Li Shimin

Chapter 156 Life and death are optional!

Chapter 156 Life and death are optional!


"These thieves must have come here for the glass greenhouse. Although they only took a look outside today, they must have seen the vegetables in the glass greenhouse. They will definitely try their best to get inside and find out."

Squinting his eyes and pondering for a moment, Li Yuan looked at Cheng Laosi who was beside him.

"For these thieves, you need some manpower. No matter what, the glass shed must not be destroyed by these thieves!"

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, they are just a few petty thieves. They must have heard the rumors in Chang'an City and were blinded by greed. They want to see the secrets in the glass shed. As long as they dare to come next time, the villain will definitely let them come." No return!"

Cheng Lao said confidently.


After listening to Cheng Lao Si's words, Li Yuan nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Li Xuan's face became anxious.

"Cheng Laosi, there are so many glass greenhouses, and you only have more than 100 people, how can you defend against those thieves?"

"Don't worry, Shaolang, those thieves who want to explore the secrets of the glass shed will definitely not dare to come from the direction of the village. As for the north, although the road is clear, but there are guards guarding it, they can't follow.

In this way, only the direction of mountains and forests remains.

Moreover, judging from today's situation, these thieves seem to have found a safe way in the depths of the forest, and they are even more reluctant to change the way! "

Cheng Laosi bared his big yellow teeth, smiled, and his eyes were full of confidence.

"Cheng Laosi, have you heard of ninjutsu?"

Suddenly, Li Xuan thought of something and asked Cheng Laosi.

Now, seeing Old Man Xiong's trust in Cheng Lao Si, Li Xuan realized that he had always underestimated Cheng Lao Si, and this old man would definitely not be as simple as an ordinary school captain.

Moreover, this old guy has a lot of knowledge.


Fourth Cheng was stunned, his face full of confusion.

"May I ask Master, what kind of ninjutsu is it?"

"You don't know?"

Li Xuan was stunned, "Then you have seen that some Japanese people throw a small ball in their hands, and a puff of white smoke comes out, and then those Japanese people will disappear and reappear, far away?"

As he spoke, Li Xuan was still gesturing with both hands.

On the side, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi listened, their eyes shining.

Only Li Yuan and Cheng Laosi looked at Li Xuan silently with speechless faces.

After Li Xuan stopped, Cheng Laosi said: "Sanlang, among other things, the Japanese will never use this kind of fairy-like method. Moreover, the Japanese are pitifully weak, small and black, except for being good at water. For some people, they can only wield some narrow knives. For those Japanese people, the villain can beat ten!"

Seeing the look of contempt in Cheng Laosi's eyes, Li Xuan was startled.

"The Japanese are so delicate?"


Cheng Laosi looked determined, "Those Japanese people are not only weak, but also very poor. Risking their lives, they traveled across the ocean and traveled thousands of miles from the barren Japanese country to my Datang, to learn from my Datang, and Everywhere begging for nobles from aristocratic families, even some monasteries, they all begged to come to the door, wanting to bring back some books and exquisite objects!"

Beside him, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others also nodded lightly, with expressions of approval.

After listening, Li Xuan realized that the current Little Baga is still in the era of barbarians who have just been enlightened.

His eyes lit up.

Cheng Lao Si continued: "It's just that if those thieves are Tibetans, it's easy to explain. But, they are Japanese? The villain can't figure it out. Where did they get the courage?"

"How could they have no courage?"

Li Xuan sneered, "They dared to take the risk of being buried in the sea to come to our Tang Dynasty to obtain knowledge and materials, so they must have extremely strong greed in their hearts. Then, facing the glass shed with the methods of gods, why didn't they dare?" come?"

Hearing this, Cheng Laosi, Li Yuan and the others, who were originally disapproving, couldn't help but change their expressions.

"I can't tell, it really is this group of hozen!"

Fourth Cheng said in a bitter voice.

"They dare, if it's really them, I will lead people to burn their houses and drive them all out of Chang'an City!" Cheng Chusi said angrily.

"However, Saburo don't worry, these hozen are the weakest, if it's really them, this matter will be easier!" Cheng Laosi said.

"In that case, then I don't care!" Li Xuan nodded slightly.

"Master, don't worry about it at all. It's just a few uncivilized hozens. The villain will definitely catch them!" Cheng Lao Si looked confident.

"You don't have to catch them, the main thing is to prevent the glass shed from being damaged, those hozens live and die at will!"

As he spoke, Li Xuan had a stern expression on his face.


Seeing Li Xuan's face suddenly changed, Cheng Lao Si was taken aback, but still nodded repeatedly.

There was also a cold voice in his eyes.

No matter what, those hozen are not welcome by Saburo, that means they are not welcome by them.

Cheng Chusi and the others on the side were also seeing this kind of situation for the first time, their eyes were full of curiosity, and they were even eager to try.

However, the sky was getting dark, so he could only follow Li Yuan back.

In the mansion, it is a daily report to their respective Aye.

His master, Li Xuan, led them to make steel and burn cement, and to make a large amount of it, preparing to build a house after the spring of next year...

These are trivial matters, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and the others just listen to them as bedtime stories.

On the contrary, it was heard that there were thieves coveting the glass greenhouse, and it was possible that it was the Japanese hozen, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others, all of whom were furious.

Even Cheng Zhijie, who was furious, directly summoned the guards of the mansion, intending to arrest all the Japanese in the city and torture them severely.

Anyway, for those Japanese beggars, none of their generals like them.

Not to mention the barrenness of the local area, it is still far away.

Fortunately, the curfew was already in place, so the Japanese people in Chang'an City escaped unharmed.

However, there is no curfew in the villages outside the city.

However, when it gets dark, the villages in the countryside are completely dark, and farmers are reluctant to light their lamps. In addition, going to bed early can prevent hunger.

The villagers will close the door early, those who should sleep should sleep, and those who should make people will make people.

Anyway, in the whole village, there is neither a single light nor a single sound.

Walking outside, the silence is scary.

As for Lijiazhuang, some places emitted some flickering light, which was the light from the iron stove in the glass shed.

At the same time, in the depths of the mountain forest near the glass greenhouse, there are gradually slight sounds.

If you look closely, you can see a few figures wearing heavy clothes, walking out of the forest cautiously, and touching the glass greenhouse in front.

While walking, he was still muttering some incomprehensible languages.

However, looking at the expression, it can be seen.

These people were very shocked by the neat and bright giant houses in front of them.

Moreover, several of them, even though they were shivering from the cold, still talked about the snake gods of their hometown. Bless them, they will definitely find out the secret method of these Tang people growing vegetables in winter and bring them back.

If someone looks down from the perspective of God, they can see that these thieves are relatively short, and as long as they stand under the roots of the tree, no one will be able to spot them.

However, these thieves are also very cautious.

When they were about to approach the outermost row of glass greenhouses, they all stopped quietly, leaning against the roots of the tree, their eyes fixed on the glass greenhouses in front of them, and they remained motionless.


(End of this chapter)

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