Li Shimin

Chapter 155 Someone Sneaked In

Chapter 155 Someone Sneaks In (fourth update)
Li Chengqian and others did not lie.

In ancient times, farmers made a living by farming.But in winter, the area is withered and yellow, and it is impossible to farm, there are no wild vegetables, and they dare not go hunting in the mountains.

Coupled with the freezing weather, winter is the most difficult time for farmers.

As long as there is a plan to make money, these farmers will desperately make money.

As for Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others, if they used money to hire farmers to pick sand and stones, they would definitely hire the farmers in their family first, so naturally they would not treat Xuan in any way.

For these, Li Xuan is also very relieved.

"Thank you, Master!" Li Chengqian cupped his hands again.

"However, the smaller the stone, the better. It cannot exceed half the size of your palm. If it exceeds, you cannot use it." Li Xuan said again.

"I'll wait to understand!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian prepared to take Cheng Chusi and others to leave.

"Bring a box of money, pay first and then hire those farmers to work!"

Li Xuan shouted.


After listening, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others were taken aback.

"Working in winter is the most difficult, so give the money first, and let the farmers add more clothes and food, so that it will be easier to work!" Li Xuandao.

Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others were startled, and then saluted Li Xuan respectfully.

"My master is merciful!"

After all, several people carried a large box of copper coins and walked out.

Soon, these things were reported to Cheng Zhijie, Li Xiaogong and others.

Naturally, no one refused to accept what Li Xuan requested, especially Li Xuan paid the money in advance.

And the farmers in the Zhuangzi under the name of Su Guogong and Hejian County King are also Guanzhong men. When they received the copper coins, they were all excited and bowed respectfully in the direction of Lijiazhuang.

Immediately, they bought some food and clothes, and according to Li Xuan's request, they started to form a team to pick sand and move rocks.

Everything is in order.

Li Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, when he went out to breathe, he passed the hog circle next door, and Li Xuan couldn't walk anymore.

"Cheng Chusi!"


"Can you kill pigs?"


Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and the others were stunned for a moment, looking at the fat pigs they had personally raised in the hog pen, their faces full of unbearable.

"Ah what, will it happen?"

Li Xuan said impatiently.

"Master, forgive me, I have never killed a pig!"

Cheng Chusi shook his head quickly.

"What about the chicken?"

With that said, Li Xuan shifted his eyes to the chickens beside him.

"Master, I have never killed a chicken!"

Cheng Chusi said hastily again.

Li Xuan stared, "Waste, you can only eat but not kill, what use are you for?"

Cheng Chusi hurriedly smiled, not daring to speak.

Immediately, he turned his eyes to Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi who were at the side.

"Master, I have never seen killing a chicken or killing a pig!"

Several people shook their heads again and again.

Seeing this, Li Xuan snorted lightly.

"A group of waste, killing chickens and hogs, it's as simple as killing a chicken or a pig, just wipe their necks with a knife, clean their internal organs, and then pluck their fur, and that's it!"

Although Li Xuan's answer was very simple, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi still looked cowardly.

Seeing this, Li Xuan looked helpless.

"A group of rebels, all the meat in the house has been eaten by you group of foodies, so that my master has not seen meat for two days!"

"Master, do you want to ask sixth uncle for help?"

Hearing about eating meat, Cheng Chusi's eyes lit up involuntarily.

"Forget it, it's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow!"


Cheng Chusi's eyes darkened, a flash of disappointment flashed, and he replied.

"Tomorrow morning, when you come, buy me a roast duck!"

Suppressing the longing in his heart, Li Xuan turned around and looked at the glass greenhouse in the distance.

Not to mention, when building the glass sheds, Old Man Xiong, Cheng Laosi and the others all arranged the glass sheds neatly according to the way of formation. kind of enjoyment.


Suddenly, Li Xuan's expression froze.

He stared fixedly at the distance, a glass shed near the mountain forest.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Li Chongyi asked quickly.

"It seems that a figure rushed past that glass shed!"

Li Xuan pointed with his hand and said slowly.

Seeing this, Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and others hurriedly followed.

However, after looking at it for a long time, there was only a vast expanse of whiteness, my eyes were a little dizzy, and I couldn't see anything.

"Master, did you read it wrong? It's freezing cold now, the mountains are covered with heavy snow, and the beasts in the mountains have no food to eat. Maybe the beasts have come out!"

"Hurry up and get clairvoyance!"

Li Xuan didn't speak, but shouted directly.


Hearing this, Cheng Chusi quickly ran back into the house, and walked out with a telescope.

Behind him, Li Yuan followed with a faint smile.

"Xuanba, is he really human?"

"I am also not certain!"

While talking, Li Xuan took the clairvoyant and put it in his hand to look over there.

However, the snow at the foot of the mountain has not yet melted, and it is so white that nothing can be seen.

Can't help but look disappointed.

"Hmph, whatever it is, just send someone to check it out!"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, and looked directly at Cheng Chusi who was beside him.

"Boy, go to the Forbidden Army outside the village, borrow weapons, and bring Cheng Laosi and others, and show the old man to check!"

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

Cheng Chusi responded quickly.

Immediately, quickly ran down.

Yuchi Baolin and Li Chongyi at the side glanced at Li Xuan, and hurriedly followed.

Soon, Li Xuan and the others saw Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others, following behind Cheng Laosi and two imperial guards, quickly surrounded the glass shed.

I saw Cheng Laosi and the others first circled around the outside of the shed.

Immediately, several people gathered together again, followed a hillside, chased up a section, and then returned.


Li Yuan asked.

"Please forgive me, the Supreme Emperor, Saburo is not mistaken, someone is indeed sneaking in!"

Cheng Laosi said with a serious face.

"But aren't those human footprints?"

On the side, Cheng Chusi looked puzzled.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

Li Yuan asked.

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, behind the glass shed, the villain and others found a series of wolf paw prints!"

Cheng Laosi hurriedly said, "However, the strange thing is that there are only the marks of the wolf's paws when they came. But there are none of the marks when they go back!"


Hearing this, both Li Yuan and Li Xuan's expressions sank.

Suddenly, I understood what was going on!

"Then who do you think it will be?"

Li Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, those who can walk on one foot are either people who walk in the mountains all the year round, or people from the Japanese country. The villain often wears a kind of wooden shoes on the feet of the Japanese people. There are only Supported by a block of wood!"

"How brave!"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, then asked, "Can you catch it?"

"Please forgive me, the Supreme Emperor. The villain chased a hundred steps into the forest, but the series of paw prints disappeared. They must have been buried and hidden!"

"Are there any damages to those glass greenhouses?"

Li Yuan asked again.

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, the gates of every two glass sheds are built facing each other. The thief didn't dare to force his way in, and the sheds were not damaged!"

Fourth Cheng quickly replied.

"Well, as long as there is no damage!"

Hearing this, Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.


(End of this chapter)

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