Li Shimin

Chapter 163 Are there 6 huskies at home?

Chapter 163 Six huskies at home?
"how can that be?"

Li Xuan was stunned, he didn't expect Li Yuan to be so calculating, and for a moment, he forgot all the things he wanted to say!

With a wry smile, he said: "You haven't calculated the money used to build these greenhouses, and you haven't calculated the wages of the veterans like the fourth, and you have to distribute half of the borrowed land. Get about [-]% of the money."

"The most important thing is that you probably overlooked that vegetables also have a growth period, and vegetables such as cucumbers and eggplants usually only last for one or two months from the time they bear fruit, and cucumber and eggplant seedlings will wither!"

"So, in this way, you can only earn two months' money at most..."

However, after Li Yuan listened, he just thought about it for a moment, then looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

"If cucumber seeds are planted under the cucumber glass greenhouse in advance, after the current batch of cucumber seedlings wither, wouldn't the newly planted cucumbers just grow up and be able to bloom and bear fruit?"

This made Li Xuan startled, and his face was a little weird. He had never heard of this method.

However, it sounds like it makes some sense.

Glancing at Li Yuan, he said slowly, "I don't know about this, but you can give it a try, as long as you don't delay the spring plowing!"

Spring plowing, summer cultivation, autumn harvest, winter storage.

This is the way of life of the ancient farmers throughout the year, but the winter storage of the villagers in Lijiazhuang was turned into winter seeds by Li Yuan.

Moreover, I also made money and became addicted!

"The matter of spring plowing is so important, the old man will not delay!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yuan ran out with a face full of excitement.

Coincidentally, Cheng Lao Si, who hadn't started planting shallots and parsley, immediately summoned all the veterans with joy after hearing Li Yuan's explanation, and arranged tasks one by one.

Immediately, in the next few days, Cheng Laosi and the others were again in the glass shed, and began to be busy with enthusiasm.

At the same time, after receiving the dividends from selling vegetables on the first day, all farmers in Lijiazhuang also automatically joined in the farming of Cheng Lao Si and others, even more attentive than Cheng Lao Si and others.

After all, the vegetables sold on the first day can give them one or two dollars per household. After a few days, wouldn't they earn more than they have worked hard for a year.

With the joining of the farmers, the lives of Cheng Lao Si and others suddenly became much easier.

Even, in the following days, people can be sent to hunt in the mountains every day.

In winter, especially when there is still snow in the mountains, rabbits have short legs and cannot run fast, so it is best to catch them.The pheasant, with its colorful plumage, is also the easiest to spot.

Of course, hunting is just a hobby.

The main purpose of Cheng Lao Si and others is to patrol the mountains and forests to prevent the incident of Japanese slaves from happening again.

At the same time, in the city of Chang'an, and even in the entire Tang Dynasty, the vegetables sold in Lijiazhuang were completely boiled over.

Things are rare.

In particular, it was the vegetables grown by the Great Tang Emperor himself in winter.

Even Li Xuan, Li Yuan and others have heard that in the black market, a catty of vegetables can fetch sky-high prices!
For this, Li Yuan could only feel pain all over his face, but there was nothing he could do.

On the contrary, Cheng Zhijie, Du Ruhui and others, for some pocket money, secretly picked a few catties of vegetables in the glass greenhouse in their backyard and sold them on the black market.

Unexpectedly, it was recognized, and this matter became a hot topic in Chang'an City, second only to Lijiazhuang's glass greenhouse.

However, Li Xuan ignored them.

Now, looking at the mess in the yard, Li Xuan's face was dark, and he felt like seven huskies had come to his home.

He regretted agreeing to forge weapons for Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi.

In just a quarter of an hour, while I was not paying attention, I worked so hard last year to dig a hole and fill in a neat row of fences and courtyard walls. Cheng Chusi's several evil obstacles were dragged by horses and chopped down. Dog gnaws in general.

As for the few trees in front of the courtyard, six of them had already fallen down. This was because Li Chengqian, a weakling, couldn't move the eight-foot-long horse lance that was all forged from fine steel.

He could only use his steel crossbow to bully the woods a hundred paces away, with all his might.

Not knowing themselves and others, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others, who were about to face catastrophe, shaved six trees into bald heads and cut them into sections. After they were satisfied, they came behind Li Chengqian and looked enviously at them. Xiang Zheng was having a great time playing with Li Chengqian.

"Gao Ming, this steel crossbow is so powerful that a single arrow can directly pierce a tree trunk a hundred steps away that is as wide as a person?"

"Naturally, this is the steel crossbow carefully invented by Master for me!"

Li Chengqian looked excited.

"However, how did you take down the fine steel crossbow bolt stuck in the tree trunk?"

Beside him, Yuchi Baolin asked curiously.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian's expression froze.

In order to experiment with the steel crossbow, he has already shot eight of the ten crossbow arrows, and they are not inserted into the same tree trunk, and even several crossbow arrows are as high as a person from the ground.

"Hey, Gao Ming, let me, Old Cheng, play with your steel crossbow once, and I'll take all those crossbow bolts for you!"

Cheng Chusi stretched out in front of Li Chengqian with a fawning face.

"Gao Ming, I can also help you remove the arrow!"

"I can also..."

Beside them, Li Chongyi and Yuchi Baolin also spoke hastily.

"How to get the arrow?"

Li Chengqian was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"Of course it is cut with a horse!"

Li Chongyi waved the nearly sixty-pound horse lance with one hand, and said confidently.

"Gao Ming, don't listen to this guy's nonsense. Although the horse lance is very sharp and can cut trees, but so many thick trees can only be cut smoothly with my Xuanhua axe."

Cheng Chusi shouted hastily.


Behind the few people, there was a gloomy voice.


At this time, Cheng Chusi, his eyes were full of this steel crossbow made of fine steel, he replied without thinking.

It's just that I haven't seen Li Chengqian reply for a long time.

Cheng Chusi was startled, and then remembered that the voice just now sounded a little familiar, but also a little angry!

After recovering their expressions, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi turned their heads to look, and they couldn't help being startled.

At some point, the master was standing behind him with a face full of frost, looking straight at themselves.

"Master, who messed with you? Tell me, I'll take a big ax and chop him up!"

Cheng Chusi laughed and said hastily.


Li Xuan snorted coldly, his face was still dark, and he looked at these villains angrily, his voice was cold.

"Did you cut down the fence outside my yard?"


After listening, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi's pupils shrank, remembering the match they had just had, they couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Master, are you talking about that row of tree stumps?"

"Even if it's a tree stump, did it provoke you?"


"And those little trees at the door, why were they ruined like that?"


Hearing this, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi couldn't help but turn pale.

It's really so-called how fun it is to play, and how painful it is afterwards!

Now, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi are in this state.

In the end, under Li Xuan's death gaze, Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi hurriedly explained:
"Master, please listen to my explanation, I just want to try the power of the horse lance and the Xuanhua axe!"


(End of this chapter)

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