Li Shimin

Chapter 141

Chapter 141
Anyifang, the mansion of Prince Yongning, Minister Wang Gui.

Wang Gui was sitting on the sofa with Wang Hui, the steward of the Chang'an Courtyard of the Wang family in Taiyuan, chatting about the recent major events in Chang'an.

But suddenly found that his eldest son Wang Chongji ran in from the door with a panicked expression.

Wang Gui stared, "Nizi, I didn't see that I was talking with your uncle, but I rushed in in such a panic, where did I learn the etiquette of the Wang family?"

"I also ask uncle to forgive me. My nephew has something urgent to report, so I recklessly barged in without being notified!"

The longer the family inheritance, the more they pay attention to etiquette. Wang Chongji knew that his behavior had embarrassed Aye, so he quickly apologized to Wang Hui.

"You weren't accompanying Zijie in another courtyard, why did you come back in such a panic?"

Wang Zijie is the legitimate son of the second wife of the Wang family in Jinyang, because Wang Hui, the steward of the other courtyard in Chang'an, was born in the second wife, and he is also the second uncle of Wang Zijie!Just because glass and sofas appeared in Chang'an City, he was sent to Chang'an. Wang Zijie, who had been to Chang'an, also came to Chang'an for a few days!
"Aye, forgive me, something happened in another courtyard!"

Wang Chongji quickly reported.

"What happened to the other courtyard?"

After listening, Wang Gui and Wang Hui quickly looked at Wang Chongji.

"Cheng Chusi led Li Chongyi and the others, smashed the door and broke into the other courtyard. The guards of the other courtyard couldn't stop them!"

Wang Chongji said quickly.


Wang Gui's expression froze, "Cheng Chusi and other dandies never hang out with the family, how could they find another courtyard, and they are not always in Lijiazhuang these days..."

With that said, Wang Gui quickly stood up and walked out.

"Brother Hui, something serious has happened, I'll go to another hospital as soon as possible!"

"Go quickly!"

Wang Hui was already full of anger. Not long after he came to Chang'an, the gate of the Wang family's other courtyard in Chang'an was smashed down?
However, neither of them expected the seriousness of the matter.

The Wang's House is just next door to Yongningfang, just across the street, so Wang Gui didn't have time to ask Wang Chongji what happened.

I just know that a group of dandies from the Wang family of Guogong County led people to smash the gate of the Wang family's other courtyard.

Therefore, when the few people saw the broken gate of the other courtyard without a single trace, their faces were blank for a moment, and then their eyes were tearing apart.


With a yell, he rushed in.

At this time, Wang Shen just reacted, looked at the evil-faced Demon King Li Xuan, and asked tentatively, "Are you that master hermit from Li Family Village?"

"It's your home!"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, and lightly exerted force with his right hand, and the golden hammer for beating drums and urns in his hand hit Wang Shen's feet directly with a 'dong' sound.

Feeling the touch from his feet, Wang Shen's face turned pale, and his legs trembled involuntarily.

"Who are you, in broad daylight, carrying weapons and smashing the gate of my Wang family for no reason, and even attacking my Wang family's children, are you not afraid of the laws of the Tang Dynasty?"

Wang Gui, who came in from behind, saw a shepherd in a sheepskin coat who was holding a hammer to Wang Shen. His expression became even more angry. Xuan sternly shouted.

As for Wang Hui behind him, after seeing the two slightly familiar hammers in Li Xuan's hands, he shivered immediately, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he quickly walked to the side and looked at Li Xuan.

Sensing that someone beside him was looking at him, Li Xuan subconsciously turned his head and looked at each other.

"Li Xuanba!"

Wang Hui turned pale with shock, then remembered something, and then stared at Li Xuan's face carefully for a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, you are not Li Xuanba, Li Xuanba cannot be so young!"

On the side, Wang Gui also reacted, looked at Li Xuan and the others, and was taken aback.

However, Wang Gui was born in the Wang family of Qi County, and had never been in Taiyuan. He had only heard of Li Xuanba's evil name, but had never actually met Li Xuanba.

