Li Shimin

Chapter 160

Chapter 160
The Supreme Emperor orders, His Majesty obeys, and all officials execute.

As for those aristocratic families, naturally they would not contradict Li Yuan at this juncture, and even sent people to assist with all their strength to drive out the Japanese slaves in their respective houses.

In half a day, hundreds of Japanese envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty were all expelled from Chang'an City.

It was Marquis Wu who did it, most of them were veterans from the battlefield. They had long been dissatisfied with these Japanese slaves who were smelly all over and wandered around the city all day long.

Therefore, when doing it, the black ones.

Search the whole body of these Japanese slaves. Except for clothes, any objects belonging to Datang are not allowed to take away.In addition, in order to prevent these Japanese slaves from causing chaos in the countryside, they cannot keep a single weapon on their bodies.

At the same time, state documents were issued.

The Japanese are wolfish ambitions, committing crimes above and below, and deporting from the country... Generally speaking, they come naked and leave naked, and they are not allowed to take anything away.

Therefore, when these Japanese slaves were driven out of Chang'an City by Marquis Wu, they had nothing on them except the rations they asked for.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the despair in each other's eyes.

In particular, Ambassador Xiao Yemeizi and Deputy Ambassador Gao Xiangxuanli and Nanyuan paid their respects, and they were full of despair.They have been here since the Sui Dynasty.Unexpectedly, the situation changed suddenly, and after so many years of hard work, it was so in vain.

"Greetings from Nanyuan, this time we were expelled by the sages of the Tang Dynasty. Although the people in the lower village did not do things well and angered the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. But I can't escape the guilt. Going back like this will definitely bring shame to the Suwo family. Especially after so many years, The many books I have collected are important items that can free the people of our country from ignorance.

Although they were detained by Marquis Wu, those aristocratic families have benefited from us, as long as the Supreme Emperor forgets what happened today, it is still possible to get those books back and bring them back to the country of Wa..."

"Ambassador, this dangerous mission should be entrusted to you. The mission still needs your leadership. Moreover, the members of the mission are the greatest wealth of our country, and they must all return home!"

Deputy envoy Gao Xiangxuanli and Nanyuan greeted the two of them, and quickly persuaded Sister Xiaoye about the important matter.

The missions to the Tang Dynasty who came to the Tang Dynasty not only consisted of chief envoys, deputy envoys, judges, recorders, helmsmen, and sailors, half of the members of the mission were the main gods, divination divisions, onmyojis, doctors, painters, Musicians, Yiyu, Shisheng, and shipbuilders, ship masters, shipwrights, carpenters, casters, blacksmiths, jade workers and other craftsmen.

Especially these craftsmen and Shi Sheng are the most important people who came to Tang Dynasty.

"No, this matter happened because of me, and I am obliged to do so, so it is decided, I will bring a few people to stay, and you will go back to Wa Kingdom first!"

Saying that, looking at the more than 100 naked compatriots in front of her, and looking at the thick snow on the mountains in the distance, Sister Ono sighed deeply.

In such a cold winter, it is not an easy task for them to walk from Chang'an to Dengzhou, and then back to Wa Kingdom.


However, Li Xuan didn't bother about what happened to the Japanese missions sent to the Tang Dynasty.

Even the officials and generals of the Tang Dynasty did not care about the Japanese slaves and barbarians who were driven out of the Tang Dynasty.

Because, what they had been looking forward to for several days finally came to fruition, and another batch of vegetables grew in Lijiazhuang!
The Supreme Emperor allowed all honorable officials to come to Lijiazhuang to watch.

This time, the group of officials carried out Li Yuan's words as quickly as possible.

Just after half an hour, a large number of teams arrived outside Lijiazhuang.

Although it was not as grand as before, the royal family of the Li family had such a big ostentation, but the horses neighed, the flags fluttered, and the trilogy of the princes and princes of the country entered one after another. A team of hundreds of people, tens of thousands of people, gathered the whole Zhuangzi surrounded him.

Even the forest near Zhongnan Mountain was not spared.

They have all heard about the barbarians of the Japanese country.

"To the Supreme Emperor, Master, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Qi Guogong, Wei Guogong, Su Guogong, Shen Guogong, Cai Guogong, Wu Guogong, Yi Guogong, Fan Guogong, Zuo Pushe Peigong... hundreds of dukes, marquises and ministers in the court , have already arrived outside the village.”

A guard came to Li Xuan's courtyard in a hurry and reported to Li Xuan, Li Yuan and others.

Except for working outside the Taiji Palace, they have never seen such a complete set of honorable ministers.

"How did they come so fast today?"

Li Xuan blinked his eyes, and some astonishment flashed across his face, "Why don't they go to court, don't they need to work?"

"It's okay, there are no government affairs in winter, there are special things, it's not a big deal if you don't go to the morning court for a day."

Li Yuan sneered, "You only need to leave one person in the government office!"

"Let them visit by themselves, but each person can only pick two catties of vegetables back!"

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

The imperial guard responded quickly, and then hurriedly withdrew.

And after the imperial guard told all the ministers of the state about Li Yuan's words, every minister was full of joy.

As for Li Yuan not coming out to meet them, they were relieved instead.

After all, a large number of ministers among them were traitors to Li Yuan, and it would be very embarrassing to meet the old master.

Otherwise, since Li Yuan came to Lijiazhuang, Li Shimin would never have come to Lijiazhuang unless necessary.

It is the first time to see glass greenhouses, especially more than 200 one-acre glass greenhouses, neatly arranged together, and the impact on these nobles is beyond anyone's imagination.

All of them stared at the eyes bigger than the copper bell, their eyes were red, and they patrolled one by one.

Even those Japanese slaves who passed by and were hanged alive on the tree just glanced at them, and then got into the shed beside them.

"Hiss, these vegetables are growing so well?"

"Exactly, it's even more tender than the vegetables grown in summer?"

"I really don't know how the Supreme Emperor did it?"

"Hey, Mr. Cheng, the glass house in your backyard is exactly the same as these glass houses of the Supreme Emperor. Why don't the vegetables in your house grow as big as the Supreme Emperor's?"

"There are so many glass houses, how many pieces of glass are needed?"

"There are at least more than 200 acres of vegetables here. There are so many vegetables, and you can't eat them all, right?"

"Nonsense, or the Supreme Emperor will allow you to pick two catties each and go back!"

"Hey, old man Cheng, your family only grows vegetables, why do you want to pick the emperor's ones?"

"There are also Hejian County King and Wei Guogong. They don't grow vegetables at home, so why do you want to fight with us?"


After a lap, all the princes and nobles were shocked.

Even Cheng Zhijie, who already had a glass shed in the backyard of his home, was full of envy and regret at the same time.

If I had known this earlier, even if I put my family property in, I would have built hundreds and eighty of these glass sheds in my own villas.

"Pei Gong, you have a lot of knowledge, and you have the closest relationship with the Supreme Emperor. You know that if we also build a glass greenhouse now, would it be possible?"

A minister, thinking of something, asked Pei Ji expectantly.

Pei Ji was taken aback, he hadn't seen the Supreme Emperor for a long time, okay?Moreover, he knew about the glass sheds built by the Supreme Emperor no earlier than these ministers.


(End of this chapter)

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