Li Shimin

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

It turns out that I only need to support myself, but now there are so many subordinates suddenly?

and many more……

Startled, Li Xuan quickly turned his head and stared at Chu Suiliang closely.

"Chu Changshi, who will pay the salaries of you officials of the Jin Palace?"


Hearing this, Chu Suiliang and Qin Heng, the officials of the Prince of Jin's family, couldn't help but startled, their eyes full of strangeness.

"Back to Your Majesty, the salaries of the lower officials and others will naturally be distributed by the imperial court!"

"That's good!"

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Now, not only Chu Suiliang and other officials of the Jin Palace, but also Li Chengqian, Li Yuan and others looked at Li Xuan with strange expressions.

"Hey, isn't this king poorer? With so many subordinates at once, I'm unavoidably worried that I can't afford to support you all!"

Li Xuan's face froze, and he quickly explained with a sneer.

This king...

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but look at each other with his partner, Sima Qin Heng of the Jin Palace, with a little worry in his eyes.

As for Li Chengqian and Li Yuan, the corners of their mouths twitched when they heard it.
You can barely hold the money in the side room, are you still poor?
However, Chu Suiliang didn't know that Li Xuan received hundreds of thousands of dividends every day, so he quickly cupped his hands and comforted him: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty is a prince, and your official title is first-class. Outside the food seal.

In addition, there is a salary of [-] guan, and a salary of [-] shi.

Every day, the imperial court distributed nine plates of common food ingredients, six liters and six parts of fine rice, eight parts of japonica rice, six liters and eight parts of noodles, two and a half parts of wine, eight parts of mutton, eight parts of sauce, eight parts of vinegar, six pieces of melon, salt, soy sauce, Green onions, ginger, sunflower, leeks and the like have their own differences; wood stalks, spring six cents, winter six cents and five cents; charcoal, spring six catties, winter eight catties.

In addition, every year the imperial court grants, gold and silver wares, miscellaneous colors, and various clothing accessories..."

"so much?"

After hearing this, Li Xuan's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, the welfare of officials in Datang is almost better than that of later generations!


Seeing that his unreliable king finally had no other problems, Chu Suiliang subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I don't know when the king will move into the palace?"

"move place?"

Li Xuan quickly shook his head, "No, I won't go anywhere except Lijiazhuang!"

"Your Majesty!"

Chu Suiliang was anxious, and when he remembered, His Majesty called him over to talk, and quickly looked at Li Yuan who was aside.

Unexpectedly, the Supreme Emperor inadvertently turned his head to the side, as if he didn't see his pleading for help, Chu Suiliang couldn't help feeling a headache.

"Your Majesty, you are the King of Jin, a majestic prince. Although you don't have to go to court every day, you can't always condescend to stay in this remote mountain village like Lijiazhuang!"

"Going up to court?"

Li Xuan's face changed slightly, and he quickly turned his head to look at Li Yuan.

"No, no, although you have the position of Zuo Xiao Cavalry General, as long as you don't want to participate in the court meeting, you don't have to go!" Li Yuan said hastily.

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, "If that's the case, then it's okay!"

Chu Suiliang was startled, eyes full of helplessness.



Li Xuan responded casually, and looked at Chu Suiliang with a grievance in his eyes, and quickly said with a sneer: "This king is still growing up now, so he must maintain the time and quality of sleep. Every morning, he has to catch up on sleep. In the city of Chang'an Although it's bustling, it's too noisy, and I can't sleep well because of the bed.

As for the early court, this king can't even get up, forget it! "

After hearing this, Chu Suiliang and the others all looked shocked.

Without waiting for Chu Suiliang to speak, Li Xuan continued: "Chu Changshi, since His Majesty can send you to be the long history of this king, then you must be a person of great talent. The palace of my king in Chang'an City, I will leave it to you to manage, I trust you!
As for the palace in Chang'an City, I will not go there! "

Chu Suiliang opened his mouth, stared at his eyes, with a helpless expression on his face: "Your Majesty, how could this be possible? The Jin Palace is your palace!"

"It's okay, you just need to send the account book of the palace every month, and let me have a look at it! That's it, it's settled!"

After saying that, Li Xuan stood up directly, and said, "It's been hard work for you all to come all the way from Chang'an City. This king's small courtyard is barren, and there is nothing to entertain you. Only those vegetables in the vegetable garden, you pick some Take it home and taste it, and it will be my king's greeting to you all!"

"Your Majesty?"

Chu Suiliang and other officials of the King of Jin looked at Li Xuan who was walking out with a dull expression on his face.

Why does their great king feel more and more unreliable the more they look at it?

"The Supreme Emperor?"

Thinking about it, Chu Suiliang quickly stood up and looked at Li Yuan who was beside him.

"You are the officials of the King of Jin, so you should obey the orders of the King of Jin!" Li Yuan said.


Hearing this, Chu Suiliang sighed softly, with a helpless expression on his face.

Immediately, he said to his partner Sima Qinheng and the others: "Everyone, let's go!"


Qin Heng and the others also sighed helplessly.

Following Chu Suiliang, he hurriedly chased Li Xuan out.


However, as they were walking, Chu Suiliang and the others saw a chicken pen and a pig pen, which were next to King Jin's small courtyard.

Several people couldn't help but be puzzled.

"This is the flock of chickens and hogs raised by the king. There are fifty chickens and thirty hogs. If you want to eat, you can kill one and use it for food!"

In front, Li Xuan showed off.


Hearing this, Chu Suiliang's eyes became even more desperate, "My lord, you are the king of Jin, how can you do such a lowly thing?"


Li Xuan was taken aback, looked at Chu Suiliang and the other officials suspiciously, and said: "This king feeds chickens and hogs and earns his own living, is this very lowly?"


Chu Suiliang was startled, and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute, "Please forgive me, the king. I just think that the king's status is respected. Such cumbersome things should be done by servants or servants!"

"It doesn't matter, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi are responsible for these trivial matters every day, feeding these chickens and hogs for this king!"

Li Xuan said indifferently.

"That's good..."

After listening, Chu Suiliang's face softened, and he subconsciously nodded in response.

Immediately, he reacted, his face was full of astonishment, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi, these young gentlemen, are feeding chickens and hogs?

This great king is really famous, and he even called these dandies from Chang'an City to come here to do such a lowly thing!

Thinking about it, Chu Suiliang and other officials of the King of Jin had followed Li Xuan to the glass shed.

Looking at the bright light in front of them, and the glass shed made of glass, Chu Suiliang and the others were shocked again.

"My lord, is this glass greenhouse?"

"This is my king's glass greenhouse. Inside are vegetables grown by my king. You can pick and eat whatever you like!"

Li Xuan chuckled, opened the small door, and walked in with Chu Suiliang and others.


As soon as they entered, Chu Suiliang and other officials felt warm for a while, and then their eyes widened and their faces were full of shock.

Although Chu Suiliang followed him to visit Li Yuan's glass shed once with Chu Liang, a scholar of the Aye Hongwen Museum.

However, that time, all the civil and military officials in the entire Chang'an city came.Even many important ministers brought some relatives with them.

Therefore, although there are more than 200 glass greenhouses, it can be watched by all civil and military officials.But inside each glass greenhouse, there are also crowds of people, who are almost covering up the vegetables in the greenhouse.

Except for the piece of vegetables in front of him, the other places are full of human heads.

(End of this chapter)

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