However, since the first year of Wude, he officially entered Li Tang's banner.

Therefore, he is very familiar with Li Chengqian.

"Chen Wanggui pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"


Wang Hui was shocked again.

"Wang Shizhong is polite!" Li Chengqian nodded slightly, looking at the dazed Wang Gui, his face flashed with surprise, "I didn't expect Wang Shizhong to be related to these thieves!"

"A thief?"

Wang Gui looked at Li Chengqian suspiciously, and hurriedly asked: "The prince has misunderstood? These are my sons from the Wang family. I have always been polite and will never do anything out of line!"

"Gao Ming, do you know this shameless person?"

On the side, Li Xuan had been waiting impatiently, and glanced sideways at Wang Gui.

"Return to Master, this person is Wang Shizhong, Duke of Yongning County!" Li Chengqian replied quickly.

Hearing this, Li Xuan's eyes were full of disdain, "He's still the Duke of Yongning, and he's even more shameless than that Cheng old man!"

"It's just these deceitful people who not only secretly tricked Li Yuanchang and Li You, two idiots, to ruin my vegetable garden, but also snatched the old man's iron stove in public. A dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, but with its eyes open and talking nonsense, its face is thicker than that of the gate!"

"Who are you? How dare you slander my royal family's children so much?"

Wang Gui trembled with anger, pointed at Li Xuan and asked.

However, as soon as he lifted his finger, Li Xuan's eyes turned cold, and he swung the drum beating urn golden hammer, and smashed Wang Gui's hand aside with a 'pop'.


Immediately, Wang Gui jumped up and down with his right hand in his arms, his face full of ferociousness.

"It hurts me too..."

"Yeah, I hate people pointing at me the most!"

Li Xuan's face sank, and then he pointed at the iron stove behind Wang Shen and the others with a mocking expression on his face.

"This Wang Shizhong, are you blind? You can't see such a big iron furnace? Or do you think that you are the royal family in Taiyuan, and you can turn black and white, even if you open your eyes and tell lies?"


Following Li Xuan's gaze, Wang Gui and Wang Hui couldn't help but stare wide-eyed, their faces dull, they even forgot the pain in their hands, and stared blankly at the iron stove they had never seen before.

"what is this?"

"The Shaofu supervisor is in charge of forging the iron furnace for the old man!"

Li Xuan replied.

Wang Gui was inexplicably cold, and hurriedly asked: "Then who is that old man?"

"It should be the Supreme Emperor!"

"The Supreme Emperor?"

Wang Hui and Wang Gui narrowed their eyes, and quickly looked at Li Chengqian who was beside him.

Li Chengqian nodded lightly, "It's Grandpa Huang!"

Hearing this, Wang Shen, who had been honestly not daring to speak, changed his face drastically, and hurriedly shouted: "Impossible, I have already inquired, these iron furnaces were sent to Lijiazhuang by the Shaofu Supervisor?"

"Have you heard all about it?"

Li Xuan sneered, his eyes swept over Wang Gui's face, and he said slowly: "So, you dare to snatch the things of Yeye?"

"your things?"

Wang Gui heard something was wrong, and looked at Li Xuan suspiciously.

"I don't know who the gentleman is?"

"Li Xuan!" Li Xuan replied.

"Li Xuan?"

Wang Gui was taken aback.

And Wang Hui's eyes widened involuntarily, full of surprise.

Immediately, he quickly looked at Li Chengqian who was aside, his eyes were full of doubts, but he didn't dare to ask.

Li Chengqian, on the other hand, chuckled lightly and ignored it.

"I don't know what is the relationship between Li Langjun and Lijiazhuang. Why do you say that the things in Lijiazhuang belong to you?" Wang Gui asked.

"Lijiazhuang is my Zhuangzi, what do you think?"

Li Xuan was speechless, "How dare you ask such a simple question? Sure enough, people from aristocratic families, from young to old, are either robbers or shameless and vulgar!"


(End of this chapter)

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