Li Shimin

Chapter 162

Chapter 162
"If I knew these people loved the old man's vegetables so much, the price should have been raised!"

On the sofa, listening to Cheng Chusi's report, Li Xuan's mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Li Yuan, who was a little surprised. He didn't expect to have a celebrity effect in Datang.

Li Yuan, who was still somewhat sullen, couldn't help being stunned, and a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes.

After all, he is also the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the vegetables he grows by himself sell for only ten cents, isn't it a bit too cheap?

However, although he was forced to abdicate, he was also the majestic Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, with a golden mouth, how could he not keep his word?
Thinking about it, I couldn't help but my cheeks twitched slightly, it was so painful!
Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help laughing. Although Li Chengqian and the others didn't dare to laugh out loud, they couldn't hold back the smile in their eyes.

Li Yuan's face darkened immediately, and Li Xuan couldn't bear to stare, but Li Chengqian, these little bastards, stared without the slightest psychological burden.

He stared straight at him, full of evil spirits in his eyes.

Li Chengqian...

Cheng Chusi...

The seven people froze in place, silent like cicadas.

"The Supreme Emperor, Saburo..."

Just after the atmosphere in the house fell silent, Cheng Laosi ran in from outside the courtyard with a happy face.

Baring a mouthful of big yellow teeth, looking at Li Yuan, his mouth seemed to be grinning to the back of his ears.

"Fourth Cheng, what makes you so happy? Are you married to your mother-in-law?"

Li Yuan asked with some doubts, he hadn't seen it for a long time, what could be the matter that could make old guys like Cheng Lao Si lose their composure in such a situation!
Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others also looked gratefully at Fourth Cheng!

Fortunately, this old guy is here, otherwise they don't know what kind of punishment they will suffer today?

"The Supreme Emperor, Saburo, is a great thing!"

Cheng Laosi breathed a sigh of relief, and then reported with a happy face: "The vegetables in the entire glass greenhouse have been sold out!"


Li Yuan was startled, and after a while, he asked slowly, "You mean, all the vegetables in the more than 200 greenhouses have been sold out?"


Cheng Laosi seemed to be thinking of something, and his face was full of excitement.

"According to your order, we will start selling vegetables from Sishi. However, it seems that everyone in Chang'an City has run out, and they are all in the dark. In less than an hour, these people have picked up all the ripe vegetables in the glass greenhouse. !"

After listening, Li Yuan was overjoyed at first, then depressed and distressed.

After a while, with anxious expression on his face, he quickly looked at Cheng Laosi and asked, "What about shallots? Where's the coriander?"

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, after those people finished picking the cucumbers and eggplants, they found that the radishes hadn't grown yet, so they all set their sights on the shallots and coriander, so they were all finished!"

Cheng Laosi hadn't realized what the problem was, and still had a smug expression on his face.

"All gone?"

Li Yuan confirmed again.

"The villain looked at it specially, and there is no one left!"

Cheng Lao Si looked affirmative.

Li Yuan's face turned dark, and he was furious, "You old man, the shallots and coriander are gone, so what shall I eat later?"


Cheng Laosi was stunned for a moment, and then realized, his face was startled, and he looked at Li Yuan immediately, his face was at a loss.

You should know that shallots and parsley are not like cucumbers, which can continue to bloom and bear fruit after picking them. There is only one crop of shallots and parsley.

However, even if you start to plant it now, if you want to grow so big, you don’t know what year of the monkey has come!

"Oh, forget it, just pull it out. In the afternoon, I will hurry up and borrow some shallots and coriander seeds, and plant them for the old man!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan's face was full of helplessness, but, the matter has come to this point, and he can only remedy it quickly.

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

Fourth Cheng quickly responded.

Then, just about to turn around and leave, when he thought of something, his face brightened, and he looked at Li Yuan again, "Hey, the emperor, the villain remembered, shallots and coriander, and some that haven't grown up!"

"Huh? The old man felt that something was wrong all the time. It turns out that you, an old bastard, gave the old man a sloppy eye!"

Hearing this, Li Yuan's face brightened, and he quickly asked, "How much is left?"

"Not much, only about [-]%!" Cheng Laosi replied quickly.

"One percent?"

Li Yuan was startled, he didn't expect there were so many, "Enough, enough!"

Immediately, without waiting for Cheng Lao Si to speak, he continued: "You old man, remember, the remaining shallots and coriander are not allowed to be sold without the old man's order. The old man must keep it for himself!"


For this order, Cheng Lao Si nodded repeatedly, agreeing wholeheartedly.

After all, these vegetables, the veterans they take care of, also have a share of ten catties every month.

Seeing this, Li Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

Then, he continued to ask, "How much did you sell those vegetables for?"

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, a total of about [-] catties of vegetables were sold this morning, and the money from the sales was packed into two large boxes. Now Qian Gui and Wu Tie are counting carefully!"

Speaking of this, Fourth Cheng's face was full of joy.

Long before, Li Xuan suggested to Li Yuan that Cheng Laosi and the others should raise half of the money for selling vegetables in these glass greenhouses.

Don't look at it as half a percentage, but for the first time, this kind of host family gives a commission to the servants, and it also makes Cheng Laosi and the others feel respected and motivated.

Moreover, although it is only half of the cost, there are so many vegetable greenhouses, and there is a lot of money to sell.

Today alone, [-] guan were sold, and veterans like them can raise [-] guan.

In this way, a veteran can get more than 200 papers.

And, it's still a day.

Even if he is not good at arithmetic, Cheng Laosi can make a rough guess.
After a month, each of them can get two or three pennies no matter what.

Such a large sum of money is enough for their family to live comfortably in winter.


Unexpectedly, these greenhouses could be sold for so much money, Li Yuan was also full of joy.

He nodded to Cheng Lao Si with satisfaction, and let Cheng Lao Si go down.

"Old man, Qian Gui and Wu Tie were long history in the army?" Li Xuan asked curiously after Cheng Laosi left.

Li Yuan glanced at Li Xuan strangely, and replied, "No!"

"That's Hu Cao?"


"Then what are their official positions?"



Li Xuan was taken aback, "Then they know how to keep accounts?"


Li Yuan was taken aback, "How can a fireman know how to keep accounts?"

"The glass greenhouse sells for 4000 guan a day. Although it takes a few days for the vegetables in the greenhouse to re-grow, there must be more than [-] guan in a month! So much money, you don't remember account?"

Li Xuan was surprised.

"Four thousand strings?"

Hearing the specific number, Li Yuan couldn't help being shocked.


Li Xuan nodded lightly.

"That's just one winter, wouldn't these 2000 glass sheds earn [-] more than [-] yuan?"

After calculating in his heart, Li Yuan couldn't help but stare with big eyes, his face full of joy.

"So much money and goods must be kept in accounts, and they must be remembered clearly."

After listening, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi on the side couldn't help but look moved. They just estimated that according to this situation, an average of one mu of glass greenhouses can earn more than 600 yuan in one winter.

No matter what happens next year, we will build glass greenhouses in the fields in our own village.


(End of this chapter)

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