Li Shimin

Chapter 158 Li Xuan's Attitude

Chapter 158 Li Xuan's Attitude
Unexpectedly, the Guanzhong tone of this group of little Baga was more familiar than him, and Li Xuan couldn't help being startled when he heard it.

Seeing that the group of Tang dignitaries in front of them just looked at him and the others quietly, with no emotion in their eyes, the hearts of the people in Xiacun community sank.

They have seen this kind of expression a lot before, just like when they were fishing at the beach, they quietly looked at the fish in the water.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but start to despair.

However, he didn't dare to make too many moves.

They have also seen the vicious little nobles next to them, but the little overlord of Chang'an City dare not even provoke Marquis Wu who patrols the streets!
"Who sent them here?"

People have this kind of virtue, they are full of curiosity before they have seen it.But after just watching for a while, Li Xuan lost interest and turned to ask Cheng Laosi.

"Hui Saburo, they confessed that they came here by themselves!"

Fourth Cheng quickly replied.

"You came by yourself?"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, and his eyes were like sharp knives, scraping across the faces of the five people from the lower village.

"The Li Family Village is so remote, how can we find it with these thieves alone? Moreover, they can go around the mountains and find out exactly a path leading to the Li Family Village?"


After listening, Cheng Laosi couldn't help but blushed, and looked fiercely at the thieves on the ground.

It's true that the older you get, the less useful you become. These thieves almost deceived them by using a bit of trickery.

"Don't worry Saburo, this time I will definitely dig out the person behind their scenes!"


Li Xuan nodded, his face expressionless.

"This kind of Japanese is the most hateful. If you don't tell the truth, you don't need to spend too much effort. Just hang him in the forest. If no one comes to save him, he will be fed to the wolf.

If someone comes to rescue them, they will take them directly and expel all the Japanese in Chang'an City from the territory of the Tang Dynasty. My Tang Dynasty does not need these stinking and shameless people! "


Hearing this, Cheng Laosi felt a sudden change in his heart.

Although I don't know how these Japanese hozen provoked San Lang, they let San Lang, who has cultivated himself for two years, do such a cruel thing.

However, Cheng Lao Si hurriedly followed suit and walked towards Xiacun Jieren and others with a smile on his face.

However, in the eyes of Xiacunjie people and others, this smile is full of ferocity, like a devil's smile.

To be able to ruthlessly put the three brothers outside the house to freeze overnight, and then wake up in the morning, and interrogate themselves and others in the cruelest way, is simply more terrifying than the devil.

"Your nobleman, what do you want to know, the villain can do it all!"

Several people from the lower village circle, who have been in Datang for so many days, can naturally understand the meaning of Li Xuan's words, and beg quickly.

"I'll tell you everything. In fact, I wanted to appreciate the vegetables grown in winter, but after walking outside the village for a few days, the guards were too tight..."

"My lord, please wait a moment..."

However, before he finished speaking, Li Xuan had already turned around and walked back. The smell on these little Baga's body was really too nasty.

Moreover, he has no intention of letting go of these little Baga at all.

He hadn't troubled these little Bagua yet, and these little Bagua came to his door by himself. How could he let go of such a good opportunity.

Seeing this, Cheng Laosi also immediately understood Li Xuan's thoughts.

Directly dragging a Japanese man one by one, they walked into the distance.

In this regard, the people from Xiacunjie were naturally struggling desperately, but their bodies were too small, and they were tied up all night, so they were so weak that they couldn't break free.

"Xuanba, what's wrong with these Japanese people...?"

On the way, seeing Li Xuan being so ruthless to these Japanese people, and even hating them, Li Yuan was a little puzzled.

Originally, I wanted to ask how these Japanese people provoked Li Xuan, but after thinking about it, Li Xuan had been living in Li Family Manor for the past two years, and only went out once.Still took Li Chengqian and others, and smashed down the gate of Wang's house aggressively.

According to the timid and cautious nature of those Japanese, they would never provoke Li Xuan.Moreover, if you provoke him, according to Li Xuan's temperament, he will definitely be beaten to death directly, so there is no need to wait until now.

Therefore, Li Yuan thought for a long time before replacing it with 'inappropriate'.

"There is a big problem!"

Li Xuan had a look of resentment on his face, "These hozens crossed the sea in poor condition and came to the Great Tang. How did my Great Tang treat them?"

"Food and housing are in charge, and they are also allowed to learn laws and regulations, Confucian classics, Buddhism, farming, architecture, etc. for free. The treatment of these Japanese hozen by the Tang Dynasty is even better than that of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

But, look at how these Japanese hozens treat my Tang Dynasty? "

"As the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, you managed to build a glass greenhouse and grow vegetables in Lijiazhuang. You have not waited to show it to the nobles of the family and the people of the world. However, these hozens want to sneak in secretly. What is the purpose?
Don't say they don't know, are those vegetables grown by the Great Tang Emperor? "

Speaking of this, the faces of Li Yuan, Li Chengqian and others were already pitch black.

"It's only been a few years, and these hozens are so disrespectful, deceiving their teachers and destroying their ancestors, and rebellious!"

"If these hozens are allowed to study in the Tang Dynasty for decades, and bring back all the knowledge of the great sages of the Tang Dynasty to the country of Wa, and let the barbarian country learn it, after the army is strong and strong, they will definitely covet the prosperous land of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the fruit of this crime will naturally have to be repaid on me, Datang..."

These things are really not made up by Li Xuan.

These Japanese hozen have only studied in Datang for decades. During the reign of Li Zhi, when Datang attacked Baekje, these hozen dared to send more than 1000 warships, more than 40,000 The Japanese slave army tried in vain to help Baekje restore the country.

It can be seen that from the bottom of their hearts, these little Baga are the stuff of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.

Not to mention, they have been harassing and plundering the coast of China for more than 1000 years. It was not until these little Baga ate a big 'egg' that they gradually calmed down.

However, since Li Xuan came to the period when these little Baga were separated from the roots of barbarian society, in the early Tang Dynasty, how could he have the heart to watch these little Baga develop so smoothly.

If they were not tortured to death, and the bitter fruits planted by their unfilial descendants were tasted one by one by the ancestors of these little Baga, Li Xuan would feel that he was sorry for coming this time.

"This group of white-eyed hozens, Master, let's drive out all the hozens from Chang'an City!"

Cheng Chusi stared angrily, and asked Li Xuan for instructions.

"Go aside!"

Li Xuan scolded unhappily, and under the puzzled eyes of Cheng Chusi and others, he said slowly: "Those hozens were given houses in Chang'an City and allowed to learn my Tang culture. Do you also want to be like those hozens and commit the crime of disrespect?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian couldn't help but change their expressions slightly, and quickly looked at Li Yuan who was beside him.

"You boy!"

Li Yuan naturally knew what Li Xuan meant by saying this, and he was not angry, but said directly: "Tomorrow, the old man will order to take back the Japanese houses of those Japanese hozens, and let Erlang, these hozens, be driven out of the Tang Dynasty." !"

Hearing this, Li Xuan hurriedly cupped his hands, "I have always lived in seclusion in Lijiazhuang, and I have never had any evil intentions. It's just that these hozen are too hated."

"It's okay, the old man understands..."

(End of this chapter)

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