Li Shimin

Chapter 138 My Old Cheng Goes to Watch the Fun!

Chapter 138 My Old Cheng Goes to Watch the Fun!


"How many people are I waiting for?"

Li Xuan glanced at Cheng Chusi and asked.

"Return to Master, plus those guards outside, and old men like Cheng Lao Si, there are about twenty people!"

Cheng Chusi frowned, thought for a moment, and quickly replied.

"Then how many horses are there in Li Family Village?" Li Xuan asked.

"It seems that there are only six horses!"

Cheng Chusi said again.

"There are six horses, but there are eight people waiting for me. If they all ride horses, who will not ride a horse? Is it you who don't ride? Or is it my master?"

Li Xuan glared at Cheng Chusi, "Besides, my master's pair of big hammers must weigh more than 300 jin. What kind of horse can stand up?"

"If you want to ride a horse, you can go out and ride by yourself, Master, take a carriage!"

"Hey, I'd better take the car with my master, recharge my energy, and use my strength when the door is knocked on later!"

Cheng Chusi said with a sneer.

"What kind of door is smashing, it's Taiyuan Wang's family, I'm just following my master to ask for the iron stove, not to hit Wang's face!" Li Chengqian said quickly.

"Gao Ming, those bastards have all snatched the Iron Stove of the Supreme Emperor!"

Cheng Chusi looked anxious.

"That's because they don't know, that iron furnace belongs to the Emperor!"

Li Chengqian said.


Hearing this, Cheng Chusi didn't want to argue with Li Chengqian, and looked directly at Li Xuan.

"In a moment, I'll knock on the door, I'm going to tear down the gate of their Wang family!"

Li Xuan's tone was cold.

After listening, Cheng Chusi's face was full of excitement, while Li Chengqian's eyes had a flash of worry, he bowed his head and remained silent.


at the same time.

In a certain mansion in the city of Chang'an, a group of gorgeously dressed young men gathered around the courtyard.

Looking at the iron stove in the middle, his face was full of excitement.

Afterwards, after looking up and down for a while, a young man said excitedly.

"This iron furnace is really different from the previous furnaces!"

"Exactly, there is a chimney on the side of the iron furnace!"

"Let me just say, then Lijiazhuang is weird. Otherwise, why did the Shaofu supervisor keep sending these iron stoves to Lijiazhuang, and once they were sent, they were still more than 200 pieces!"

"Do you think they will use this iron furnace to smelt iron?"

"Smelting iron?"

"That's impossible. How can such a small furnace be used to smelt iron?"

"However, why did the Young Supervisor spend so much effort to forge more than 200 iron furnaces and send them to Li Family Village?"

"It's hateful that Zheng Ye, the governor of the Shaofu, refuses to reveal any news!"

"It doesn't matter, Wang Si, come over and see how these iron furnaces are forged, don't wait for Cheng Chusi to find those goods, maybe you have to return the iron furnace!"

"Wang Shen, will it be a little bad for me to snatch this iron furnace?"

"Fifth Brother, don't worry, it's just an iron furnace, it's not a big deal!"

"But last time, you messed with the Kings of Lu and Yan, entered the Li Family Village, and even ruined a piece of vegetable garden of that expert in the Li Family Village! Now, you are starting to rob the Li Family Village's iron stove..."

"Fifth brother, you are really worrying too much. Such an iron stove is worthless at all. Even if they come to the door, I will be scolded by Aye at most, and I can just give them an apology. However, if I wait To be able to crack the secret of this iron furnace, we have made a great contribution in the family..."

"So, yes! Moreover, I'm still a direct descendant, even if this furnace has something to do with that Supreme Emperor, you can't just punish me for a small iron furnace!"

"that is……"

Talking and laughing, the few people were full of pride, quietly looked at Wang Si, and began to look carefully at the iron furnace.

As for the revenge on Lijiazhuang, they didn't have any worries.

At most, it was Cheng Chusi's dandies who brought their guards on the street and fought with them.

