Li Shimin

Chapter 147 Vegetables Ripe in the Glass Greenhouse!

Chapter 147 Vegetables Ripe in the Glass Greenhouse!

This time, Li Shimin stayed in Li Xuan's room for more than an hour before leaving with a lot of satisfaction.

After returning to the palace, they directly called Li Chongyi, Fang Xuanling, Kong Yingda, Du Ruhui and other ministers into the Hall of Liangyi and talked for two hours.After the group of ministers left the hall, their faces were still full of joy.

"Erlang, is there something bothering you?"

After Li Shimin left, Li Yuan, who went out to check the glass shed, came back quickly.

Although he knew that Li Shimin had been close to Li Xuanba since he was a child, but Li Xuanba obeyed his second brother.However, Li Yuan was still very worried, who made the poor Xuanba lose all his memory after being resurrected, and his own Erlang, who killed his brothers and killed his brothers, forcibly sat on the throne.

"Your Majesty is just talking to me about some business matters!"

Li Xuan replied casually, and his eyes were directly on the three tender green cucumbers in Li Yuan's hands.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Congratulations old man, the vegetables in your vegetable garden are finally ripe!"


Li Yuan was also overjoyed, and immediately forgot about Li Shimin's arrival.

"Come on, come on, Xuanba, taste the cucumbers that the old man grows himself!"

As he spoke, he stretched out the three cucumbers in his hand in front of Li Xuan.

At this time, Li Xuan was also embarrassed to spoil the old man's elegance, and reached out to take the cucumber, wiped it casually with his hand, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Take a sip!
“Crispy and sweet!”

"Haha, the old man knows that the vegetables grown by the old man in winter will not taste bad!"

Immediately, Li Yuan was overjoyed again.

Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi, who were behind him, looked depressed. They were so distressed that they could not afford to eat one, but they handed three to their master at once.

The most important thing is that when those glass greenhouses grow vegetables, they also put in a lot of effort!

"I don't know how many cucumbers in the greenhouse have grown to such a big size?"

Li Xuan asked again.

"There are a total of twenty glass greenhouses used to grow cucumbers. Now, the cucumbers in these greenhouses have grown to such a size!"

Li Yuan said quickly.

After listening, Li Xuan nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"In addition, there are coriander in two greenhouses, eggplant in twenty glass greenhouses, and shallots in thirty greenhouses. They are all ready to eat!"

"so much?"

Li Xuan was taken aback.

"That's right, the old man never thought that one day, the old man will be able to grow so many vegetables in winter!"

Li Yuan was full of emotion.

When those vegetables were not ripe, he didn't have any feelings.

Now, with so many vegetables ripening all of a sudden, he was really at a loss.

"Xuan Ba, the vegetable gardens of this old man, do you really want those officials and family members to come and watch and pick them?"

"We can't finish eating so many vegetables!"

Li Xuan raised his head, looked at Li Yuan, and understood what the old man was thinking.

"Besides, you have grown so many vegetables in winter, which is more outstanding than a farm saint. This kind of achievement needs to be known to the world!"

"It's just that the old man is unwilling to let those vulgar people ruin so many delicate and beautiful vegetables!"

"Who dares to spoil the vegetables in winter?"

Li Xuan chuckled, and said again: "Besides, each person is limited to picking two catties of these vegetables. In the future, if you want to eat them again, you need to pay for them!"


When Li Yuan heard this, he shook his head again and again, "The old man is the Great Tang Emperor, and he condescends to sell vegetables. This is absolutely impossible!"

"Could it be that you want the vegetables that you and Cheng Laosi worked so hard to be spoiled by those people so contemptuously?"

Li Xuan persuaded with a helpless face: "Besides, you don't need to come forward, let Cheng Laosi and others guard the gate of the vegetable garden. If anyone wants to eat, they can pick it by themselves, and pay for it after picking."

"In addition, it can be said that building these glass greenhouses cost a lot of money, and it must be earned back no matter what."

"Also, Cheng Lao Si and others worked hard to guard around the glass shed. There is no credit but there is hard work. Don't you give these old guys some hard work?"

"Furthermore, the fertile fields under the glass shed belong to the farmers in Lijiazhuang. They have been occupied for such a long time, so why don't you give those farmers some compensation?"


Li Yuan showed a look of hesitation, and Li Xuan could tell right away that the old man Xiong had already agreed in his heart, but he was still a bit reluctant on the surface.

Therefore, don't force yourself, just make a decision directly.

"That's the deal. The prices of these vegetables will be sold at five times the price of summer vegetables!"

"In addition, these few days, you can invite your relatives and friends to pick vegetables in advance. As for the officials above the court and people from the family, wait a few days before coming!"

When Li Xuan spoke, Li Yuan just sighed lightly and didn't object.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian behind him showed surprise.

"However, because the farmers in Lijiazhuang also helped a lot when building glass greenhouses and planting vegetables. Therefore, I also want those farmers to see the fruits of their labor, and then invite them to taste it!"


This time, Li Yuan directly agreed, "Every household can pick ten catties of vegetables. In addition, every month thereafter, every farmer can pick twenty catties of vegetables to eat!"


Li Xuan gave a thumbs up, and was also very surprised by Li Yuan's grand gesture.

After discussing the details, Li Yuan picked more than a dozen cucumbers, two handfuls of shallots, coriander, and eggplant, and walked back with Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others.

After all, although he is old, he is not a loner. There are many concubines in Tai'an Palace.

However, just as he returned to Tai'an Palace, he saw a familiar figure looking at him excitedly.

"high density?"

"Aye, are you finally back?"

The person who came was Li Yunzhu, Princess Gaomi who had been waiting for Li Yuan for a long time.

Immediately, Li Yunzhu hurried forward, ready to help Li Yuan.

Suddenly, he was surprised to find the vegetables in Li Yuan's hands.

"Aye, is this a vegetable?"

"Exactly the vegetables!"

Li Yuan nodded slowly, he was still very close to Li Yunzhu who often went to the palace to watch him.

"But where can such tender cucumbers and shallots grow in winter?"

Li Yunzhu couldn't believe it.

Hearing this, Li Yuan couldn't help but look proud, "These vegetables are all grown by the old man in Li's Village!"

"Li Family Village?"

Li Yunzhu's expression changed slightly, thinking of the purpose of entering the palace, he asked quickly: "Aye, my daughter heard from the captain-in-law that the third brother Xuanba is back?"

"Exactly, I live in Lijiazhuang!"



At the same time, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others who came back with Li Yuan hurried to find their respective Aye.

It must be a big event that so many vegetables in Lijiazhuang can be picked and eaten.

However, what they didn't expect was that after hearing this, the first reaction of Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others was to rush to the glass greenhouse in their backyard.

Seeing that the cucumbers and eggplants in the greenhouse in the backyard of their own house have also grown very large, they can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But in Lijiazhuang, Li Xuan, who was sleeping on his own bed, was having a nightmare.

In the dream, Old Man Xiong found him a dozen strong and round concubines, and stuffed them directly into his hut without his consent.He was like a thin and weak lamb, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of those hideous 'beauty princesses'!

 Eat a little bit tonight, masters forgive me~~
(End of this chapter)

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