kind of retaliation might these boys receive?
Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others don't know the depth of the power of these families, but Li Yuan knows it's terrible!

Cheng Chusi and the others, who were full of dissatisfaction, were about to continue to refute.

Suddenly, looking up and seeing Li Xuan walking towards him, he couldn't help being startled, and then seeing the pair of golden hammers beating drums and urns in Li Xuan's hands, his eyes lit up and his face was full of excitement.


Li Yuan turned around and looked, his eyes couldn't help being startled, and he asked quickly: "Xuanba, what are you doing with the drum, urn, and golden hammer?"

"Of course I'll call the door!"

Li Xuan said calmly: "Those bastards dare to snatch the iron stove in public in broad daylight. If they don't teach them a lesson, maybe they will do something stupid next time?"

"Xuanba, the Wang family is a thousand-year-old family after all, and the most important thing is face. What if it's like this?"

With that said, Li Yuan silently looked at the golden hammer in Li Xuan's hand!

"This matter, but they did it first!"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, "I was just forced to fight back, and I'm the one to take advantage of the matter. Besides, those aristocratic families dared to snatch your things, old man, it's like a rebellion!"

"Now, there are still dozens of iron stoves that have not been brought in. If we don't use them as chickens this time to frighten other aristocratic families, I am afraid that half of the remaining dozens of iron stoves will come to Lijiazhuang. Already!"

"Old man, you just wait at home. The glass shed is so important, you can't let them just ruin it."

After finishing speaking, Li Xuan looked at the terrified coachman beside him.

"Do you know the man who bumped into your carriage on purpose, beat you and took away the iron stove?"

"Hui Saburo, the villain recognizes it!"

The driver hurriedly replied.

Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's very good, I'll go!"


With Li Xuan taking the lead, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help following with grim smiles on their faces.

"The emperor, the villain is going to follow Saburo!"

Behind him, Fourth Cheng took a look at Li Yuan, and hurriedly asked for instructions.

"Go, bring a few people!"

Li Yuan sighed lightly and nodded slowly.


Cheng Laosi hastily yelled at a few veterans, and quickly followed.


"Master, why don't we ride a horse?"

Inside the carriage, Cheng Chusi asked with some puzzlement.

According to his understanding, if you come to find trouble, you should be aggressive, so as to relieve your anger.

And now, the master actually got into the carriage with a drum and a golden hammer?

(End of this chapter)

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