Li Shimin

Chapter 164 I am in a good mood today, I will practice with you!

Chapter 164 I am in a good mood today, I will practice with you!
"Try the power of Xuanhua ax and horse lance?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan's face softened.

This made Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi a little relieved.

However, soon, they saw Li Xuan's moody face.

"Evil, you are deceiving me again. You will try your weapons as soon as you test your weapons. Why do you want to ruin the fence and locust tree outside my courtyard?"

Seeing Li Xuan's darkened face again, Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi shuddered subconsciously.

"Master, I can't help but move on a whim, I can't control my hands, that's it!"

After realizing what had disturbed Li Xuan, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi couldn't help smiling flatteringly and feeling bitter in their hearts.

It's been a long time since I've been beaten by the old man at home, and I'm so careless!
"Then why don't you test weapons in this forest like Gao Ming?"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, pointed to the distant woods and asked.

When Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian heard the words, they glanced in the direction of Li Xuan's finger, and the corners of their eyes twitched suddenly.

"Master, the power of the steel crossbow in Gao Ming's hand is too powerful, we are flesh and blood, we dare not take the edge!"

It's not like they didn't think about coming to ruin these woods.

However, after seeing Li Chengqian fiddling with a steel arrow, aiming at the tree in the middle, he shot it directly to the sixth tree on the side.

They broke out in cold sweat immediately, and quickly gave up this wide area to Li Chengqian.


Li Xuan's face was full of contempt.

Regarding this, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi just lowered their eyelids slightly and were not moved at all.

With superb archery skills, who wouldn't be discouraged after seeing it?
There is progress.

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Xuan's eyes, he let out a soft breath, and said, "However, have you ever seen someone test weapons and only cut down trees?"


Hearing this, a trace of curiosity flashed in Cheng Chusi's eyes.

"Naturally, two people are fighting against each other, soldiers against soldiers!"

Li Xuan laughed lightly and said slowly.

"A soldier against a soldier?"

There was a flash of emotion in Cheng Chusi's eyes, and he turned to look at Li Chongyi who was beside him.

"Don't look at me, I don't want to fight you, you bastard!" Li Chongyi's expression changed, and he took a step back subconsciously.


Cheng Chusi glanced at his mouth, and looked at Yuchi Baolin who was beside him.

"I won't fight with you either. We are equal in strength and easily disabled!"

Although Yuchi Baolin is simple and honest, he is not stupid, especially when it comes to fighting, he directly shook his head at Cheng Chusi's gaze.

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi's eyes flashed a gloomy look.

At this time, Li Xuan said: "Idiot, who else in Lijiazhuang is more suitable to be your sparring partner than Master?"


Cheng Chusi was taken aback.

"Master Ben is in a good mood today, so I will practice with you for a while, just to let you get familiar with the way of fighting Xuanhua ax and horse lance!"

Li Xuan chuckled and looked at Cheng Chusi with a gentle face.

Listening to this, although I feel that these words are somewhat familiar.

However, when he heard that Li Xuan would be his training partner, Cheng Chusi couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly replied.

"Thank you, Master!"

After saying that, Li Chengqian couldn't help but cast a strange look at Cheng Chusi, picked up the steel crossbow, and hurriedly stepped aside.

But Li Chongyi and the others handed Li Xuan a horse spear, and they also hurriedly retreated.

This was the first time that Li Xuan took a closer look at this weapon after the forging of Ma Chan was completed, and it was the favorite weapon used by fierce generals.

Ma Chan, eight feet long, is made of fine steel and weighs sixty catties.

Holding it in the hand, a cold and chilling feeling suddenly hit.

With a light shake, Li Xuan looked at Cheng Chusi on the opposite side.

"Master, I will not be polite!"

Similarly, Cheng Chusi, who picked up the horse, had a flash of excitement in his eyes, looked at Li Xuan, and rushed up.

Cheng Chusi was not worried about his master, who even Aye was afraid of. His small body would hurt his master.

That's why, once you make a move, use all your strength.


After the sound of steel colliding, Cheng Chusi bared his lips and backed up a few steps involuntarily, his cheeks twitched slightly, he held Ma Qian's hands tightly, and even looked carefully, trembling all the time.

It feels a bit like practicing against the old man at home, but since he came to Lijiazhuang, he hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

"Such a big guy eats so much every time he eats, how can he be so weak?"

Li Xuan looked at Cheng Chusi on the opposite side with disdain on his face.

"Ah~ ah!"

Hearing this, the corners of Cheng Chusi's eyes twitched, he held his horse tightly, and charged forward again.

However, still following the crisp sound of steel and steel, Cheng Chusi snorted again, stepped back a few steps, and his hands trembled even more.

"That's it?"

Li Xuan sneered, but still pouted with disdain.

Little harm, very insulting!
Anyway, in Cheng Chusi's eyes, that was the case.

His eyes were red, he gritted his teeth, and charged forward again like a calf.

As expected, it went backwards again in the same way.

"Like a woman's strength, my master allows you to replace it with a Xuanhua axe!"

"My master bullied me too much!"

At this time, Cheng Chusi didn't hold it up, and directly replaced the pair of huge Xuanhua axes, roared angrily, and rushed up to Li Xuan.

"From this point of view, I have a high opinion of you. With your strength, it seems that you can only bully stumps and small trees that cannot fight back!"

"Tsk tsk, with this strength, can't you even hold an axe?"

"It's only been a few strokes, how come you're panting like this?"

"This is the famous Shaolang from the residence of Duke Su?"

"This strength..."

Being ridiculed one after another by Li Xuan's poisonous tongue, Cheng Chusi's eyes were red, as if he was tireless, he rushed towards Li Xuan again and again with a pair of big axes.

However, Li Xuan easily beat him back again and again soon.

Although Cheng Chusi's stature seemed to have already surpassed Li Xuan's.But in front of Li Xuan, he was still like a child, unable to resist at all.

In this way, Cheng Chusi became even more miserable.

Li Chongyi and the others around him turned paler and paler.

At this time, they still couldn't understand that the master was punishing Cheng Chusi for the row of stumps and young trees on the courtyard wall.

And they, the murderers, naturally couldn't escape!
About a quarter of an hour later.

Cheng Chusi was sweating profusely, panting heavily, he couldn't even hold the Xuanhua ax with both hands!

Seeing this, Li Xuan was in a good mood, so he let the process go.

"Hmph, a batch of dishes!"

He snorted coldly at Cheng Chusi, and said, "If you're so powerless, get the hell out of here, Master!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Li Chongyi who was at the side.

"You come!"

"Master, my small body is far inferior to Cheng Chusi!"

Li Chongyi had a mournful and tragic face!

"Stop talking nonsense, Master Ben is in a good mood today, I'll give you a few, each of you will be a training partner!"

Li Xuan snorted coldly and looked straight at Li Chongyi.

How dare you waste the tree stump you worked so hard to plant without building tiles for three days!

"My master, please be merciful!"

Seeing this, Li Chongyi knew that he couldn't escape, so he could only pick up a horse spear from the side with a helpless face, and walked to the opposite of Li Xuan.

"Hey, do you want to wait for my master to make the first move?"

Li Xuan narrowed his eyes and said softly.

Hearing this, Li Chongyi shuddered involuntarily, and quickly clenched his horse, not daring to drag it any longer.

"Master, forgive me for being rude!"

After all, he rushed up directly.

This time, Li Chongyi really felt the despair that Cheng Chusi faced just now.

(End of this chapter)

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