Li Shimin

Chapter 178

Chapter 178
After finishing these subordinate officials, Li Xuan looked very relaxed.

"Bring me the directory and account book, I will take a look at it, and you can take it back with you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, after Chu Suiliang and the others recognized the true face of the great king, they felt an indescribable strangeness in their hearts.

Overall, though, a sigh of relief.

Although this great king seemed a little unreliable, he was not greedy for money, nor did he seem to be greedy for power. He didn't look like a prince at all. Generally speaking, he had no ambitions, and they didn't have to worry about it all day long.

The only bad thing is that he likes to talk nonsense.

This point makes it easy for the censors in the court to find trouble.

However, the king has always lived in Lijiazhuang, accompanied by the Supreme Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince, those censors are nothing compared to the big waves.

While Chu Suiliang and the others were thinking wildly, Li Xuan had roughly looked through those directories and account books.

In fact, there is nothing to see. The Jinwang Mansion has just been renovated, and there is no money in or out of the mansion. The servants were also selected by Li Er himself, so there is no problem.

Li Xuan read it again to reassure Chu Suiliang and others.

Coincidentally, after reading it, Li Chongyi and the others had already prepared breakfast.

So, Li Xuan kept Chu Suiliang and the others, and had breakfast by the way.

Chu Suiliang and the others were surprised that the Supreme Emperor, the Crown Prince, the King of Jin, and a group of young men from the prince's mansion of the state were all gathered around a big dinner table for dinner.

Also very uncomfortable.

However, when the first bite of food was eaten, everyone's eyes lit up.

Looking at the expressions of Li Chongyi and the others, they couldn't help but change.

Shaolang, who lives in the majestic Duke's mansion, not only feeds chickens and hogs here, he is also so good at poultry arts!Is this still in their impression, the general Wu Xun dandy who stays with him all day long and runs rampant in Chang'an city, without getting into a few fights every day, the city of Chang'an is at peace?
Of course, they dare not ask about these things.

After the meal, under the urging of Li Xuan, Chu Suiliang and other officials of the Jin Palace all left with shocked expressions on their faces, leaving with Li Yuan, Li Chengqian, Li Xuan and others.

"Master, I'm going to wash the dishes!"

Lying paralyzed for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong, Cheng Chusi groaned, stood up, and ran to the kitchen.


Li Xuan shouted coldly.


Cheng Chusi paused, turned around slowly, and looked at Li Xuan pitifully.

"Dare to expose my master's family background to outsiders at will. Is it because my master hasn't used much force these days, so that you, a traitor, have drifted away?"

Li Xuan snorted coldly and said harshly.

Cheng Chusi was full of astonishment, frowning and thinking for a long time, with a pitiful look on his face.

"Master, I am stupid, I am stupid, but I will never disclose your family background to outsiders privately, Master! If you put so much money in the side room, if you attract the jealousy of some thieves, then I have committed a serious crime!"

"How dare you make excuses!"

Li Xuan suddenly became gloomy, "Then what's going on with Chu Suiliang?"

"Chu Changshi?"

Cheng Chusi was startled, and then his expression changed, he hurriedly looked at Li Xuan, with a mournful face, "Master, then Chu Changshi is the chief history of the Jin Palace, who manages all the daily affairs of the Jin Palace, especially the money of the Jin Palace. I know, it is your closest subordinate, how could it be an outsider?"


Li Xuan was startled, it seemed that Chu Suiliang was really his most trusted subordinate in the future.

"However, this king's family background is not something that you, a traitor, can reveal to others at will!"

Li Xuan said angrily: "My master is in a good mood now, waiting outside for you, a traitor!"

"Master, you have to be reasonable!"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi's face changed drastically.


Li Xuan just gave Cheng Chusi a hard look, "Well, my master saw that you are weak, so I personally accompanied you to practice duels, don't you know what's good and what's wrong!"

With that said, he strode out directly.

"Master is getting more and more unreasonable!"

Inside the room, Cheng Chusi looked around with a mournful face, but unexpectedly, he saw a group of gloating looks.

With a sigh, he walked out with a sad face.

On the open space outside the house, Cheng Chusi changed his tragic expression inside the house, and brandished a pair of big Xuanhua axes, staring at Li Xuan closely, with a serious face.

"Master, I, Aye, have said that I'm still growing and I can't take too many beatings. Please be gentle!"


Seeing this, Li Xuan snorted coldly, "A traitor with a simple face and a traitor, don't even try to confuse me!"

As he said that, Li Xuan's face changed slightly, he directly picked up the hammer in his hand, and blocked it forward.

A pair of black Xuanhua axes directly bumped into it.


Li Xuan snorted coldly.

At the same time, there was a trace of surprise in my heart.

Cheng Chusi's strength is stronger than before.

Thinking about it, he directly held the golden hammer for beating the drum and urn, and practiced against Cheng Chusi, back and forth.

However, it was Li Xuan who attacked more, and the Xuanhua ax in Cheng Chusi's hand could only be used to block, and was hammered back steadily.

For a while, in the venue, only Cheng Chusi's begging for mercy could be heard.

"Master, take it easy!"

"Master, my arm is numb!"

"Master, I have no strength!"

"Master, I was wrong, I really have no energy..."

"Huh... master... I don't dare anymore..."


Outside the arena, gradually a circle of figures surrounded him.

Among them, only Li Chongyi and Yuchi Baolin had a flash of light in their eyes.

As for Li Chengqian and Changsun Chong, they all looked at the miserable Cheng Chusi with gloating eyes.

This reckless guy opens his mouth every day, not only making his master angry everywhere, but also often implicating several of them.

After half an hour.

Li Xuan was covered in sweat, while Cheng Chusi was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and slumped on the ground, unable to move.

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help feeling better.

After sparring with these bastards, he found that he became more and more proficient in using the drum and urn golden hammer in his hand.

If he were to smash the other courtyard Daming of the Wang family again, he would not need to use as much strength as last time, and he would be able to smash the gate to pieces without flying too far.

After Li Chongyi and Yuchi Baolin dragged Cheng Chusi aside.

Li Chongyi also swung the horse lance, which was twice his height, and rushed towards Li Xuan.

For Li Chongyi and the others, the strength in Li Xuan's hands was absorbed again.

Moreover, it was not as intense as it was with Cheng Chusi.

There are only a few bastards who can be practiced as sparring partners. You must grasp the strength in your hands well, and you can't let it go to waste in one practice. Then won't you be unable to find such a suitable sparring partner in the future?

Just when Li Xuan was immersed in the pleasure of practicing Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian every day.

In Chang'an City, there was a sudden trend of playing mahjong.

In a few days, everyone's mansions, from the mansions of the dukes and princes to the poor people, were all occupied by the wind of mahjong.

Winter is when everyone is free.

The temperature outside is freezing cold, and the cold wind is whistling like a knife.

Therefore, unless necessary, people hide in the house.

However, in this era, people's entertainment methods are very scarce, especially in winter, they can only play chess and listen to music.

And this kind of mahjong, which is full of magic power when four people get together, is quickly liked by the ladies in the noble houses of Chang'an City after it appeared.


(End of this chapter)

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