Fight, who is afraid of whom?


Taiji Palace, Liangyi Hall.

"Zheng Ye, how many catties of iron have you smelted now?"

Li Shimin asked Zheng Ye, the Shaofu supervisor below.

"Returning to Your Majesty, after using that iron-smelting method, one iron-smelting furnace can smelt three thousand catties of pig iron a day! Only Chang'an's Smelting Department can smelt thirty thousand catties of pig iron a day?"

"Thirty thousand catties of pig iron?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Duan Lun, Cheng Zhijie, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others were all overjoyed.

"In this way, the Chang'an Smelting Administration alone can produce the amount of iron produced by the National Smelting Administration in one day?"


Zheng Ye blushed.

"Your Majesty, I implore you to supply the Armor Supervisor with [-] catties of pig iron every day for forging armored weapons!"

Cheng Zhijie hurriedly cupped his hands and saluted.


After hearing this, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others couldn't help but get anxious, and stopped them immediately.

"Your Majesty, the amount of iron smelting has increased greatly. Please also forge more farm tools to restore people's livelihood!"

"Hmph, old man Fang, what are you doing? There are so many pig irons that can be used to forge farm tools. Old Cheng just wants to use a little pig iron to forge armor. What's bothering you?"

Cheng Zhijie stared directly at the huge eyeballs, and sprayed at Fang Xuanling.

"[-] catties of pig iron, you're going to take [-] catties with just one mouth, Mr. Cheng, is this a little bit of your mouth? Also, how do you ask the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households to deal with it?"

Fang Xuanling had long been used to Cheng Zhijie's bad behavior of spraying feces all over his mouth, so he just hid behind Du Ruhui.

"Exactly, Mr. Cheng, you dare to speak so loudly before my Ministry of Industry opens your mouth..."

Duan Lun also looked at the same hatred.

"Hmph, anyway, if you have pig iron, you have to forge iron armor!"

Cheng Zhijie looked like a rascal.

Seeing this, just as Li Shimin was about to speak, a servant ran in from outside the hall with a panicked face.

"His Majesty……"

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened to the Li Family Village!"

The servant looked up, hesitated, and said slowly.

"Just speak up!"

Li Shimin frowned.

"Your Majesty, the son of the Wang family is on the way and has snatched an iron stove that was sent to the Li Family Manor. Now, the man from the Li Family Manor is taking His Royal Highness, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and other young men, as well as a group of guards, to the Wang Family! "

"Hmph, so brave!"

After listening, Li Shimin stared with anger.

"Hey, that boy from the Wang family is really daring!"

Cheng Zhijie smiled and saluted Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave first!"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to watch the fun!"

Cheng Zhijie replied.

Hearing this, Li Chongyi, Fang Xuanling and the others could not help but their eyes lit up, and they all bid farewell to Li Shimin.

Seeing this, Li Shimin's eyes flashed with emotion, and then he thought of something, and waved his hands helplessly.

"Your Majesty, why is the prince so impulsive, do you want me to bring some soldiers over there?"

In the hall, after everyone left, Duan Lun hurriedly cupped his hands and said.

"No, it's not Gao Ming's attention to this matter, it's Xuan Ba ​​who took the lead, nothing will happen to Gao Ming!" Li Shimin rubbed his brows vigorously, and let out a long breath of sulk.

"The Wang family's son is really blind, it's not good to offend anyone, he's going to offend Xuan Ba!"

This time, Duan Lun heard it clearly, and couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Li Shimin with a face full of surprise.

"Your Majesty, who are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's Xuan Ba!"

Seeing Duan Lun's puzzled face, Li Shimin was taken aback, then smiled slightly and said.

"Your Majesty, the Xuanba you are talking about is Saburo?"

Duan Lun asked quickly.

"It's Saburo, Li Xuanba!" Li Shimin said.

"how can that be?"

Duan Lun couldn't believe it!


(End of this chapter)

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