Li Shimin

Chapter 176 Cheng Si, you crow mouth...

Chapter 176 Chapter Chusi, you crow mouth...

"Stop talking nonsense, get the horse spear, my master is waiting outside!"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, then walked out on his own.

"Cheng Chusi, you are really..."

Inside the room, Li Chongyi and the others couldn't help glaring at Cheng Chusi.

"Hey, I'm going out first, I can't keep my master waiting!"

Cheng Chusi laughed and ran out quickly.

An hour later, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others got into their carriage weakly and walked back.

As for Li Chengqian, he also trembled at every step, conspicuously also suffered some kind of unscrupulous duel.

Lying paralyzed on the carriage, regretful all over his face, why did he run out like a dead man.

Especially that fellow Cheng Chusi, he is extremely hateful!
Now it's all right, I finally don't have to go to class and do my homework every day, and I want to start practicing against my master every day!

Thinking about it, Li Chengqian couldn't help but shudder, his calf was already weakening!

the next day.

Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi limped in from outside the village.

"The next official pays homage to the Supreme Emperor and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Meet a few young gentlemen!"

Just when they walked to the gate of Li Xuan's small courtyard, Li Chengqian and the others couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.

Turning his head involuntarily, he looked at Cheng Chusi behind him, his eyes full of anger.

"You are such a crow's mouth!"


Seeing this, Chu Suiliang and Qin Heng were all startled and puzzled.

Li Yuan nodded slightly at several people, and asked, "Prince Jin hasn't woken up yet!"

"I also ask the Supreme Emperor to forgive me. Your Majesty must have been too tired yesterday, so today, I got up a little late!"

Chu Suiliang quickly explained.

Behind them, the expressions of Li Chengqian and the others changed slightly.

"There is no need to defend King Jin!"

Li Yuan waved his hand and said softly.

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang became anxious.

"The old man has been here for more than three months. Every time the old man calls the door, King Jin slowly gets up."

As he said that, under the astonishment on the faces of Chu Suiliang and other officials of the King of Jin, Li Yuan opened the courtyard door very skillfully and walked in.

"Hey, Chu Changshi, Master is just so tired, he needs to be called by the Supreme Emperor to wake up! The more you come here, the more you get used to it!"

Behind him, Cheng Chusi smiled as he passed by Chu Suiliang and the others.

"Cheng Heixiong, you shut up!"

"That's right, don't talk nonsense, be careful Master heard it!"

On the side, Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi could not help but change their expressions slightly, and immediately reprimanded them angrily.

However, at this meeting, Chu Suiliang and others no longer cared about the debate between Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi.

Quickly followed Li Yuan and walked in.

Standing outside the door, Taihuang Li Yuan raised a hand and knocked on the door.

While knocking, Li Yuan shouted loudly.

"Xuanba, get up quickly, the sun is already rising!"

"Don't be lazy, the officials in your house have been waiting for a long time!..."

At such a scene, Chu Suiliang and the others were stunned.

In the house, hearing Old Man Xiong's familiar voice, Li Xuan rolled over and prepared to squint for a while before opening the door.

Suddenly, when he heard that those subordinate officials from yesterday had really come, he couldn't help but shuddered, and instantly woke up.

"Cheng Chusi, you crow mouth..."

Staring wide-eyed, staring blankly at the roof for a long while, he got up helplessly.

Open the door, and instantly a cold wind blows in.

Glancing outside the house, he quickly ran to the inner room.

Outside the house, Chu Suiliang and others were preparing to greet Li Xuan.

"Your Majesty..."

Before he could say anything, he saw a figure in disheveled clothes flashing past, and couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

However, Li Yuan didn't pay attention, but walked in and sat on the sofa.

As for Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi, they dare not talk nonsense in the room.

They stepped forward one after another, opened the big iron stove in the main hall, and poured ashes into the fire.

After a while, the room warmed up.

Seeing this, Chu Suiliang and others discovered this, the magic house-warming artifact that everyone in Chang'an City chases after, the big iron stove.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that the big king's hut has already installed a big iron furnace!"


On the side, Cheng Chusi showed off again proudly: "Chu Changshi is so ignorant, isn't he, this big iron stove was invented by Master, and he was the first to use it!"

"What, this big iron furnace was invented by the king?"

