Li Shimin

Chapter 173 Conferring the King is the Beginning of Trouble!

Chapter 173 Conferring the King is the Beginning of Trouble!

After opening the wooden box, Li Chengqian quickly grabbed a large handful of copper coins and distributed them to the leading servants.

Only Li Xiaogong was left, and Li Chengqian did not dare to give him a reward.

For this, under Li Xuan's angry glaring, Li Chongyi had no choice but to grab a hand full of copper coins, and carefully handed it to Li Xiaogong.


evil creature!

Seeing this, Li Xiaogong couldn't help but glared at Li Chongyi fiercely, but his hands were very sincere, and he took them directly.

Li Chongyi was full of grievances, how dare I disobey the master's order?

At this moment, Li Xuan also realized that it seemed inappropriate to ask Li Chongyi to give a reward to his own father, so he quickly laughed and let Li Chongyi out of the siege.

"Hey, please don't mind the king of Hejian County. The money has no other meaning. Today is just taking advantage of the big day to be happy and let everyone be happy!"

"Happy day?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong was startled again.

What kind of wolf word is this?
Li Xuan's face froze, his own mouth!

"Everyone, this imperial edict has been accepted by the king. If there is nothing wrong, everyone will go back and report to His Majesty soon!"

Afterwards, Li Xuan cupped his hands at Li Xiaogong and the others, and walked in.

Behind him, Li Xiaogong, Li Yuan and a group of eunuchs and servants all looked at each other in blank dismay.

After being stunned for a while, the eunuch who announced the edict hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted.

"The Supreme Emperor, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Jin Wang, the villain has to go back to report to His Majesty, so I will take my leave first!"

The eunuch hurriedly cupped his hands and saluted.

Li Xiaogong on the side also saluted slightly.

In response, Li Yuan nodded slightly.

Li Chengqian, on the other hand, returned the salute to Li Xiaogong.

Soon, all the teams returned the same way.

However, the news about Li Xuan being crowned King of Jin quickly spread directly in Lijiazhuang.

Outside the courtyard, veterans of the fourth class Cheng Lao and a group of householders in the Li Family Village were all beaming with joy.

Running around to tell each other, after a while, they all gathered outside Li Xuanyuan.

As for these farmers and veterans, Li Xuan did not treat Li Xiaogong and Xuanzhao eunuchs so coldly.

Straight away, walked out from the house.

"I've waited to see the king!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Hey, everyone, get free!"

Li Xuan said loudly, "I have lived in Lijiazhuang for such a long time, and you all know very well what kind of temperament I have, so there is no need to be so polite!"

"Your Majesty, you are the King of Jin, how can we be rude?"

A trace of panic flashed across Sixth Uncle's face, and he hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

At the same time, the surrounding fourth-class veterans and a group of farmers looked at Li Xuan with fear on their faces.

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help sighing softly.

Immediately, he was all smiles.

"Today, the king of Ben was named a prince. I'm very happy. Let's share the half box of copper coins with everyone. Let's make a fortune!"

As he said that, Li Xuan signaled Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi behind him to take out the remaining half box of copper coins and distribute them to the six uncles and other households who congratulated him outside the courtyard, as well as the veterans such as Cheng Laosi.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Immediately, everyone was overjoyed.

Li Xuan cupped his hands and gave a slight salute, then turned around and walked into the house under the astonished eyes of the crowd.

The sense of class that penetrated the bone marrow of the ancients has made him a special existence in Lijiazhuang.


Hall of Liangyi.

Li Shimin, who had been waiting for the news, also had a strange face after hearing the official's words.

"Xuanba asked Gao Ming and Chongyi to carry a box of money and give you rewards?"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. It is really a serious crime for a slave to accept the reward from His Highness the Crown Prince. It's just that the newly crowned King Jin is such a joyous event. I really dare not refuse King Jin's kindness..."

The waiter was full of fear, saluted and apologized.

"It doesn't matter, Gao Ming is not the crown prince if he rewards you on behalf of his teacher. Since Xuanba gave you the reward, you should keep it carefully."

Li Shimin waved his hand and smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The servant was overjoyed.

Thinking of something funny, Li Shimin couldn't help but curl his mouth, "But that boy Chongyi, it's very interesting to think about rewarding Xiaogong..."

That night, Li Xuan put the seal of King Jin next to his pillow and slept very comfortably.

Auntie, you can wait for the country to issue it.

Now, Li Er has conferred another king of Jin. Every year, he has [-] mu of land to support him, and there are [-] families waiting to serve him.

It seems that he has directly transformed from a young master to a winner in life.

