Li Shimin

Chapter 161 I think you are suitable for a big axe!

Chapter 161 I think you are suitable for a big axe!
"I don't know either!"

Thinking about it, Pei Ji shook his head, stomped the frozen hard ground, and said: "However, the ground is as hard as a rock now, even if you build a glass greenhouse, you can't cultivate it!"


"I don't regret the beginning..."

Hearing this, the ministers on the side were full of remorse.

As for what they regretted, neither Pei Ji nor Cheng Zhijie knew, nor did they want to know.

At the same time, in Li Xuan's small courtyard.

After hearing that the nobles of the state had come, Li Xuan cast his gaze on Cheng Chusi and the others.

Cheng Chusi and the others shuddered uncontrollably, and quickly looked at Li Xuan, full of flattery.


"You are waiting for the style of the weapon you want to forge, but you have already thought about it?"


Upon hearing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others, who knew the temperament of this master, were full of joy.

"Master, I have already thought about it!"

"I want Ma Qiang!"

"Master, I want a bow..."

"Okay, let's go to the forge and talk about it!"

"It's Master!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi hurriedly followed Li Xuan to the forging workshop.

Behind him, looking at Li Xuan who left in a hurry, Li Yuan couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"You want a big bow made of steel? Do you have a blueprint for a forged bow, or an idea?"

In the forging workshop, Li Xuan asked Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others in detail in front of Ying Qi and Wu Fu.


Li Chengqian shook his head honestly, but his face was still full of expectation.

After listening, Li Xuan had no choice but to turn his head to look at Ying Qi and Wu Fu who were beside him.

Ying Qi and Wu Fu looked helpless, "Master, we are just craftsmen who will serve as supervisors, and we only forged some weapons before. As for these weapons, we have never forged them before!"

"It's okay, you didn't know how to make steel or burn glass before, so you can do it now?"

Li Xuan chuckled, and continued: "I just want to know, have you ever seen a bow made of iron or steel?"

"Returning to Master, we have never seen a strong bow made of steel and iron! Moreover, all strong bows are made of zhe wood, followed by eucalyptus and oak trees. We have never seen a strong bow made of steel and iron. It's unheard of!"

Ying Qi and Wu Fu said quickly.

Li Xuan looked at Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi who were on the side. As for Li Chengqian, a scumbag crown prince, there was no need to ask.

"Master, I have never seen it before!"

Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi also shook their heads hastily.

Suddenly, thinking of something, Li Xuan looked at Li Chengqian from head to toe, and then looked weird.

"What do you want a strong bow made of steel forged? Or, with your body, whether you can stretch it, or even afford it, is uncertain!"


Li Chengqian was startled, and looked down at his pair of thin arms, his expression darkened.

"Since the bow is not good, can the steel crossbow be used?"

Thinking of the later generations, the kind of steel crossbow that is considered inhumane, Li Xuan said.

"Steel crossbow?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian's eyes lit up.

Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others also had a flash in their eyes, and looked closely at Li Xuan.

"Exactly, although the steel crossbow may be a bit laborious for you to use, you will get used to it after using it!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly.

"Very good, then I want a steel crossbow!" Li Chengqian nodded quickly, like smashing garlic!
"Master, the two of us have never forged a crossbow!"

Ying Qi and Wu Fu said with worried faces.

"It's okay!"

Li Xuan still had a calm expression on his face, "Just make the mold according to the drawing!"


Ying Qi and Wu Fu's eyes lit up.

"I'm waiting for the blueprint for you, but the exact size needs to be adjusted by the two of you!" Li Xuandao.

"Thank you, Master!"

After listening, both Ying Qi and Wu Fu subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.Although these tasks were supposed to be the work of the craftsmen of the Military Weapons Supervisor, they naturally did not want to disappoint Li Xuan after being in Lijiazhuang for these few days.

"You want a horse?"

Li Xuan turned his head again and looked at Cheng Chusi.


Cheng Chusi nodded repeatedly.

"I think you are suitable for using a big axe!" Li Xuan replied subconsciously.


Cheng Chusi was startled, thinking of the mighty scene when he swung an ax bigger than a rock with both hands, he couldn't help trembling with excitement, but forced by his family's prestige, he still hurriedly asked tentatively.

"Master, I wonder if I can have both?"

"This thing, you ask Ying Qi and Wu Fu!"

Li Xuan glanced at his mouth, he didn't build it himself.

"Two craftsmen, can Ma Qian and Xuanhua Ax be forged?"

Under the influence of Li Xuan, the attitudes of Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others towards craftsmen like Ying Qi and Wu Fu also changed a lot.

"Returning Cheng Shaolang, the villain can forge, but if you want to make a high-quality lance, you must craft it carefully for three years before it can be successful. Let me wait..."

Ying Qi and Wu Fu looked puzzled.

"You can just forge the blade with steel, as for the lance, first forge it with fine steel!" Cheng Chusi looked indifferent.

Conventional lances really need to be made from tough tough wood, and then after a series of productions, it takes three years to make them.

These are simply two ordinary craftsmen who can make them quickly.

"I'm waiting for Ma Qian..."

Next, Li Chongyi, Yuchi Baolin and others all asked for Ma Qian one after another.

It doesn't matter if you can play it or not.

However, most of the fast-moving generals use horse lances. After these martial arts, they all have a dream of horse lances. The fine steel for making horse lance blades is hard to find.

But Changsun Chong and Fang Yizhi chose the sword.

However, as for the steel crossbow, several people also want one.

Li Xuan did not object to this.

It's just a few weapons by the way, but they are all the same weapons, and it doesn't waste much effort and steel.

"However, you need to help Ying Qi and Wu Fulai to forge your own weapons!"


For Li Xuan's request, Cheng Chusi and the others also happily agreed.

This kind of work is more face-saving than letting them kill pigs!
After the arrangement was completed, Li Xuan got into the room and began to think hard about the structure of the steel crossbow.

As for Old Man Xiong, he went out to check on his vegetables.

However, with the lessons learned from those Japanese slaves, and Li Yuan's battle, the ministers of the state were very honest and only picked two catties of vegetables, and then reluctantly went back.

However, after returning, the entire Chang'an city was completely blown up.

Before, they only heard that the Taishang Huang planted vegetables in winter.

Now, I have seen it with my own eyes, and there are so many officials who have confirmed it.

Immediately, Marquis Wu took notices one by one and pasted them on the gates of every workshop.

"Two days later, Lijiazhuang's glass greenhouse vegetables will officially go on sale! A catty of vegetables costs ten Wen. Due to the limited output of vegetables, each household can only buy a maximum of two catties within two days! Buyers of vegetables are not allowed to lie, not They are allowed to bully and rob each other, and once they find out, they will never buy their vegetables..."

"The vegetables grown by the Supreme Emperor are still sold to me?"

"Doesn't that mean that we can also eat vegetables grown by the Supreme Emperor?"

"Shh, speak carefully, be careful of disrespect..."

"Haha, what brother said is that I made a slip of the tongue..."

"Let's not talk about it, hurry up and collect some money, a catty of vegetables in winter is only ten cents, and they are still vegetables grown by that person, you must not miss them..."

These words reached Li Yuan's ears, and Li Yuan's eyes were full of strangeness.

Unexpectedly, those people would treat this matter like this!

Moreover, some poor people in their families would rather find someone to borrow money than eat the vegetables he grew!
Really inappropriate!

 There is a typo, please point it out

  I often read comments and change them when I see them~~~
(End of this chapter)

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