Li Shimin

Chapter 146 But, I'm Only 8 Years Old!

Chapter 146 But, I'm Only!

After Li Yuan went out, Li Chengqian quickly followed suit and took the opportunity to leave.

Not to mention that the old man was uncomfortable in front of Aye, if he reported nothing, he would also be very uncomfortable in front of Aye.

The two left as if avoiding disaster, leaving only Li Shimin and Li Xuan in the house.

"Xuanba, how is Aye's life in Lijiazhuang these days?"

"Eat well, drink well, and when you have nothing to do, you can go out and visit the glass greenhouse, look at the vegetable garden, water it, and exercise your body. It is definitely the most comfortable life for retired veteran cadres!"

Li Xuan replied indifferently, and his attitude towards Li Shimin was still as if he had been friends for many years, gentle and indifferent, and it was not affected at all by Li Shimin's transformation and becoming the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

And Li Shimin also likes Li Xuan's attitude the most.

Although he couldn't understand some of what Li Xuan said, he knew that the old man lived here very comfortably.

"That's good, Aye will trouble Xuanba more!"

"It's okay, the old man has his own ideas about life, and it's not my turn to worry about it!"

"Uh, that's fine!"

Li Shimin glanced at Li Xuan in astonishment, then smiled, and didn't say much. He also felt a little strange about Li Xuan, his third younger brother who had been resurrected, and he hadn't fully figured out how to do it come face to face.

"Your identity can't be concealed at all about the Wang Family's other courtyard this time!"

"It doesn't matter, I'll just stay in Lijiazhuang honestly and live my life well. If someone doesn't like me and messes with me behind the scenes, I'll just go out with a hammer and beat me honestly."

Li Xuan's face was indifferent, he reached out to pick up the teacup on the coffee table, and took a few sips.

At the same time, subconsciously glanced around the table and sighed lightly.

"It's a pity that there are no peanuts and melon seeds, otherwise it would be a fairy day!"

"What are peanuts and melon seeds?"

Li Shimin was stunned.

"A kind of snack to pass the leisure time, especially sweet!"

Li Xuan replied casually, but his eyes drifted away, and his thoughts drifted away.

"It's such a delicious food, but why have I never heard of it?"

After muttering something to himself in a low voice, Li Shimin turned to his purpose when he came out.

"Xuanba, this time the Wang family did not reveal your identity because of the glass shed. However, this matter will not be too long. Once your identity is completely exposed in front of the officials, I will definitely crown you king , I don’t know what title you want? Is there a choice for the fief?”

"It's just a title, don't care!"

Li Xuan smiled faintly, "As for the fiefdom, I don't care, Li Family Manor is enough!"

"How does this make it?"

Li Shimin was taken aback, he had never met such a person who even the fiefdom didn't want.

"I just want to stay in Lijiazhuang in this life and live a leisurely life!"

Li Xuan shook his head lightly, no longer wanting to continue talking about this heavy topic.

How could he take on the important task of managing the fief at such a young age?
Although, it seems that he doesn't need to take care of the fief, as long as he bears the name of a prince, but he has such obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Can't have any worries in your heart?
Although he wants to live a relaxed and unencumbered pastoral life, there are always people who are related to him who will forcibly break into his life.

Especially the Tang sage in front of him, Li Shimin!
He will always be idle and have nothing to do, and put some people in for him to disturb his life.

Seeing this, Li Shimin could only give a wry smile, and continued: "We will discuss this matter later, and I cannot decide on my own. The old man should have already made up his mind about your fief and title!"


Li Xuan was taken aback.

"Also, Aye seems to be picking a princess for you now."


Li Xuan was shocked again, and looked at Li Shimin with a strange expression, full of surprise, "Are you sure you are picking a princess for me?"


Li Shimin nodded affirmatively, making Li Xuan not sure if his heart was complicated, whether to be happy or worried!
Seeing this, Li Shimin smiled sweetly, thinking that Li Xuan was being shy.

"You grew up following my ass, and now Gao Ming is ten years old, and you don't have any children under your knees. Seeing this, Aye is already very anxious!"

"But, I am!"

Li Xuan murmured.

Although he was already in his twenties in his later life, he only talked about one person, and it didn't last long.

In this life, according to the news he heard, his original body was even worse, he died early at 16 years old, and he was still a virgin!
And he has been here for two years, and he has always guarded himself like a jade, only thinking that he is a handsome young man who has just grown up, and he has never thought of finding a wife!
Now, someone is already secretly looking for a wife for him?


Li Shimin was also taken aback when he heard Li Xuan's words.

Only then did I realize that according to Li Xuan's actual life time, this year is really eighteen, not the 30 years old man they always think!
However, after only being stunned for a moment, he came back to his senses.

"It's not too young, it's time to get married and have children!"

Li Xuan looked at Li Shimin quietly, speechless.

Why is everyone greedy for his body?
"Forget it, Aye has to worry about this matter, I just want to remind you, Aye will find you a good princess directly, you don't know yet!"

After a moment of stalemate, Li Shimin was still defeated by Li Xuan's innocent expression, he smiled sarcastically, and then changed the subject.

"In addition, there is a big happy event that needs to be told to you this time!"

Li Xuan trembled, he didn't want to hear any happy events now!
"Can I not listen?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Shimin had already spoken.

"Some time ago, the caravans to Goguryeo and Turks have returned. As you said, the barbarian nobles of Goguryeo, Tubo, and Turks are very rare in sofas. A set of sofas can be exchanged for tens of thousands of goods. .”

"But these goods worth tens of thousands of coins may only be worth a few hundred coins in small countries such as Goguryeo and Tubo!"

Li Xuan looked indifferent.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, your strategy is correct. As long as you have rare items, you can exchange them from the small countries of Goguryeo and Turkic Tubo for the materials needed by the Tang Dynasty, and that's enough!"

Li Shimin still looked happy.

"However, everything needs to be done in moderation!"

"What does that mean?"

"The reason why the sofa is so valuable in the eyes of the nobles in the small countries of Tubo and Goguryeo is because the sofa is unique. If there are too many sofas, I am afraid it will be worthless!"

"Xuanba don't worry, I naturally understand this matter, every small country sells no more than five sets of sofas at most."

Li Shimin smiled all over his face, "But after the sofas are sold out, there are tables, chairs, benches, glass and other exquisite items!"

"It only takes two years. After the people's livelihood in the Tang Dynasty is restored and the national strength is strong, there will be no need to sell these items all the way to these small countries!"

"At that time, food and books can be sold!"

"Huh?" Li Shimin was shocked.

"Why did the Turks want to invade our Tang Dynasty? Isn't it because there is no food in the Turkic tribes. When winter comes, the cattle and sheep will freeze to death, and if they don't enter the customs to snatch the food, they will starve to death! To live a good life with enough food and money, I wonder if the Turkic barbarians can still have the courage to take a knife?"

"As for books, Confucian classics, Buddhist scriptures and other books that attract people to be good, it is useless to give them. As long as these small countries want as much as they want, they can sell them. If they can exchange for some war horses or supplies that the Tang Dynasty lacks, it is not a bad thing. Great job!"


(End of this chapter)

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