Li Shimin

Chapter 149 Li Wang's Pregnant

Chapter 149 Li Wang's Pregnant

Afterwards, Li Xuan brought the householders of Lijiazhuang to the glass shed.

as predicted.

Cheng Laosi had already stood outside the glass shed, looking with joy at the crowd of Lijiazhuang farmers who came to pick vegetables.

Indistinctly, Li Xuan could still see a hint of arrogance in Cheng Lao Si's cloudy eyes.

And all the villagers in Lijiazhuang also respect this old man who is grinning and laughing all day long!

"Sanlang, the Supreme Emperor told the villain that the shallots in the two glass sheds taken care of by Wu Laizi grew the best; the eggplants in the glass shed taken care of by Li Mumu grew the largest; The cilantro in the glass greenhouse grows the tallest and the most tender!"

Cheng Laosi hastened to report.

After listening, all the villagers in Lijiazhuang were full of excitement.

"Where's the cucumber?"

After listening for a long time, Li Xuan didn't hear the introduction of Cucumber, so Li Xuan looked at Cheng Laosi suspiciously.

This time, Cheng Laosi raised his chin even higher, "Of course it is the cucumber in the glass greenhouse that Cheng Lao Si takes care of, it grows the biggest and sweetest!"

"I see!"

Li Xuan nodded lightly, and then shouted to the Li Family Village households behind him: "The eggplants are the farthest, everyone go pick the eggplants first!"

"Yes, Master!"

All the village households responded in unison, followed Li Xuan and walked into the distance, leaving Cheng Lao Si with a dumbfounded expression on his face.


Entering the glass greenhouse where the eggplants were grown, all the farmers were shocked and their eyes were wide open.

In the one-acre-sized glass greenhouse, there are eggplant seedlings half the height of a person growing neatly and neatly. On each eggplant seedling, there are fist-sized purple-black eggplants hanging, which is extremely spectacular.

Everyone in Li Family Village, who hadn't seen this kind of fresh eggplant for several months, couldn't help swallowing in secret.

And in the center of the glass greenhouse, there is an iron stove with a red flame burning inside, making the whole greenhouse as warm as their home.

"It's really a scene from a fairy house!"

Sixth Uncle stared, trembling, and said excitedly.

"If it is really the scene of the fairy house, it was also built by you, so you should go and pick eggplants!"

Seeing this scene again, Li Xuan's eyes were a little dazed, but he soon came back to his senses.

"Thank you Master, thank you Taishanghuang!"

The sixth uncle bowed to Li Xuan excitedly, then hurriedly led a group of villagers and walked in cautiously.

However, all the villagers were still in awe of these sheds, which were completely unreasonable. Although they looked at the eggplants with longing faces, they did not dare to pick them.

In the end, the sixth uncle took the lead and picked two, and the rest of the villagers carefully picked two.

Because, as early as the beginning, Li Xuan had already said that each family was allowed to pick ten catties.

All the dealers keep this number firmly in mind, for fear that it will be exceeded.

After picking the eggplants, Li Xuan led a group of villagers to the next glass greenhouse where shallots were planted.

Fortunately, the glass greenhouse for growing shallots is next to the glass greenhouse for growing coriander.

It saves a lot of people from making mistakes.


Suddenly, looking at Li Wang in the crowd, a trace of doubt flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.

The other women bent down directly to pull the shallots and coriander, but only Mrs. Li Wang squatted down slowly, covering her belly with one hand, while pulling shallots and coriander with the other.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Beside him, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and other bastards, who did not know when, had already finished their morning exercise and gathered around Li Xuan.


Li Xuan shook his head lightly, and walked forward slowly.

When he came to Li Wangshi, he stared at Li Wangshi closely.

This kind of situation soon attracted the attention of all the villagers in Lijiazhuang, and they all turned their eyes to Li Wang.

"Master, but what happened?"

Uncle Six's expression tightened, and he hurried over.

However, the expression on Li Xuan's face was even weirder, and he felt that his guess seemed to be true.

"Li Wang, are you pregnant?"


At this time, all the villagers in Lijiazhuang were full of surprise, even Li Wang's face was full of surprise.

"Master, do you mean that Mrs. Li Wang is pregnant with Li Wei's son?"

"Hey, Mrs. Li Wang, is this true?"

"Cheng Chusi, you idiot, when did the master say something false?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Li Wei's first cub to be in Lijiazhuang..."

Behind him, Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and the others were also staring at Li Wang's belly, their faces full of curiosity, and even thinking of something fun, they all let out a burst of excited bad laughter.

"May I ask Master, how did you know that the concubine was pregnant with Li Lang's cub?"

Being stared at by so many people, Li Wang subconsciously covered his stomach with his hands, but he didn't object, but was a little surprised.

Because Li Wang's body belongs to the plump and strong body, in the first few months, it was difficult to see whether there was a cub in her belly.

"So, it's true!"

Li Xuan looked surprised, staring at Li Wang's belly, his face was full of emotion.

This is the two years since he came to this world, the first time he saw a pregnant woman, he was naturally curious.

"Li Wei and I grew up together. If Mrs. Li Wang needs anything, feel free to come to me, or to those bastards like Gao Ming!"

However, before Li Wang could open his mouth, the Sixth Uncle and a group of villagers from Li's Village all spoke happily.

"Master, don't worry, our Li family village is going to have a baby. Why do we need to bother you with such a big happy event? We will take care of Li Wang's future life!"

"Exactly, such a big happy event, I will take good care of Mrs. Li!"

"Li Wang, don't worry, Li Wei will definitely come to Lijiazhuang again in the next few days. I will explain this matter to Li Wei at that time, and I will definitely ask him to give you a title!"

Li Xuan spoke again.

"Thank you, Master!"

Li Wangshi was about to kneel down and salute Li Xuan.

"Absolutely not!"

Li Xuan quickly supported him, "I don't know if Li Wei has a wife, but the baby in your belly is his cub, no one can get away with it!"

Next, along the way, Li Wang's family naturally became the focus of attention of the women in the Lijiazhuang village.

When they came to the cucumber glass shed taken care of by Cheng Laosi, all the villagers in Lijiazhuang were even more happy when they saw the cucumbers that were nearly two feet long.

However, because of the existence of Li Wang, the excitement of the entire village has been slightly reduced.

"Xuanba, why are these farmers not so excited when they look at these cucumbers?"

Li Yuan, who had been standing in a corner and quietly watching this scene, came over and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ms. Li Wang is pregnant with that brat Li Wei's son!"

"Huh? Really?"

After hearing this, Li Yuan stared at him, ignoring other concerns, and quickly looked at Li Wang who was holding his stomach with one hand and picking cucumbers with the other.

After a long while, he nodded slightly. Li Wangshi was really pregnant. He was most familiar with this kind of scene.

"Now, Mrs. Li is an old bastard, you have to thank me very much!"

"Mrs. Li?"

Li Xuan was taken aback.

"It's that boy Li Wei, yeah, I watched you grow up since I was a child, and now that old boy is in the old Taiyuan house, managing the old Taiyuan house!" Li Yuan explained.

"I see!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly.

However, he didn't notice that Li Yuan on the side just stared at Li Wang's stomach for a while, then turned his head and stared at Li Xuan for a while.

Immediately, he seemed to have made a decision.


(End of this chapter)

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