Li Shimin

Chapter 177 The family fortune is exposed!

Chapter 177 The family fortune is exposed!
After a long while, Chu Suiliang said with a sad face, "Your Majesty, this is something you invented. How can you take part in it?"

"Your Majesty probably doesn't know that nowadays, sofas, glass and large iron stoves, and even books on enlightenment letters and numbers and arithmetic are very popular in Chang'an City! People are flocking to these objects. Once they are made, they will soon be sold. Sold out.

What's more, Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty. After these objects prospered in Chang'an, all the major cities of the Tang Dynasty followed suit, and now the supply in all parts of the Tang Dynasty is in short supply! "

On the side, Sima Qin Heng also looked distressed and a little bit aggrieved.

"Your Majesty, they have bullied you too much. They have earned so much money that they only left [-]% of His Majesty's items!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan quietly glanced at these subordinate officials.

Then, he waved his hand casually and said:

"[-]% is enough!"

"Your Majesty, with so many properties, if you lose [-]%, you will have hundreds of thousands of money!" Chu Suiliang looked anxious.

"It's not that much. Last month, this king only distributed [-] guan!"

Li Xuan said.

"One hundred thousand?"

"One hundred thousand..."

Chu Suiliang, Qin Heng and the others all opened their mouths wide and looked at Li Xuan with regret.

Immediately, thinking of something, Chu Suiliang looked a little weird again, "Your Majesty, you still said yesterday that your family is poor!"

Li Xuan was stunned, and then his face was full of bitterness, "Chu Changshi doesn't know, although this king can get a hundred thousand coins every month. However, this king spends a lot of money every month.

Not only did he have to eat and drink, but he also had to support Cheng Chusi and his group of bastard disciples.Moreover, the flocks of chickens and pigs raised by the king, as well as the glass greenhouses, often need to forge many objects, which are all money.

Moreover, this king plans to build a new larger courtyard in Lijiazhuang after the spring of next year, which will cost even more money. "

After listening, Chu Suiliang was stunned for a moment, looked at Li Xuan, and then at the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan who had been sitting on the sofa and drinking tea by himself.

Immediately, he turned his head this time and looked at Li Xuan with sympathy.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, you are now named the King of Jin. With the addition of salary, salary, food, servants, etc., there will be millions of dollars in the treasury every year!"

"so much?"

Li Xuan was startled.


Chu Suiliang nodded again and again, "This is because the king didn't let the servants in the mansion open shops and do business. For example, the sofa and glass shops are now participated by Su Guogong, so you can't take them back." .But, if you are among them, if you take an extra [-]% of the shares, you can also share millions of money every year!"

"No, one achievement is enough!"

Li Xuan waved his hands unwaveringly.

Seeing this, a trace of sadness flashed in Chu Suiliang's eyes, "Your Majesty, you are the king of Jin, and you should have more shares in these shops and workshops, which is what you should!"

"Okay, don't say too much about this matter, it's [-]%, no more!" Li Xuan looked determined.

"Your Majesty, I cannot understand this matter!"

Chu Suiliang looked anxious.

"Chu Changshi, now the king only needs one part of the family. How much money can he get with the addition of salary every year?"

Li Xuan sighed softly and asked slowly.

"Returning to Your Majesty, if you don't let the servants in the house do business, as long as the lower officials know now, there should be 2 million yuan of money in the treasury a year!"

After thinking for a moment, Chu Suiliang said.

"Two million a year, can I spend it all?"

Li Xuan asked again.

"Back to Your Majesty, if it's just the daily expenses and there are no extravagances, it shouldn't be spent!"

With that said, Chu Suiliang turned his head, looked around in Li Xuan's house, and sighed a little.

The majestic King Jin, the mansion is so small and simple, it really makes them officials not know what to say.

"Since you can't spend it all, why do you need so much money?"

Li Xuan said, "Right now, the side room in the king's courtyard has already piled up a room full of money. If you give the king more money, there will be no room in the small courtyard of the king."

Hearing this, the corners of Chu Suiliang and Qin Heng's mouths twitched slightly.

"Besides, this king can invent those objects this year and earn so much money. Next year, this king will be exhausted? Maybe, this king will earn tens of millions next year! So much money is piled up in the warehouse. Waiting for patina?"

With that said, Li Xuan chuckled lightly.

Chu Suiliang, Qin Heng and the others all nodded subconsciously, thoughtfully.

Li Xuan continued: "Don't forget, this king is still in charge of the governor of Bingzhou and the general of Zuo Xiao's cavalry guard. When the time comes, he needs money, people, and soldiers. What if the soldiers rebel?"

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

In an instant, Chu Suiliang, Qin Heng and others were all shocked.

At the same time, he couldn't help but subconsciously took a look. Li Chengqian and Li Yuan beside him were sweating coldly on their foreheads.

My eyebrows hurt!

You have just been crowned King of Jin, and today you are shouting to rebel in front of the Supreme Emperor and the Crown Prince!

I wait for the new officials to take office, but I can't bear this kind of stimulation!
"It's okay, this king is just giving an example, just talking!"

Seeing that Chu Suiliang was successfully bluffed, Li Xuan chuckled lightly and said in relief.

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, cold sweat broke out on the back.

As Shi and Sima, the chief ministers of Prince Jin's residence, and all the guards and Dianjun guards in charge of Prince Jin's residence, if something happened to Li Xuan, they would all have a hard time.

"This kind of rebellion, the king must not talk nonsense in the future!"

As he said that, thinking of something, Chu Suiliang continued: "Besides, the king's status is respected, and there must be a censor in the court to supervise him all the time. If it gets to the censor's ears, there will definitely be another disturbance!"

"It's okay, a group of

It's just talking nonsense, if anyone dares to spread rumors and make trouble for the king in front of His Majesty, the king will bring people to the door to find him to explain the truth! "

Li Xuan snorted coldly.

Chu Suiliang and Qin Heng were all startled.

Immediately, he couldn't help but sighed again, maybe letting the king stay in Lijiazhuang is the best choice.Otherwise, with such an unreliable temperament, His Majesty entered Chang'an City, perhaps he could cause more trouble than that old thief Cheng who everyone feared.

Seeing that the effect was almost achieved, Li Xuan slowly said again: "My intention is to inform you and others. It is useless for me to ask for so much money. Moreover, I don't have to do anything for sofa workshops and glass shops. Yue is sitting leisurely at home, waiting for them to come to my king's door, it would be great to send money, why bother to worry about the millions of coins."

"Of course, the most important thing is that His Majesty seems to be the one who makes the most profit from the sofa workshop and the glass shop, followed by the King, Su Guogong and Hejian County King, each with half of the profits!"

"His Majesty?"

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang, Qin Heng and others couldn't help but exclaim.

"Or else?"

Li Xuan took a funny look at his subordinates, "Is it possible that you really think that Su Guogong and Hejian County King and others dare to take advantage of this king?
That's enough, don't worry about those workshops and shops!Just take care of the family affairs for the king every day. If someone sends money to you and wants to improve your status, send more money to the king, you will not agree! "

"Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

Now, Chu Suiliang and the others suddenly realized that everything can be figured out.


(End of this chapter)

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