Li Shimin

Chapter 157 It's really a hozen from the Japanese country!

Chapter 157 It's really a hozen from the Japanese country!

This lasted for a stick of incense before the thieves slowly got up, one after another, and walked in very vigilantly.

It's a pity that several people didn't notice that at the edge of the woods, there were always some invisible hemp ropes hanging under their feet.

In addition, there are a few slender ropes tied to a few small trees on the side,
As long as the small tree is bumped by someone, or these small ropes are stepped on, the news will be transmitted to the hands of the elders and the elders in the house.

Moreover, in every glass greenhouse today, there are two veterans sitting back to back.

When the thieves outside just came out of the woods, the eyes of these veterans opened instantly, and a cold light flashed inside them.

Looking at each other, they took out a big wooden stick with the thickness of an arm from under their bodies, and quickly stood on both sides of the small door of the glass greenhouse.

At the same time, step on the rope under your feet.

The veterans in several glass sheds in the distance also opened their eyes instantly, quietly opened the small doors of the glass sheds, and trotted over quickly.

And this time.

The thieves who had already sneaked into the glass shed also found the two small doors according to the memory of the day, opened them quietly, and walked in.

As soon as they entered, a flash of light flashed in front of the eyes of these nightwalkers, subconsciously fascinated their eyes.

Immediately, a gust of wind was heard next to his ears.

The two people who walked in the front fell to the ground in response, and then twitched a few times, but did not move.

The thief following behind was taken aback.

After regaining his senses, he immediately turned around and ran outside.

However, since there were two people behind them, who were walking in eagerly, the person in front suddenly turned around, bumped into each other, and both fell to the ground.


The last person subconsciously covered his head and cursed in a low voice.

"There is an ambush!"

The people above didn't have time to explain, so they could only yell in a low voice, and then they were ready to get up and run.

He raised his head just now, his pupils were dilated, and his eyes were full of despair.

At some point, a large net dropped from the sky.

Immediately, they saw a group of mutilated old men, holding wooden sticks with thick arms in their hands, falling towards them.

After a burst of pain, the group of thieves fainted happily.

"Where is the thief?"

Then, from all directions, a bunch of old men appeared.

After seeing the five thieves lying on the ground, these old men couldn't help but stepped forward and spat hard.

"Before I came, I didn't inquire about it. This is your Yeye's territory, so you dare to enter so carelessly."

After the two thieves in the glass shed were also tied up, Cheng Laosi and a group of people removed the cloth strips from the faces of these thieves.

Suddenly, the hatred in his eyes became even more obvious.

"Saburo really hit it off, the ones spying on the glass shed are really the hozens from Japan!"

"Boss Cheng, what about these hozens?"

"Throw these two people in the shed, and tomorrow will be interrogated by Saburo and the Supreme Emperor. As for the three outside, they can't fit in the shed, so they are tied up and thrown outside! If they don't freeze to death tomorrow, they are lucky!"


They are all veterans who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and they have no compassion for these hozens.

After a few breaths.

A few veterans ran over from a distance.

"I have followed their trails and went into the mountain to investigate, and it seems that only a few of them have come!"

After listening, a group of veterans fiddled with the narrow knives carried by these Japanese hozens, with astonishment on their faces.

"Only five people, with so many broken knives, dare to rush into the deep mountains and old forests. This group of hozens are really brave enough!"

"Hmph, it's not thanks to us, who hunted all the wild animals around here, and gave these hozen a chance!
"It really is!"

"Hmph, a group of white-eyed wolves, who don't want to beg in Chang'an City, come out to spy on the glass shed. They really don't know what to do!"

Saying that, a group of veterans set up a trap again, so those who should sleep should sleep, and those who should stay vigil should stay vigil.


The next day.

Early in the morning.

Li Xuan was still awakened by a burst of noise.

However, after several months of suffering, Li Xuan's aura of getting up has been hidden a lot.

Get dressed and open the house slowly.

Just saw that in the courtyard, the anger on Old Man Xiong's face could no longer be concealed.

In addition, Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian next to them were also full of anger, as if they were ready to pick up a knife at any time and find someone to fight.

"What happened here?"

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cheng Chusi's hand.

"But I didn't get my roast duck?"

"Master, this is your roast duck!"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi was taken aback, and quickly lifted a food box with a smile on his face.

Faintly, Li Xuan could still smell the aroma of roast duck.

Immediately, Cheng Chusi regained his angry expression.

"Since the roast duck has already been bought, why are you so angry?"

As he spoke, Li Xuan looked at Old Man Xiong at the side.

"Come on, quickly enter the house and say, it's so cold outside in this winter!"

Said, has gone to the house.

Sitting down, Li Xuan opened the food box straight away, and asked while eating.

"Old man, it was that little bastard who provoked you, after I finish eating, beat him!"

Hearing this, Li Yuan couldn't help but glanced at Li Xuan in a daze, and then said slowly.

"Xuanba, you really hit the spot. Those thieves yesterday were really those hozens from the Wa kingdom!"

During the speech, Li Yuan's eyes became even more angry, "When these hozens came to our Tang Dynasty, I pitied them for their poor land. Seeing that they were eager to learn, I even gave them a set of yards to live in. Unexpectedly, these hozens were actually a group of An unfamiliar wolf cub dares to spy on this old man's glass shed!"

"So, Cheng Laosi caught these hozens?"

Li Xuan was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"Caught it!"

Li Yuan nodded slightly.

"Where is the man?"

Li Xuan was full of curiosity.

"It's just outside the door!" Li Yuan said.

"Then quickly bring it in, let me take a look at what the Japanese look like?" Li Xuan said hastily.

"No, those Japanese people smell too bad!"

Li Yuan looked disgusted.

Similarly, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi also showed resistance.

"Then I'll finish eating and go out to have a look!"

Seeing this, Li Xuan did not insist.

Three bites and two bites, after eating a whole roast duck.

Then, together with Li Yuan and others, they went directly outside.

However, it was not outside the courtyard, but outside the village, which surprised Li Xuan.

Those Japanese people, who stink so much, were so disgusted by Old Man Xiong that they were thrown out of the village and refused to enter the village.

Later, after seeing the appearance of the Japanese people, Li Xuan completely believed it.

I covered my nose tightly and couldn't stay a hundred paces away from it, it was really smelly.

It's like facing the wind and smelling three thousand miles away!
The looks of these little Baga also disappointed Li Xuan a little.

Taking a quick glance, each little Baga is not tall, half a head lower than Cheng Laosi. These faces are also ordinary, the only bright spot is that the complexion on the face is relatively dark, and the skin is also Dirty and rough.

Moreover, everyone's body also smelled of fish, mixed with a strong smell of sea!

Of the five little Baga, two of the backs of their heads were swollen, and the other three shivered as if they had been frozen all night.

Seeing Li Xuan, Li Yuan and others, these Japanese people had a flash of anticipation in their eyes, and quickly knelt down with respectful faces!
"Dear lord, I'm not a thief. I just heard that there is a house where the gods live here, and they can grow vegetables in winter. I was very curious, so I wanted to go in and have a look. There is absolutely no evil intention!"


ps: sleep, good night!
Continue to work tomorrow, moving bricks~~(^_^)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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