Li Shimin

Chapter 179 See What Your Palace Looks Like

Chapter 179 See What Your Palace Looks Like

All of a sudden, the entire city of Chang'an was filled with the upsurge of mahjong addiction.

From morning to night, a group of noble ladies gathered at a table called the Eight Immortals Table and devoted themselves to fighting.

Seeing this scene, all the playboys who brought mahjong back to the house wanted to cry but had no tears.

However, they couldn't afford to provoke everyone at the table.

So, I could only sigh helplessly, ran out of the house, and bought mahjong again.

Fortunately, these mahjong are not expensive.

A pair of mahjong made of red sandalwood blocks and inlaid with jade is only ten guan; if it is only made of wood blocks, the good wood blocks are four or five guan, while the bad wood blocks are one guan.

When Li Xuan knew about this, it was still a month later.

Chief Shi Chu Suiliang, holding the account book in his hand, reported to him the income of the palace.

"Mahjong is divided into [-] pieces?"

Li Xuan was full of astonishment.

"Your Majesty, don't you know?"

Chu Suiliang was also in a daze.

"How does this king know?" Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Who sent the mahjong share?"

"Back to Your Majesty, it was sent by the steward of the Prince's Mansion in Hejian County!"

Chu Suiliang hurriedly replied.

"Your Majesty, if there is anything wrong with this matter, I will send all the ten thousand coins back after I return."

"It's okay, since it's delivered, keep it, anyway, mahjong is also my king's game!" Li Xuan said.

"Mahjong is also the masterpiece of the king?"

Hearing this, Chu Suiliang looked at Li Xuan with resentment on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Li Xuan was a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty's talent is astounding, and the officials admire it. It's just this mahjong, alas..."

As he said that, Chu Suiliang couldn't help sighing, with a helpless expression on his face, "My wife and all the concubines stay in the room every day, just playing mahjong, and don't care about anything in the house! It seems that there is a trend of madness, and even Aniang, and a few other aunts, it's the same!"

"I heard that the situation in the palace is the same. Many ministers are very happy about the mahjong thing, but there are also many ministers, so the backyard is restless. They hate mahjong and want to find out the culprit..."

"It seems that Chu Changshi also really dislikes mahjong!"

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, "However, I just made a set of this thing to relieve the old man's boredom. I just don't know why mahjong started to be sold in Chang'an City!"

"Master, forgive me!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi on the side changed drastically.


Li Xuan was startled, then turned his head and looked at these people.

"Is this what you did?"

"Master, when I waited for the first time, I just saw that my mother was staying in the house every day, and I panicked. So, I asked the artisans in the house to make a mahjong for my mother to relieve her boredom.

Unexpectedly, A Niang became addicted to playing after just playing for a day.Seeing this, Aye directly asked the craftsmen in the house to make several pairs of mahjong and sell them in Chang'an City.

Unexpectedly, in just one month, all the honorable merchants' homes in Chang'an City have already started playing mahjong every day.Even, in the cities around Chang'an City, the style of mahjong has begun to prevail! "

Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi quickly explained.

"I see!"

After hearing this, Li Xuan's expression softened, and he said to Chu Suiliang who was at the side: "Look, the mahjong thing was invented by me. However, it is their Aye who sold it in Chang'an City. This king has nothing to do with it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Chu Suiliang's complexion changed, and he hurriedly clapped his hands in response.

Now that he has that person's participation, no matter how much he resents this matter, he can only hold it back.

It's no wonder that so many honorable families in Chang'an City who were disturbed by mahjong and making their homes restless, after investigating Chang'an City with anger on their faces for a while, they stopped their drums and flags.


Suddenly, Li Xuan's expression changed again.

"Your Majesty put all the money for the sofa workshop and glass shop in Prince Jin's Mansion?"

"Back to the king, the sofa workshop is divided into 50,000 taels, 140,000 taels, the glass shop is [-] taels, the big iron furnace is [-] taels, and the library is [-] taels. The total is [-] six thousand taels, all of which are placed in the treasury of Jinwangfu. Inside!"

Chu Suiliang's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly clapped his hands in response.

"It's okay, just let it go!"

Li Xuan sighed softly, "It just so happens that Li Family Village can't store so much money! When the king needs it, you can just send it to the king!"

"Your Majesty, it has been more than a month since the renovation of Prince Jin's Mansion was completed. You have never seen all the servants and housekeepers in the mansion. Until now, those servants and housekeepers don't know you.

And those guards and guards, you are not allowed to come to Lijiazhuang, and you are resting in the Jin Palace every day. If this continues, those imperial historians in the court will really join you! "

The corner of Chu Suiliang's mouth trembled, and he said hurriedly.

There was still a hint of begging in his eyes.

Since ancient times, it was the first time for him to hear that the prince acted like this.

The palace was newly built, and he didn't go to live in the palace even once, and he didn't even let the servants and guards of the palace come to visit and serve him!

"Is it really so serious?"

Li Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of anger.

"This king's own palace, you can make troubles as you like. If anyone who is not open-eyed wants to meddle in other people's business, you can come and tell this king. This king happens to be a little bored these days, so go and reason with him!"

"Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

Chu Suiliang's expression changed drastically.

"Hmph! Don't worry, Chu Changshi, I just want to live leisurely in my hut, and I don't want to cause trouble, as long as those talkers don't come to provoke me!" Li Xuan snorted softly, his tone a little dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Chu Suiliang was helpless and very tired.

Suddenly thinking of Li Yuan at the side, he quickly turned his head and pleaded.

"Taishanghuang, I really don't know what to do with this matter!"

"Xuan Ba, Jin Wang's mansion is your mansion after all. It's been so long, you, the master, should go and see it! Even if you don't want to live there, you should take a break and let the servants and guards get to know you. This King Jin is also possible!

Otherwise, everyone thought that something happened to you, King Jin, and you have been afraid to see anyone! "

Li Yuan thought for a moment, then said to Li Xuan.

"What the old man said makes sense!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan pondered for a moment, and then said: "So, today, I will go to see what my palace looks like!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I'll arrange it right away!"

Chu Suiliang was overjoyed, got up quickly, and ran out.

"You don't need to be so troublesome, just take me directly and go around the palace!" Li Xuan called Chu Suiliang to stop.


Hearing this, Chu Suiliang stopped quickly.

"Would you like to go with the old man?"

Li Xuan invited Li Yuan.

To be honest, Li Xuan really didn't know how to face those servants and guards for the first time as a prince.

"That's fine, I haven't been in Chang'an City for a long time, I'm wandering around!"

Li Yuan nodded slightly.

Soon, a convoy started from Lijiazhuang and headed for Chang'an City.

All the way, live in peace.

However, after entering Chang'an City, a group of ordinary-looking vendors at the gate of the city quickly put away their stalls and rushed into the crowd.

Li Xuan knew nothing about this.

After entering Chang'an City, Li Xuan opened the curtain of the car and looked out curiously.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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