In an instant, the whole life has no pursuit.You only need to lie down every day, eat, drink and play until you die!
However, before Li Xuanxiao was at ease for a few days, a team of officials ushered in his small courtyard.

To be precise, it is a middle-aged official wearing a scarlet robe official uniform, wearing a silver fish bag, and wearing a two-beam Jinxian crown, with several generals behind him.

"You say you are my long history?"

Looking at the elegant-looking middle-aged official with tough eyes, Li Xuan asked patiently, although his face was full of astonishment.

"Back to Your Majesty, Chu Suiliang, the next official, is now officially added as the Chief History of the Jin Palace!"

The leading official in the scarlet robe, that is, Chu Suiliang, replied with a straight face.

At the same time, he was quietly looking at the legendary King Jin in front of him.

"Prince Jin's Mansion?"

Hearing this, a trace of doubt flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.


Chu Suiliang nodded gently, and said: "Since His Majesty canonized the king as the king of Jin, he built a Jin palace for the king in Yongxing Square in Chang'an City. Now, it has been completely renovated, and the king can move in at any time! "

"It means that Your Majesty secretly repaired a palace for this king?"

Li Xuan was startled.

Chu Suiliang was startled, but still quickly replied: "My lord, every new prince will have a prince's mansion!"

"I see!"

Li Xuan nodded lightly, he always thought that if he didn't ask for the mansion to be built, Li Er would not send someone to repair the mansion for him.

Unexpectedly, the palace is the standard configuration of every prince.

Thinking about it, Li Xuan continued to ask: "Since you are the long history of the prince's palace, what rank are you and what are you in charge of?"

A strange look flashed in Chu Suiliang's eyes, and he quickly replied: "Your Majesty, the next official is from the fourth rank, and is responsible for handling the daily affairs of the Jin Palace!"

"That's the butler!"

After listening, Li Xuan nodded lightly, looked at Chu Suiliang's eyes, and also looked more squarely.

In the future, how much leisure I can have will depend on the ability of this long history, Chu Suiliang.

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart. This King Jin seemed to be a little different from the rumors.Is the choice I made out of a moment of curiosity right?

However, Li Xuan above did not stop to ask questions.

Continuing to point to the generals behind Chu Suiliang, he asked, "What kind of official positions are these few?"

"Return to the king, the next official is the Sima of Jin Wangfu, Qin Heng."

"Your Majesty, the last general is Ma Xi, Dianjun of Prince Jin's Marriage Palace."

"Your Majesty, the last general is Zheng Fu, the Dianjun of Jin Wang's tent."

"Your Majesty, the next official is..."

Soon, a group of officials and generals who followed Chu Suiliang all reported their gifts.

After a series of listening, Li Xuan's head got dizzy.

He has never understood that there are so many officials in a prince's mansion.

An organization of the Prince's Mansion is actually divided into four teams: the Prince's Mansion, the Prince's Marriage Mansion, the Prince's Tent House and the Prince's Kingdom.

He didn't remember the specific functions, but he had a general idea.

The Prince Jin's Mansion is the administrative organization within his Prince Jin Mansion, and he has the most contact with these officials.

Chief Shi Chu Suiliang is the largest official among these officials, in charge of all affairs in the entire Jin Palace.Sima Qin Heng, on the other hand, assisted in controlling the military equipment.

In addition, in Prince Jin’s mansion, there are also a lot of officials in the East and West Pavilion, Jijiu, genus, master book, record room to participate in the military, record affairs to participate in the military, meritorious Cao to participate in the military, eat Cao to participate in the military, household Cao to participate in the military... and so on. There are at least more than 50 of them.

Next, there are Prince Jin's Marriage Office and Zhang Neifu, both of which are military institutions in charge of King Jin, that is, his guards and retinues.

The Dianjun Ma Xi of the Marriage Office also has under his command the Deputy Dianjun, Marriage Officers, etc., with a total of more than 300 guards.

Zheng Fu, the Dianjun of Tennei Mansion, also has the Deputy Dianjun, Tennei Mansion, Tennei History officials, and more than No. 600 guard soldiers under his command!
In addition, there is a team of the princely kingdom, but these are to manage the fiefdom, food seal and taxation on his behalf. The highest official is the national decree... Below, there are more than 20 officials.

Sure enough, sealing the king was the beginning of troubles!
After listening to Chang Shi Chu Suiliang's introduction one by one, Li Xuan's scalp was numb and he was dizzy!


 Alas, from the 1000 monthly pass, you can draw a koi mark once!
  Still short of 600 monthly tickets!

  Not much, not much ang!

  It is enough for each master to vote for one!
  ! d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
(End of this chapter)

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