Li Shimin

Chapter 175 Why, my master condescends to practice with you, do you dare not?

Chapter 175 Why, my master condescends to practice with you, do you dare not?

Now, as far as the eye can see, they are all tender green vegetables.

Moreover, the growth of each vegetable is much better than the vegetables in the glass greenhouses of the Supreme Emperor.

Shallots, celery, radishes, coriander, cucumbers, eggplants, taro, leeks, etc., all the vegetables that can be seen on the daily table are available here.

Moreover, the green vegetable gardens are neatly arranged together.

At first glance, it is extremely shocking,

Chu Suiliang, who had seen the glass greenhouse once before, was like this, not to mention Qin Heng, Ma Xi, Zheng Fu and other subordinate officials.

Every one, the eyeballs are about to fall off.

"My lord, are you planting these?"


Li Xuan nodded slightly, walked to the cucumber garden, reached out and picked a cucumber, wiped it up and down, and stuffed it into his mouth.

A click.

The voice was clear and crisp, and Chu Suiliang and Qin Heng could clearly see the juice splashing from the cucumber.

In an instant, the saliva flowed from the mouths of several people, and the Adam's apple moved up and down involuntarily following Li Xuan's chewing.

I ate half of it in two bites.

Only then did Li Xuan let out a long sigh of relief, his face full of comfort.

Suddenly, Li Xuan was startled, "Why are you all staring at me like this?"

Immediately, thinking of something, he waved the half of the cucumber in front of Chu Suiliang and the others, and said, "These cucumbers are all grown by the king himself, don't worry, these cucumbers are insect-free and pesticide-free, and the juice is sweet and nutritious. You all pick one, rub it and eat it, it's quite delicious!"

"Of course, the most delicious thing is to pick these cucumbers back, smash them with a kitchen knife, sprinkle some salt, pour in sour vinegar, then mix with some shallots and minced garlic, and stir well, then the taste will be perfect. Absolutely!"

As he said that, Li Xuan couldn't help but twitched his mouth a few times, "If there is beef or pork head meat, it will taste like a fairy in the world!"

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang and the others, who were immersed in the delicacy described by Li Xuan, couldn't help trembling, and quickly said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, farming cattle are heavy objects for farming, and they cannot be killed innocently!"

"This king knows!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly.

Just when Chu Suiliang breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Li Xuan say again: "However, if any farm cattle die of old age or fall, you must buy the beef and send it to me!"


Chu Suiliang responded quickly.

Seeing this, Li Xuan nodded slightly, feeling relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, the long history in his family is not a rigid person.What he is most afraid of is that the second elder brother Li will send him a long history of doing things old-fashioned, then he will have to suffer in the future, such as Wei Zheng's old man!
But it never occurred to him that with his previous bad name and current achievements, no one would dare to act presumptuously in front of him.

Seeing that Li Xuan was no longer talking nonsense, Chu Suiliang and Qin Heng stretched out their hands curiously, each found a cucumber that was pleasing to the eye, picked it carefully, and imitated Li Xuan, picked a few cucumbers with their hands. He put it in his mouth and gnawed on it.

With one sip, the eyes of Chu Suiliang and the others lit up.

Afterwards, in the entire greenhouse, there were bursts of 'click' and 'click' sounds of eating cucumbers in an orderly manner.

A quarter of an hour later.

Chu Suiliang, Qin Heng and other subordinate officials, each holding five catties of vegetables in their arms, walked back excitedly.

"This king is really a second person!"

"Follow Your Majesty, our life will be much easier!"

Sima Qin Heng, although he came from the fourth rank, he came from a poor family, his family was poor, and he didn't have much backing.Since Li Yuan started selling vegetables in those glass greenhouses, he has never bought a catty of vegetables.

For Chang'an City, the rumored fetish, the vegetables that grow in winter, have long been full of miss.

As for the Dianjun Ma Xi and Zheng Fu, and the group of petty officials behind them, there is no need to talk about it.

They haven't even entered Lijiazhuang yet.

Therefore, looking at the five catties of green and oily vegetables in his arms, his mouth almost went behind his ears.

"That's natural. Don't you know that these vegetables are extremely expensive in Chang'an City!"

"The vegetables in my arms are already my salary for a month!"

"I didn't expect that after the king was resurrected, although he lost his memory, his personality would change so much!"

"'s so cold outside, let's take the vegetables home first!"

"Chu Changshi's words are reasonable, let's go back first and then talk about it!"

"Extremely, extremely..."

A group of carriages drove halfway, and Chu Suiliang's suspicious tone suddenly came from a carriage.

"Your Majesty has such a vegetable garden, and the objects such as glass and sofa are also invented by His Majesty?"

"How can the king be poor?"

"Coachman, turn around and go back!"

"Chu Changshi, absolutely not!"



Li Xuan, who had returned to the house, let out a heavy breath, and finally sent those subordinate officials away.

"Old man, I sent five catties of vegetables to Chu Suiliang's officials of the Jin Palace and sent them away. Now, they should be honest for a while, manage the palace conscientiously, and won't bother me Come on!"

Taking a sip of the hot tea, Li Xuan said to Li Yuan, who was full of inquiries.


Hearing this, Li Yuan and Li Chengqian were startled, their eyes full of strangeness.

"Hey, master, you treat them and these officials so well, they will definitely manage the palace conscientiously, maybe early tomorrow morning, they will come to your courtyard early and wait!"

Cheng Chusi couldn't help it, he laughed and said.

"My master has already told them that every month, they only need to show me the account book, so why is he here?"

Li Xuan was stunned, but couldn't help it, and looked up at Li Yuan to the side.

In the officialdom, he is a pure idiot, not even Cheng Chusi.

Therefore, Li Yuan, the old man Xiong's suggestion, is the most important.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Xiong also suppressed a smile, and nodded slightly to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan couldn't help but his eyes darkened, full of despair.

Turning his head, he looked at Cheng Chusi who was smiling the most and snorted coldly: "You traitor, why are you still sitting here, and the pillars outside the courtyard have been restored by my master?"

"Return to Master, I have already recovered yesterday!"

Cheng Chusi shrank his neck subconsciously, and hurriedly replied.

Immediately afterwards, the tree stumps recovered, and I hadn't done anything wrong in the past few days, and my body couldn't help standing upright again, and my eyes were full of confidence!
"Hmph, how dare you be so tired after recovery?"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, and said: "Recovering a tree stump requires stumbling and stumbling, and it took two days of hard work to complete it. Such incompetence, to be a disciple of Wu Xun!"

"Go out with me, I will show you how to practice!"


Suddenly, Cheng Chusi couldn't help being startled.

"Why, my master condescends to practice with you, how dare you refuse?"

Li Xuan's face was serious, and he said angrily.

"Hey, master, you are joking, I just respect you, and dare not wield a knife or a gun at you!"

Cheng Chusi hurriedly explained, "Just me and Chongyi, Baolin and others can practice against each other!"

"You and a group of weak people, how do you practice against each other?"

Li Xuan said coldly: "All of you come out to my master, and my master will practice with you one by one!"

"Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don't practice for a day, you will regress! Since you are worshiped by my master, how can I watch you become so weak?"

"Master, I'll just wait until I practice against myself!"

Hearing that they and others were involved, both Li Chongyi and Yuchi Baolin couldn't sit still, and quickly wept.


ps: Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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