Li Shimin

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Those 'beauty princesses' ravaged Li Xuan fiercely in their dreams for a whole night, causing Li Xuan to not sleep well all night!
Early in the morning, Li Xuan didn't dare to continue to sleep after returning to the cage. Li Xuan got up early, with dark circles under his eyes, half lying on the sofa in the hall, holding a cup of lukewarm tea in his hand, looking out of the courtyard with dull eyes.

When Li Yuan brought Li Chengqian and others, they came outside Li Xuan's courtyard with a full face of excitement.

But when he found that the gate outside Li Xuanyuan was half closed, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Ah Weng, are there thieves in Master's house?"

Li Chengqian couldn't help squinting his eyes when he thought of the rivers and lakes stories that Li Xuan told them on weekdays when he was free.

Behind him, Cheng Chusi and the others reacted instantly.

They spread out quickly and surrounded the entire small courtyard.

"Fart, there are guards guarding Lijiazhuang day and night, which thief can get in?"

Li Yuan's face darkened, and he didn't object to the name A Weng that suddenly came out of Li Chengqian's mouth.

"There are still a few of you evil obstacles, if there are thieves who can break into Xuanba's courtyard, it's not something you can deal with!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed open the courtyard door and walked in quickly.

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and quickly followed Li Yuan, and walked in.

"Xuan Ba?" "Master?"

As soon as the door was pushed open, the crowd saw Li Xuan's unlovable expression.

Can't help but be shocked.

"Master, why did you get up so early? Could it be that the thief really got in? The money in the side room was stolen, right?"

After being stunned for a moment, Cheng Chusi yelled and ran out.

Yuchi Baolin, Fang Yizhi and the others couldn't help but think of the large boxes of money in the side room, and their expressions changed drastically.

In the blink of an eye, only Li Xuan and Li Yuan were left in the room.

Li Xuan couldn't help being taken aback.

"What are these bastards doing?"

"I'm worried that someone will come in and steal your money!"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, disdainful of those bastards who were interested in money.

Li Xuan was also speechless.

However, thinking of Li Xuan waking up so early today, Li Yuan couldn't help being curious.

"Xuan Ba, why did you wake up so early today?"

"I have a nightmare at night, I can sleep well after eating, I want to get up early and starve to death!"

Li Xuan said harshly.

"So that's it, you can drive away a nightmare by putting the scissors under the pillow!" Li Yuan looked concerned.

"Thank you, old man!"

Li Xuan thanked feebly.

At this time, Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian, who went out to check the money in the side room, also returned.

However, just after entering the room, they were startled when they saw Li Xuan's depressed expression.

"Master, the Supreme Emperor, I'll go to morning exercises first!"

In an instant, all the bastards disappeared in a flash.

Li Xuan opened his mouth, yawned, and stood up.

"Old man, I'm going to call those farmers to pick vegetables in the glass greenhouse!"


Hearing this, Li Yuan's eyes flashed, he also stood up, followed Li Xuan, and walked out.

"Old man, what are you?"

"Go and see if the old man's vegetables continue to grow!"

Li Xuan smiled lightly, and said: "Then trouble the old man, and when the farmers arrive, tell them which glass greenhouse grows the largest and most tender vegetables!"

"Xuanba don't worry, no one knows better than this old man which vegetables grow best in the glass greenhouse!"

Li Yuan replied with a smile on his face.


In the center of Lijiazhuang village, outside Liu Shugong's house.

Before entering the two wooden doors that had begun to be broken, Li Xuan shouted, "Sixth Uncle, are you at home?"

"The old man has seen the master!"

After saying that, the sixth uncle came out from the gate and saluted Li Xuan.

"I don't know if the master is here, what do you want to order?"

Since knowing Li Yuan's identity, the sixth uncle has become more and more respectful to Li Xuan.

As for the householders in Li Family Village, their attitude towards Li Xuan's identity has also changed a lot.

On weekdays, no matter what happened, they didn't dare to take a step near Li Xuan's small courtyard.

This made Li Xuan feel helpless.

"Sixth Uncle is polite, I have a great event to tell Sixth Uncle and all the tenants this time!"

"Master, please tell me, I will listen with all my ears!"

"The vegetables that the old man in the family grows in the glass greenhouses on the big guy's field are already ripe with cucumbers, eggplants, shallots, and coriander, and can be picked and eaten. Because these vegetables are planted by the old man on the big guy's field, every family has Can go to pick ten catties of vegetables to eat.

Moreover, every month thereafter, each farmer can still pick twenty catties of vegetables to eat! "

After listening, the sixth uncle was overjoyed, and saluted Li Xuan again and again.

"Old man, thank you, Master, and thank the Supreme Emperor for the reward!"

"Sixth Uncle is wrong. These are not rewards, but the rewards for borrowing your farmer's land and your help!"

Li Xuan corrected with a serious face.

"Master, don't tease the old man. All the land in Lijiazhuang belongs to the master." The sixth uncle was full of panic.

"That's the reward you got for helping to build the glass greenhouse and grow vegetables!"

Li Xuan continued.

"Thank you, Master!"

Uncle Six saluted again.

"Sixth Uncle, hurry up and gather all the farm households to pick vegetables. Otherwise, a group of noble people will come tomorrow, and by then, those vegetables that are growing well will be picked!"

"Master, I'm not in a hurry to wait for the poor peasant!"

"I'm in a hurry!"

Li Xuan said helplessly.


The sixth uncle chuckled, and cupped his hands again at Li Xuan.

"Master, don't worry, I'm going to call all the farmers right now!"

After finishing speaking, Sixth Uncle quickly walked out of the gate.

Afterwards, Li Xuan once again saw the efficiency of the ancient village chief.

The sixth uncle just stood on the steps outside the door and yelled loudly a few times.

All the villagers quickly ran over and surrounded Li Xuan and Sixth Uncle.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"

After saluting to Li Xuan, all the villagers looked at the sixth uncle with puzzled faces.

"Sixth Uncle, what happened?"

"That's right, calling us over in such a hurry, what happened?"

"Cough cough!"

Uncle Six coughed loudly, so all the villagers quieted down and looked closely at Uncle Six.

Immediately, the sixth uncle told all the villagers what Li Xuan had said.

"Master, can I really pick vegetables?"

All the dealers looked at Li Xuan with surprise on their faces.

"Of course you can, and you are the first batch of people to pick vegetables, because these vegetables are all grown with your help, and the first batch of picking is your welfare! After that, those noble people from Chang'an City will come here pick!"

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, the Supreme Emperor!"

After hearing this, all the dealers were overjoyed.

Although they didn't understand what welfare was, they understood it. They helped grow vegetables, and this was the first batch of vegetables to be picked, followed by the nobles in the city.

In the hearts of the Master and the Supreme Emperor, they are more important than those nobles.

Thinking about it, there seemed to be a fire burning in everyone's heart, and when they looked at Li Xuan, their eyes couldn't help but shine.

"Master, don't worry, but if Master and the Supreme Emperor have any orders in the future, I will definitely go through fire and water without blinking my eyes!"

Everyone swears loudly excitedly, which makes Li Xuan startled.


 Thank you cyndi1982 for your reward~~·
  Today is still the normal update of chapter 2, don't stay up late!

  Tomorrow during the day, I will update 2 more chapters~~
(End of this chapter)

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