Chu Suiliang was surprised, but he knew that in Chang'an City, there were already shops selling large iron stoves.

It's just that a large iron stove costs two pennies, which is extremely expensive, and purchases are also restricted.

In his house, he only bought three large iron stoves.


Cheng Chusi nodded.

"But why are there shops selling this kind of large iron furnace in Chang'an City?" Chu Suiliang asked hastily with a tense expression.

"That should be Aye and others selling it!"

Cheng Chusi said carelessly, "Of course, with His Majesty's consent, there is no need for Chu Changshi to be surprised!"

"This is something belonging to the king, but Su Guogong actually sold it?"

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang's face changed slightly, full of indignation,

"Why not? Not only me, Aye, Gao Ming, Chongyi, Baolin and others also participated!"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi glared at Chu Suiliang, "What, you don't agree?"

"Cheng Shaolang, don't be angry, I'm just avenging the king's injustice!"

Chu Suiliang glanced at Cheng Chusi unhurriedly, and said in a low voice: "The big iron furnace is the King's property, and the Jinwang Mansion should lead the sale of this business!"

"You can participate if you want, tell me, Aye!"

Cheng Chusi sneered, so that he would not be fooled by Chu Suiliang, and it was a skill passed down in his family that he played a scoundrel.

"However, Master also knows about this, and Master also occupies a part of those shops!"

"Your Majesty also takes part?"

Chu Suiliang was shocked.

In the inner room, when he heard Cheng Chusi's big mouth whispering again, Li Xuan hurriedly put on his clothes and came out.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing Li Xuan, Chu Suiliang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly saluted Li Xuan.

Li Xuan's eyelids twitched, and he nodded slightly.

Without waiting for Chu Suiliang to speak, he glared at Cheng Chusi directly, "Rebel, why don't you cook in the morning?"

"Ah, master, it's time for Chongyi to cook with Changsun Chong today!"

Cheng Chusi was taken aback for a moment, and said hastily.

"Then go feed the chickens and hogs!" Li Xuan's face darkened.

"Yes, Master!"

At this moment, Cheng Chusi finally realized that something was wrong, he responded quickly, and ran outside.

"Your Majesty..."

Chu Suiliang on the side cupped his hands again and opened his mouth to speak.

"Why did Chu Changshi come to Lijiazhuang again today?"

Before Chu Suiliang finished speaking, Li Xuan asked first.

"Back to Your Majesty, this official is here to send the list of personnel, account books, and acres of land to your Majesty's Jin Palace!"

Chu Suiliang handed over the report.

"Personnel and account books?"

After listening, Li Xuan smiled lightly, "Chu Changshi has a heart, from now on, let me see these directories and account books once a month, and that's enough!"

"Yes, the next officer takes orders!"

Chu Suiliang bowed his hands in response.

"In addition, my king wakes up later every day, so Chu Changshi can come at noon, there is no need to be so early!" Li Xuan warned again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chu Suiliang was taken aback, but still nodded.

Immediately, he hurriedly asked again: "Your Majesty, I have something to ask for your advice!"

"What's the matter?"

Li Xuan sighed softly and said slowly.

"The lower officials heard that the big iron furnace was invented by the king, and Su Guogong and Hejian County King and others are also selling this thing in Chang'an City, and the king has a part of it!"

Chu Suiliang asked.

"There is such a thing!"

Li Xuan nodded.

Hearing Li Xuan's straightforward admission, Chu Suiliang was stunned for a moment, and continued to ask: "Then the glass shop in Chang'an City? I wonder if the king also owns it?"

"It's also [-]%!" Li Xuan nodded again.

"That Xiaxia library?" Chu Suiliang asked,
"[-]%!" Li Xuan nodded.

"Sofa workshop and sofa shop?" Chu Suiliang.

"[-]%!" Li Xuan!
Chu Suiliang's mouth gradually opened wide...


ps: Li Xuan: Please recommend a monthly ticket!

Today, the king overcame his laziness, worked hard, and quickly brought the monthly pass to the dining table!Monthly ticket double activity starts~~
In addition, the chapter says that there should be a link to join the group, so go in at one point, it seems that you don't need to agree.Others who take the initiative to join the group are generally too lazy to agree~~Forgive me~~
 The starting point supports those of us rushing to the street, asking for a monthly pass from all the gentlemen!

(End of this chapter)

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