Li Shimin

Chapter 140 Demon King Li Xuan

Chapter 140 Demon King Li Xuan
It's a big deal!
After being stunned for a while, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others couldn't help but change their expressions, and quickly picked up the sticks they brought from Li's Village!
Seeing this, the passers-by who came around were first surprised, and then excited.

The gate of the Wang family's mansion in Chang'an City was smashed down by a group of shepherds!

"Erlang, really Saburo!"

Outside the crowd, looking at the identical face, Duan Lun swallowed secretly, dumbfounded.

However, deep in the eyes, there is still a deep joy.

"Yeah, it's still the same as when I was a child, can cause trouble!"

Li Shimin cursed with a smile, looking at the gate of the Wang family in the distance, his face full of helplessness.

"I can't blame Saburo for this. Let's see what these little bastards from the Wang family are doing?"

Duan Lun laughed and said, "Now, let's see how those old things of the Wang family will end up?"


However, no matter how surprised and excited the crowd outside the mansion were, inside the main gate of the Wang family, Wang Shen, Wang Zijie and other Wang family children were full of anger.

Because before Wang Shen could reach the gate, he heard a loud bang from the gate, and immediately saw a round mark faintly recessed on the extremely imposing upper gate of the Wang family.

At the same time, the expressions of all the guards changed drastically, and they quickly stood in front of Wang Shen and the others, their faces full of anger.

"Young men, please be careful, those thieves outside are knocking on the door!"

"Smashing the door?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Shen, Wang Zijie and the others were all full of anger, their eyes tearing apart.

"The thief dares to do this!"

As one of the five surnames and seven sects, even if the world was in chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, no rebellious army would dare to treat the Wang family like this.

"Shao Lang, these people actually charged the car with the door, otherwise there would never be such a movement!"

A guard stared at the gate closely, with a solemn face, "Today, this matter cannot be resolved, please allow me to change weapons later!"


At this time, Wang Shen's eyes were already red, but he still retained the last sliver of reason.

"The thieves outside the mansion don't care whether they live or die, but Cheng Chusi and those dudes must not harm their lives!"


All the guards nodded.

Immediately, he quickly took out a long black knife from the backyard and stared at the gate closely.

The master humiliated the servant to death!

Once the gate was broken, it was time for them to fight to the death.


Outside the door, Li Xuan frowned, looking at the Wang family, who was not moving, with a puzzled look on his face.

"With such a loud noise, no one came out to take a look?"

"Cheng Chusi, go and get me that hammer!"


Cheng Chusi ran up quickly, and with all his strength, he pulled the golden hammer out from the gate of Wang's house.

Regarding this, the two servants of the Wang family on the side were too scared to move, and Cheng Chusi was tossing about there.

"Master, here it is!"

After handing the golden hammer for beating the drum and urn to Li Xuan, Cheng Chusi's eyes flashed with shock.

At the same time, I also understand why Aye is so afraid of Master!

With such a big hammer, it's like playing with it in your hand, but it's much stronger than their Cheng family!

Another loud bang woke Cheng Chusi awake.

I saw that the golden hammer for beating drums and urns that he had just retrieved was embedded in the gate of Wang's house.

"Hey, this gate is really strong!"

Li Xuan frowned slightly, and kicked Cheng Chusi who was on the side.

"Aren't you going to get it back soon?"

"Ah? Yes!"

Cheng Chusi hurriedly ran to the gate.

"Master, the gates of this aristocratic family are all fastened by craftsmen, so they won't be able to break open like this!"

On the side, Li Chongyi hurriedly stepped forward and said.


Li Xuan frowned.

"Exactly, when the gates of these aristocratic families were built, they were specially reinforced, and it would take several times for a normal car to be smashed open!"

Li Chongyi said quickly.

"Just to put it bluntly, those little bastards of the Wang family are so arrogant, I smashed it twice, and they still haven't opened the door!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and walked straight to the gate of Wang's house.

But they didn't know that Wang Shen and the others in the courtyard thought that a ram was hitting the door outside, so they didn't dare to take a step closer to the door!
And Cheng Chusi just pulled out the golden hammer for beating the drum and urn, before he turned around, he found that the golden hammer for beating the drum and urn appeared in Li Xuan's hand again.


Cheng Chusi glanced at Li Xuan, with a puzzled look on his face, "Master, don't you continue to throw drums, urns, and golden hammers at the door?"

"Traitor! Stay aside!"

Li Xuan glared.

"Yes, Master!"

Cheng Chusi shrank his neck and backed away quickly.

Immediately, the eyes could not help but slowly widen.

Li Xuan swung the golden hammer with both hands at the same time, and smashed it at the gate of Wang's house.

This time, under everyone's eyes, the gate of the Wang family, like paper, was torn apart and scattered towards the inner courtyard.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, was like a god in the world, looking at Cheng Chusi with bright eyes.

However, Wang Shen, Wang Zijie and other Wang family members in the courtyard were full of fear and anger at the same time.

The gate of the Wang family was smashed into pieces with a big hammer!


For Li Xuan, Wang Shen didn't know him, and Li Xuan was still wearing a sheepskin jacket, so he was directly regarded by Wang Shen as a mountain shepherd from somewhere.


The master ordered that all the guards of the royal family stared angrily and rushed towards Li Xuan with a ferocious face.

"Wang Jiaan dares to do this?"

Outside the mansion, Cheng Lao Si and the others saw the iron knife held by the guards of the Wang family, and their expressions changed drastically. With a roar, they swung the wooden sticks in their hands and rushed up.

"The Wang family dares to show their swords and soldiers, kill me!"

Cheng Chusi and the others also changed their expressions drastically. They picked up the wooden sticks in their hands and charged forward.

However, before rushing forward, he saw a scene that terrified him.

The master, who had always been gentle and refined, turned out to be ferocious and murderous at this moment, waving a pair of golden hammers for beating drums, like a great demon king.

As soon as the hammer went down, there must be a guard of the Wang family who flew out with blood spitting out of his mouth.

No one can get close to Li Xuan.

Seeing that something was going wrong, a member of the Wang family next to Wang Shen hurriedly ran back. The matter had exceeded their expectations, and they had to report it to their elders!

As for Wang Shen, looking at Li Xuan in the crowd, who was showing great power, his face was full of fear.

Cheng Chusi, Cheng Laosi and the others who rushed up also stood aside with dull faces, watching foolishly.

In less than a moment, there were guards lying on the ground in the Wang family compound.

"Cheng Chusi, how dare you make people smash the gate of my Wang family?"

Wang Shen pointed at Cheng Chusi and cursed angrily.

"Who are you?"

Feeling that his nose was blocked, Cheng Chusi raised his head, stuffed his little finger into his nostril, flicked it out, and asked suspiciously.

"Cheng thief, you are so rude. Didn't you just call Ben Shao and let him go out?"

Wang Shen stared and said.

"You are Wang Shen?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi's hands paused, and a trace of curiosity flashed in Wang Shen's eyes.


Wang Shen snorted coldly.

"It's you who touched porcelain in front of the carriage and snatched away the iron stove that was transported to Li's Village?"

On the side, Li Xuan also came over, looking at Wang Shen curiously.

However, Li Xuan, who still had a few bloodstains on his face, directly shocked Wang Shen and others.

"Who are you?"

"Li Xuan!"

Li Xuan smiled faintly, and scanned Wang Shen gently.

"It looks like your injuries have healed?"

"First, I mobilized Li Yuanchang and Li You, idiots, to ruin my glass shed, and now I personally lead people to snatch the old man's iron stove. We are really destined!..."

 From eight o'clock to now, two chapters have been written...

(End of this chapter)

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